Are you open about playing Animal Crossing or ashamed?

I'm usually open about playing Animal Crossing if I'm discussing it with other Nintendo game players. I used to be ashamed a few years ago, but hey, Animal Crossing is pretty popular now, so why not.
I'm not ashamed,but when I talk to people that play games like GTA or COD,and say that AC is a more beautiful and difficult(beacause,examaple,isn't easy to get all your dreamies,or have all photo of villagers,or have a perfect town)games,say that is a "horrible game very easy and stupid". :c (Not all,are people that play GTA but don't talk bad of AC when I say that is more funny of GTA,but the majority yes)
I'm not ashamed,but not super open.
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I'm open about it because most people don't even know what it is! And you'd never know if someone you knew secretly played it if you didn't say you did in the first place :3
I have a ton of friends that play this game that I hang around with, so I'm pretty open with it- plus if anyone asks I usually tell them and show them, and they usually love it because of how cute it is! :)
if someone asked, I would say I okay it, but I wouldn't go out of my way to tell them haha. If I know someone has a ds, I usually ask them if they play
I'm really self conscious about physically telling people my childish hobbies.
I'd probably end up saying "eh, it's okay" as a cover.
Eh I used to be less open about it when I was younger, but when you hit adult age I think most people stop caring about other people think of them. Personally I tend to think people that play "cool" games simply to fit in are immature (I try not to think that though and tell myself to be less judgmental if I do.)
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I'm conscious about how much I play.
My friends who own the game don't use qr codes or care about DLC. Strange lot...
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i'm definitely open about playing acnl because when i saw the game being played on youtube and ever since i wanted it.i mean at first i wasn't really sure about it because it looked like a kiddie game but when i saw zack scott playing it on youtube he made it so fun to play so that's why i'm not ashamed about playing nor should anyone else.i mean everybody plays diffrerent games that some people find enjoyable that others may not.
no shame at all c:
2 of my friends play it (and they see it on tumblr all the time so they know its great ah)
No shame in playing Animal Crossing for me. :)

My friends really don't tease me about it. A couple of them are actually fans of it. And while some of them don't understand it and ask why I like it, they're respectful about it, so I don't mind.
I don't care what anyone thinks, and I don't play ACNL or any other games when I'm with them anyway, only in my free time/when I'm at home. None of my family are gamers so they just let it all go over their heads, and I've been a Pokemon nut since the mid 90's so they're really used to my ways by now :p
I'm old enough that I'm always open about the games I play. It's fun enough to run into someone else who plays video games as a hobby. Of course, I was more shy about it when I was younger and in highschool. (This was back when guys who played video games were nerds (this was back when 'nerd' was an insult) so a girl who played video games was even more weird.) I'd usually shyly state that I play video games, but just leave it at that. But now? psh! I love video games. I play anything that I find fun. and I don't hesitate letting people know because I never know when I'm going to run into a fellow "animal crossing buddy" or something.
I did my daily ACNL rounds while waiting for my pap smear this morning ...

No shame.
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I don't feel that there's any reason to be ashamed of any game that you like playing or enjoy, Animal Crossing, included. And I say that as someone on the older side. If anyone judged me over something that ridiculous, they wouldn't be worth my time, anyway. There's no age limit or any kind of limit period on what things you can enjoy or like. As long as it's not harmful to someone else, I see no reason to hide it.
I used to be quiet about it, but I don't even care anymore. I even talk about it around me "hardcore gamer" friends, they don't mind. I'm surprised I haven't gotten one comment about it being for children or something.
Not ashamed at all. LOL I'm 21 and I've probably told people I'm close to that I'm busy playing animal crossing. Plus its such a fun and cute game. Sometimes I play it even when we're out like at the mall and waiting for something.
eh i'm generally open about it.

I mean, what's the worse they would think? That we're furries?
I don't really tell people at my school, I do tell my boyfriend obviously, otherwise I couldn't even play when I am around him! I wouldn't lie about it or something, but the people at my school would probably think I'm even more stupid than they already thought I was so..

Some of my friends know it as well though :)

Also, I play AC in the train on my way to school or home, it's not that I'm hiding it, it's just that I'm not really telling.
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