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Are you Biracial or Mixed?


Senior Member
Jun 27, 2014
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Just kind of curious to see how many people on the forums are biracial/mixed in general!
I'm wondering what people are mixed with as well as any other general things or memories that stick out from being biracial/mixed.
Do you identify more with one race/culture? Or do you equally blend both cultures together? When you were younger, did you have identity struggles? How has your culture helped you growing up? Any stories in general?

I am Filipino/Black (Asian/Black), and growing up I didn't have really any identity struggles. I definitely grew up with more Filipino values, however I never really felt apart of black culture or (especially) Filipino culture because I do not know Tagalog (Filipino language). Sometimes it bothers me that I am distant from the Filipino community because of that reason, but other times I am like "oh well, if they don't like me, they don't like me." I feel this way cause most Filipinos know English fluently and still I have troubles connecting with them.
I'm biracial. Mexican/ American.
I've always felt like I don't belong in either culture to much. It doesn't help that my own mother speaks about negatively about other biracial people.
I'm biracial. Mexican/ American.
I've always felt like I don't belong in either culture to much. It doesn't help that my own mother speaks about negatively about other biracial people.

I'm sorry to hear that :c ;; just remember that there's nothing wrong with being biracial at all! I hope her negativity doesn't get to you too much ;;;
I'm half Korean & half white (mixed European).

I identify as Asian largely because that's what everyone has always seen me as. Do not identify with Korean culture as I was born and raised in the United States so being an American is what I know. Have been to Korea multiple times and it's as foreign as can be. Didn't really have much of an identity crisis, just went through the typical BS most minority kids go through when they're in a predominately white school. Never fully understood my mother, she's just too culturally different. Other than that I had a pretty normal upbringing.

Have only experienced overt racism once in my adult life here in the US and it was in bar attached to a motel in a bum**** town in the northwestern fringe of Kansas; exactly where I imagined it would happen lol. Spent nearly 2 years backpacking around the world and have only had 3 encounters - one in the Netherlands at a Chinese restaurant, in a liquor store in Poland, and on a train in Japan. Nobody saw me as an American, they just saw me by my race. Overall I wouldn't say it has had a major impact on my life. Gotta say it's been extremely rare to find a mixed Asian/white person anywhere I've ever lived though. :p
It shouldn't but sadly does matter if someone is biracial or mixed...
It shouldn't but sadly does matter if someone is biracial or mixed...

One thing that traveling has taught me is that racism makes absolutely no sense. Everybody wants the same thing at the end of the day; to be happy and to live a fulfilling life.
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Yea I agree. People should look more at a person's personality and values, rather then what race they are and where they "belong".
I'm also going on the aspect of people feeling they need to belong to a race.
I'm mixed. Of course with every generation in my family, we lose more and more of our foreign lineage. My mom's father, was according to her, something of a Mongolian Gypsy with some black. Her mother was German. My while I'm not sure who he gets it from, my father is Irish and whatever you wanna call a typical white North American. There's probably more somewhere in there. My sister had a different father, and her father had strong Columbian blood. Between my father and my mother, I received many different characteristics, and often times people have a hard time guessing what I am or what I most resemble. So far, people have guessed Hawaiian, Asian, and even Black...
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i'm half italian, half scottish

it's pretty obvious that i'm italian (especially due to my last name), so i guess i involve myself more with that type of culture
I'm Filipino/Mexican, but I don't really identify as a Filipina so much. Part of it is probably because I don't really look all that Filipino, haha. Plus I was surronded by a larger Hispanic influence at a younger age. My family is the only exposure I really ever had to other Filipinos.

My grandmother is probably the only connection I have to the Filipino side of my heritage. My mother, although born in the Phillipines and raised there for the first few years of her life, moved to the States at age 10. And no one, besides my grandmother, knows Tagalog.

Though I don't really feel like I'm all that Mexican either at times, my skin is very light and I definitely don't speak Spanish fluently. I spent the majority of my childhood in a predominately white community too. All my friends were white, with a few Asians mixed in, haha. Identity-wise, sometimes I felt left out of place next to my peers, but usually I felt like I was just one of them.

Plus everytime someone tried to guess my ethnicity they totally had no clue! That kind of made me feel like I wasn't Filipino or Mexican enough (despite my name being super Hispanic)~~. I'm more of a fan of Mexican food too, but I do really love lumpia.
Plus everytime someone tried to guess my ethnicity they totally had no clue! That kind of made me feel like I wasn't Filipino or Mexican enough (despite my name being super Hispanic)~~. I'm more of a fan of Mexican food too, but I do really love lumpia.

Lol yea, people can never guess my ethnicity either! I guess it's a thing all biracial people have to get used to tho, unfortunately ahah. Also yessss lumpia is the best!!
im half dutch and half portuguese

i dont really like it that much since i hate dutch culture and this language is ugly. since i was born here in the netherlands i also dont know how to speak portuguese and alot about that culture. which is sad cuz preferably i would live there and be fluent instead of being 17 and struggling to learn european portuguese cuz almost all the sources are brazillian. sadly my dad is the dutch one so i dont even get a fancy pretty last name. lately ive become more okay with being dutch and that but i still wish i could go to portugal to live there. it does make me feel a bit alienated since i dont like dutch culture and if i would go to portugal i wouldnt know the language and all of their habits. I never felt like just a dutch person since my cousins are mixed too like half dutch and half italian and the other ones half dutch half indonesian and majority of my friends were from suriname or muslim countries.

I did have people who would be like "i wonder what your mom looks like" and "go back to portugal" while i was literally born here. kinda stupid and stuff. most dutch people could never guess i would be portuguese cuz i look like i could easily be a dutch person based on my looks with the dark blonde hair and the blue eyes. I dont think my features look dutch but more portuguese but no one would be able to pick that out. One thing i didnt get was height since the netherlands is the tallest country and alot of them are like something around 6ft or atleast 5,6ft and im over here being 5ft. Im gonna feel very smug when i finally learn eu portuguese and be fluent in 3 languages (hopefully eventually 4 when i add japanese) tho lol but my mom saying i should learn to speak it before my grandparents die to be able to talk with them is kinda bleak as hell.
I'm white af. Related to several presidents, many queens and kings of several countries in Europe. Whole family tree in our possession going back and going far.
Jeez people it's a thread for mixed people to discuss being mixed. If you've got nothing to contribute to the discussion don't bother posting. :p
Lol yea, people can never guess my ethnicity either! I guess it's a thing all biracial people have to get used to tho, unfortunately ahah. Also yessss lumpia is the best!!

It's always pretty hilarious to hear how far off the mark they are, but I never felt offended, haha. It's nice to be surrounded by people who don't really care about that stuff though, like it's a funny thing to bring up, but not something to always dwell on seriously.
Gotta say it's been extremely rare to find a mixed Asian/white person anywhere I've ever lived though. :p

Really? Here in California, it's a pretty common mix. I've had a lot of mixed Asian/White friends. My cousin is actually mixed herself (half Vietnamese half white), and she's my closest source for anecdotes on being mixed.

I'm not mixed/biracial myself, but growing up with a Vietnamese nuclear family whose primary language is Vietnamese, but surrounded by American culture/the English language otherwise, I've experienced my fair share of cultural clashes. One thing, though, is that without knowing my name, other Asians pretty much always guess my ethnicity wrong lmao.