Anyone else in resetting hell (again)?

I only got done with my work at 11pm today (it's past midnight here) so I'm not sure how much I'll reset today because I can't be too sleepy for it (imagine me finding the perfect island but then finding out I messed up my name or birthday because I'm too tired...). But maybe I'll do it for at least an hour or so, you motivated me now!
Have you seen the website which has images of all the possible river/RS layouts? There are a few west rivers with center resident services, but all of them are very high on the map or very low - too high for the river-island I wanna make and if RS is too low, it's too close to the airport for my liking, so it's all not very pleasant for me. That's why I said that if I can get my old island map back with a good peninsula, I would take it despite the south rivers. I'll have to compromise with one thing there for sure, no way around it, so it's either river exit or RS.

I hope your hunt goes well! It would be great if you find your island quickly; you'll definitely be done much more quickly than me, given the odds.

apparently, there are a LOT of map possibilities. this person found 95 different river layouts, each of which have randomized RS, airport, rock, etc. locations. sooo there's literally a ton.
I just resetted for the second time. 😳 First time it was for layout, second time it was because I screwed up my achievements by traveling back in time and it honestly bothered me too much. My second resetting was easier though because I was more relaxed. There are several kinds of combinations that I would have been happy with, my biggest wish was yellow airport / peach / two different river outlets. Initally I wanted to have the big peninsula, but I didn't want to go crazy over a small area that's fine the way that it is.

I don't know, your requirements are tough so it can take a long time. When I resetted again I just thought about what I could do with each map. Every map had its own pros and as long as the map looked fine, I rolled the dice on it. I had another island that was technically perfect for me, but walking around it made some things seem difficult to work with so I tried again. I just think you need to give yourself more options. There should be more than one type of perfect island for you. Resetting is neat, but I think you can go crazy with your requirements. Because once you have your perfect, you'll go seek out another perfect. This happened to me in New Leaf, it was no fun at all.
Okay, the time travelling thing would have likely bothered me, too, not gonna lie. But it's great to hear you're so relaxed with resetting! And you're right, the more I reset, the more I realize just how impossible my requirements are. Like, I resetted for almost 4 hours now and I didn't get to look at a single map for the fruit type. I'm not getting anywhere. However, I am 100% sure I want peaches, blue airport and the peninsula in the top right. This is because I want to make an island with only white, blue, pink and purple flowers and out of those colors, only blue is available for the airport and the peach is also the only fruit with colors within that theme and, well, for the peninsula...I need that thing out of my way and if I wand a river exit on the left, it's getting too cramped up there. The issue then is resident services - to make the river shape I want, I need it either on the right (not happening at all with left river exits) or middle (rare with left river exits) and that's what limits my maps so much. The thing is that I don't feel that I'm nitpicky, but that to make the island I want, I do actually need those things. I guess what I technically don't need is the dock on the right side, but given the layout I plan, the dock would be super-inaccessible if its on the left...and yeah, that's how my list goes on, lol. And honestly, in New Leaf, I found my 'perfect' and never wanted anything else. I never had that problem, thank goodness.
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apparently, there are a LOT of map possibilities. this person found 95 different river layouts, each of which have randomized RS, airport, rock, etc. locations. sooo there's literally a ton.
OMG, thank you so, so, so much for that link! This helps me soooooo much because now I can overlay the maps with each other and find out how many would have the resident services on a height that lets me do what I want. This is a huge thing for me as I might find more maps I could use now! I'm gonna do that right now so I hope I will find out some good things, fingers crossed. And that's a lot more maps than my website had, so wow. My chances on the map I wanted became now close to 1:75000 because of the increase in maps, so yeeeeah lol I hope I find out something nice.

EDIT: Checked the maps. Nope, all maps that work are already on my list. I did change the order of my list around a bit, though, so that a different map is now my top choice. Not...that that really matters since it doesn't increase my chances at all.
I suppose my absolutely last chance, if everything fails me and I'm close to giving up, would be abandoning my west river exit wish. If I start adding south river exit maps into my choices, there'd be a LOT since most RS there are in the middle, which would very much make a lot more maps possible. Buuut I'm not that desperate yet, so yeah.
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I feel like once you get into this habit you're never going to shake it. I personally just wanted cherries (although that doesn't seem to really matter considering you can get every fruit pretty easily) so that was all I was aiming for. You can't even see the airport in relation to the rest of the map so that was a pointless thing for me to reset for (although I was hoping NOT to get yellow at the least).

I'm pretty happy with my map simply because I learned to accept the random. I know that probably won't help you but just continue to do what makes you happy. If resetting is causing stress I think it would be a sign that you're going to have to accept some randomness. I think a lot of this is just being able to craft your mindset around it tbh.
I feel like once you get into this habit you're never going to shake it. I personally just wanted cherries (although that doesn't seem to really matter considering you can get every fruit pretty easily) so that was all I was aiming for. You can't even see the airport in relation to the rest of the map so that was a pointless thing for me to reset for (although I was hoping NOT to get yellow at the least).

I'm pretty happy with my map simply because I learned to accept the random. I know that probably won't help you but just continue to do what makes you happy. If resetting is causing stress I think it would be a sign that you're going to have to accept some randomness. I think a lot of this is just being able to craft your mindset around it tbh.
I'm really not stressed, at least not by the resetting itself. I'm more sad that I'm missing the events going on, if anything. But yeah before I accept randomness I'd stop playing. My old island was, aside from the peninsula, great. Like, I would have never ever reset if not for the peninsula - stuff like the south rivers wasn't awesome, but I managed to make it work. But that one thing, the peninsula, broke me and that taught me that I just can't live with randomness and it just bugs me more and more each day. And well, when it comes to fruits, you are totally correct, but it does kind of matter to me because a) I see those fruits on all the mystery island tours and b) it says so in my passport and as I want peaches to thematically match my town, I want it to say that in my passport, too. I know that's extra-stupid because, well, if I only want peaches in my town, I would make a lot more Bells if they would not be my native fruit, but, well, other things make me bells, too.

As for the airport not being visible, that's also true, but I'd feel weird to invite people to my blue/pink/white island and the airport is none of these colors. They'll see it for sure, so I do think it's important as it's the first impression.

But yeah, I had that habit for NL as well, so it probably really is impossible to shake.
This was an adventure to read haha, best of luck! I've considered it, my resident services is literally 15 blocks right above my airport and it drives me utterly insane, but i only realised how much of an issue it is after Id spent a ton of bells on villagers and stuff, so I'm just sucking it up
Any luck? Anything close? Rooting for you!!
Nope! Nooothing! About to head to bed, my switch is empty, too, but that was a full switch battery load without looking at a single map for fruits again because peninsulas hate me with their placements. Saw a total of 8 maps that are okay for me in a bit more than 5 hours, none of them had the peninsula in a good place. Everything sucks as usual lol.
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ahhh man sheba, that’s so tough!! well, good luck with everything!
Thank you so much! I need all the luck I can get!
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This was an adventure to read haha, best of luck! I've considered it, my resident services is literally 15 blocks right above my airport and it drives me utterly insane, but i only realised how much of an issue it is after Id spent a ton of bells on villagers and stuff, so I'm just sucking it up
Yeah I've had a lot of maps with low RS on my list at first but after taking a look at them I don't think I like it too close to the airport much. Kinda horrid because I also can't have it too high up or it'll get in the way of my planned river. I hope your RS won't bug you more and more with each passing day like my peninsula did to me!
checking in to say while I found Rudy and a decent map, it still didn't feel... right... so back to resetting I go. the one thing I am debating now is whether or not to TT? I'd like to be able to fast forward through all the things I did on my second reset--I got as far as plotting three houses, Nook's Cranny, the museum--but I haven't ever TT'd so idk if it would screw my game play up? :/
I feel like once you get into this habit you're never going to shake it. I personally just wanted cherries (although that doesn't seem to really matter considering you can get every fruit pretty easily) so that was all I was aiming for. You can't even see the airport in relation to the rest of the map so that was a pointless thing for me to reset for (although I was hoping NOT to get yellow at the least).

I'm pretty happy with my map simply because I learned to accept the random. I know that probably won't help you but just continue to do what makes you happy. If resetting is causing stress I think it would be a sign that you're going to have to accept some randomness. I think a lot of this is just being able to craft your mindset around it tbh.
I had that with new leaf and you’re very true.
I reset so many times I lost all interest and it ruined the game for me because I would keep resetting. I will never reset new horizons because having a launch date game really helps me
There's a ton of things I would change about my island (the peninsula drives me CRAZY) but I can't bring myself to start over since I've made way too much progress.
Oooh I am so happy this thread is remaining active! This'll help me keep going for sure. I resetted for 5 hours today and got to check out two maps for fruits, which is really successful, given I got to check out no maps for days before. Sadly, both maps had red airports and the wrong fruits. One of the maps was a suboptimal one, so I wasn't too sad about that, but the other was the same as my old island, just with the peninsula in the same spot and that was disheartening as I would have taken that one for sure. Ah well, it's a 5% chance only, so I shouldn't have been surprised.

checking in to say while I found Rudy and a decent map, it still didn't feel... right... so back to resetting I go. the one thing I am debating now is whether or not to TT? I'd like to be able to fast forward through all the things I did on my second reset--I got as far as plotting three houses, Nook's Cranny, the museum--but I haven't ever TT'd so idk if it would screw my game play up? :/
I'm so happy to see you back, but sad that you didn't truly get what you wanted so far! I hope you have your success soon!
When it comes to TT, I plan to TT indeed, but in a restricted way. As in, not just skipping through time, but doing all "duties" each day, even if it takes 2-3 hours and if I have more playtime, I'll then forward a day to do the next one as well. If I can't get through two days, I won't and I'll let time progress normally. I think if I just really quickly skip days to get through the "storyline" in a few hours, I won't get attached enough to my new island, so that's my decision. And the moment I get island designer, TT is stopped for good.
But when it comes to TT, there's no "correct" way.
There's a ton of things I would change about my island (the peninsula drives me CRAZY) but I can't bring myself to start over since I've made way too much progress.
I'm both happy and sad to hear that your peninsula is causing you problems just like mine did to me. I hope you can somehow come to accept yours instead of it bothering you more and more each day!
apparently, there are a LOT of map possibilities. this person found 95 different river layouts, each of which have randomized RS, airport, rock, etc. locations. sooo there's literally a ton.

Are they sure the RS and airport locations are randomized? I’m just asking because for all the maps I checked, their locations are exactly where I’ve seen them ingame. Could just be a weird coincidence though.
Are they sure the RS and airport locations are randomized? I’m just asking because for all the maps I checked, their locations are exactly where I’ve seen them ingame. Could just be a weird coincidence though.
RS is not random; it's linked to the river layout. Airport, however, is random. There are four total airport positions and every map has two possible ones. Maps with a west river exit have the leftmost and middle-left position, two south river exit maps have the middle-left and middle-right airport location and maps with a east river exit have the middle-right and rightmost airport location.
I know that because the airport messes me up more often than not since I want mine in the middle-left position but often find it in the other possible one.
It would have been nice if Nintendo gave us a fifth map choice or a dialogue option to “describe the island” and then place the residence services, airport, dock, choose a town fruit, etc for ourselves. Nothing is lost by giving players who want more creative freedom the option.

Before I found my island, I was prepared to reset for days. And that’s a little silly to start playing a new game to only reset over and over, rather than playing the actual game.

I’m rooting for you to also find your dream island.
you're a gem! sorry you haven't had much luck, but hooray for at least checking out some maps :,) do you have a preferred airport color?
There is no way I'm ever resetting my island, I'm far, far too happy with it. I legitimately had a nightmare about resetting the other night - I dreamt I loaded up the game, went to reset the island, then when I began the new game I was going "why did i do that i didn't wanna do that my whole island all my progress oh no"

If you want to reset, you should go for it! I'm sure there'd be plenty of people willing to hold onto your bells, NMTs, etc and get you fruit and flowers to get going on a new island. But be 10000% sure you wanna reset before you do, because having to start again from scratch when you realise you weren't all that unhappy in the first place would be the worst.
Tomorrows the day. You will wake up and choose one of the first four maps on display, whether you like them or not. Then you will shape your map to your own liking. If theres something off about it, something you hate, that's not a problem, it's a challenge.

Sounds good in theory but then again, maybe just one more reset can't hurt.

And another.

And another.

Just one more.

One more reset.

Last one.

Next one's it.

One more...

(to infinity)
Today was...a day of hope and depression, lol.
After around two hours, I hit jackpot - my Nr. 1 map choice, with dock, dock size, airport position and peninsula placement absolutely perfect. Like, the absolutely best map possible. So I went to check fruits and...not peaches. Cherries. Okay, I told myself, I could maybe live with cherries. They're my second favourite fruit after peaches and as long as it's not oranges or pears, I could cope as long as the airport is blue. Because, well, I can plant different trees, but not repaint my airport.
The airport wasn't blue.
So I reset.
Not done much since then as that was really, really depressing. :( Don't think I'll have the luck to find my perfect map layout again in any sort of reasonable timeframe.
It would have been nice if Nintendo gave us a fifth map choice or a dialogue option to “describe the island” and then place the residence services, airport, dock, choose a town fruit, etc for ourselves. Nothing is lost by giving players who want more creative freedom the option.

Before I found my island, I was prepared to reset for days. And that’s a little silly to start playing a new game to only reset over and over, rather than playing the actual game.

I’m rooting for you to also find your dream island.
Yeah, I think so, too - Nintendo made it really unneccessarily difficult. :( Wish there would be an easier way. Honestly, if I could just move RS, I would have NO issues at all as I could just pick any map with a west exit. That fact alone would make me able to pick so, so, so many more maps to check for the other things.
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you're a gem! sorry you haven't had much luck, but hooray for at least checking out some maps :,) do you have a preferred airport color?
Aww thanks! And yeah, I want a blue airport to match all the blue flowers I want in my town. And, because quite frankly, I don't like most of the other airport colors. The red one is okay, but I think the yellow and especially green are just waaaay too bright.
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There is no way I'm ever resetting my island, I'm far, far too happy with it. I legitimately had a nightmare about resetting the other night - I dreamt I loaded up the game, went to reset the island, then when I began the new game I was going "why did i do that i didn't wanna do that my whole island all my progress oh no"

If you want to reset, you should go for it! I'm sure there'd be plenty of people willing to hold onto your bells, NMTs, etc and get you fruit and flowers to get going on a new island. But be 10000% sure you wanna reset before you do, because having to start again from scratch when you realise you weren't all that unhappy in the first place would be the worst.
Oh gosh, honestly, if I ever get my perfect island, I would be terrified of losing it through whatever means, too. My left joystick is not doing too stellar despite this being a new switch lite, so I'm scared of finding an island and the joystick dying on me before Nintendo releases their safety thing they want to make.
But yeah, I don't regret my resetting at all. Like, not one bit. It's just me being unable to get what I want that's so horrible.
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Tomorrows the day. You will wake up and choose one of the first four maps on display, whether you like them or not. Then you will shape your map to your own liking. If theres something off about it, something you hate, that's not a problem, it's a challenge.

Sounds good in theory but then again, maybe just one more reset can't hurt.

And another.

And another.

Just one more.

One more reset.

Last one.

Next one's it.

One more...

(to infinity)
Naaah, that's not how my mind works. It hates things immediately or not at all and doesn't change its opinion (thankfully). I've learned in NL that if I find my perfect map, it'll be perfect forever.
I feel like the airport color should not be a consideration. The building themes in NL was pretty popular and is one of the few things in NH that I can’t help but think will return. In addition to adding color options of course. But maybe they really won’t add such a feature so you do need to reset. Anyway, sorry you had to reset again after finding THE map. 😭