Anyone else find fishing relaxing


Islander Lyric of Lily Cove
Jan 2, 2014
Tasty Cake
Orange (Fruit)
Small Mailbox
Yeah IDK something about fishing is just very relaxing. Lol just spent an hour fishing.

Anyone else?
fishing is usually too frustrating for me to find it relaxing. but maybe it's because i'm more into catching bugs. i personally find it calming to search for and catch fireflies at night. unfortunately the little dudes only come by during june, but there's always the firefly tours at the island!
I only like fishing if I have a purpose, like finding a new fish for my museum, or the fishing tourney. Otherwise, I don't do it at all. I should though because I really want to get all my gold badges.
It's nice until the fish does that one nibble and goes, "That's enough nibbles today, what's over there?" Then I have reposition myself again to make this dumb fish look at the bait.
there's something very relaxing about fishing at sunrise or sunset. it's a lovely thing to do if you've had a stressful or bad day.

fishing is usually too frustrating for me to find it relaxing. but maybe it's because i'm more into catching bugs. i personally find it calming to search for and catch fireflies at night. unfortunately the little dudes only come by during june, but there's always the firefly tours at the island!

yes, i love searching for fireflies at night, it is very calming!
Yes. Fishing is my jam. It's so chill. I like night fishing I've almost fallen asleep doing it. :) I don't like bug catching all that much. So fishing is my thing. :)
I like fishing at night when I get off work while I watch youtube videos in bed. So relaxing.
i cant say i find it relaxing but it's more entertaining for me to do versus bug catching. aaaahhh
My sentiments exactly. ^^ I always get the fishing badges sooner than I do the bug ones. I think part of it is that you never really know what you're going to get, and there's always a chance you could be surprised with fishing, especially in the river. Bugs also stress me out sometimes, the longer I spend catching them.

there's something very relaxing about fishing at sunrise or sunset. it's a lovely thing to do if you've had a stressful or bad day.

yes, i love searching for fireflies at night, it is very calming!
If I'm fishing for sharks to make money, I get kinda stressed out. But if I'm fishing just to catch fish for the encyclopedia/museum I do find it relaxing, specially at night. :)
I find bug catching relaxing, but fishing is stressful because I have to close my eyes and listen for the splash and then hit the button quickly. Plus, half the time, it takes me a zillion tries to get the bait lined up with the fishy.