any tips on getting the spider crab?


Senior Member
Mar 21, 2020
this thing is so elusive its driving me to my wit ends. Whenever i saw a large shadow it takes me about 10 or more minutes to chase after it and when i got the creature its always a lobster. I guess the point of this post isn't on how to make this elusive thing appear but more on on how to catch those fast sea creatures? I always chase them from above instead of diving in but they still take me a long damn time.
I have an extremely hard time chasing fast shadows. I tried for 15 minutes once and still didn't catch it, I had to give up or else I would burn my switch in a rage.

I have heard swimming without pressing any button works but I haven't had the chance to try it myself. At least you aren't alone in not being able to (easily) catch these elusive ********...
If you see fast moving bubbles that stagger as they come up, chances are that's a fast creature (fast bubbles in a straight line is an anemone or seaweed). Press the D-pad in the direction of the bubbles, but don't press A to swim. Once on top of the bubble stream, press Y to dive. You should either catch it right away, or be close enough to swim at it to catch it.

I believe there are YouTube videos out there that show you this same technique.
I would typically chase them into a corner and preferably from an angle heading into the corner and not approach the corner from a straight as I have caught many faster Sea Creatures that way.
If you see fast moving bubbles that stagger as they come up, chances are that's a fast creature (fast bubbles in a straight line is an anemone or seaweed). Press the D-pad in the direction of the bubbles, but don't press A to swim. Once on top of the bubble stream, press Y to dive. You should either catch it right away, or be close enough to swim at it to catch it.

I believe there are YouTube videos out there that show you this same technique.
I've had the most success using this technique! They can sometimes still get away from you but it cut way down on the endless chase around the island. Think of it like creeping slowly with your net to catch a bug!
The lobsters aren't actually the fastest, I've managed to catch up to those just by swimming.

"Sneaking" up to them by swimming really slowly without pressing A may work, but I've had mixed results with it (it's kinda fun though!) The easiest way I've caught them is by simply chasing them into one of the four corners, but if you get good at it you may also be able to chase them straight towards the net and catch them when they bounce away from it.

The spider crab is pretty rare even if you do get better at catching the fast creatures, so be prepared for disappointment. It took me like two hours to get my first one, I think.
As for speedy shadow tips, I find that slowly swimming until your on top of the shadow and diving works wonders. You can dash if need be.
The sneaking up by swimming and not pressing A has given me mixed results. Most of the time I try to chase them to a corner or the edge. They would either stop swimming or swim into my player for me to catch them.
It can be very stressful because you literally have to corner it to capture him. I usually attempt it at night and I can usually walk away with one, but it takes a little bit. 😐
My technique for catching fast ones is to chase them into one of the 4 corners of the map. Chase them diagonally. Once they get on the corner, they sometimes stop, and do a U-turn making them run INTO you.
oh man spider crabs were such a pain to catch!! I've found that for faster moving shadows you need to slowly paddle up to them without actually pressing A to swim until you can get close enough to chase after them without them outswimming you when you dive down
I remember trying to catch my first spider crab in New Horizons... it took me about 10-15 minutes of swimming around while my sisters and our friend were watching a tv show in the background and having a good time. I, on the other hand, was really not having a good time. The spider crab season should be over by now if you haven't time-traveled already, so you may need to do that before you go deep diving.

I really just tried swimming for a long as I could and pinning it in a corner, it would sort of bounce off the corner and I was able to snatch it up that way. I remember diving at the wrong time and missing it but *that* much and starting over again, so the struggle is real. Good luck on your hunt!!
For fast diving critters, the best trick for me has been to chase them into a corner. They usually pause for a second upon hitting the corner, allowing you to get them. However, make sure you stay far enough away from the edge when you're chasing them so that they don't dart off in a free direction.

So... if you're chasing them along the bottom of the map, for instance, chase them toward the edge and then stay slightly north of the edge. Then chace them to either corner.
Creep up on the shadow very slowly and dont press the button to swim. I have a harddd time catching it- though diving under after sneaking up on it slowly always seems to work. I spend max 3 mins on the large fast shadows and have caught multiple spider crabs with this trick.
Yep...the creeping method is the way to go. I remember that when the diving update first released, I didn't even know you could move without pressing A, so I was always losing the fast creatures. Then I just tried to move by holding the D-pad, and I learned that was the way to do it.