Animal Crossing Villager Elimination Game [8] - Winner Announced!

Biskit - 5
Bunnie - 10
Kyle - 20 +5
Sylvana - 40 -5
I like Biskit but I don't think he has a chance against Sylvana lol. So RIP him

Biskit - 0 (-5)
Bunnie - 10
Kyle - 20
Sylvana - 45 (+5)
I'm sad that none of my all time favorites won but I still do love Sylvana ^^
Sylvana - 75

5: Pecan
4: Biskit
3: Bunnie
2: Kyle

Congratulations to Sylvana! She was one of my last remaining favourites, so I'm really glad she won! (RIP Pecan, though.)


Thanks to everyone who played, I hope you all had fun! :)
Was hoping for Pecan (or Ken) to win but I'll take any squirrel winning. Plus Syl is a cutie. 👀 👌 No major complaints here.