Advice Needed: DIY Wreaths and Crowns


Junior Member
May 8, 2020
Hi there, I have now collected most DIYs but the wreaths and crowns have alluded me for the most part. Does anyone have any advice on how to get these? Do they spawn more on mystery islands or in summer etc? I am in the Southern Hemisphere.
I asked this same question a couple months ago. What I was told (and I did no info checking myself, just trusted the people here knew what they were talking about) is that there's only a 5% chance that your crafting villager will give you one of these recipes, as they're not personality specific.

People also seemed to say that you find them more commonly on Nook Mile tours...but I doubt this fact, as I've been on hundreds and found only 1 crown recipe in a bottle.
I got a lot of them on, although I am not sure how active that site is for crafting anymore.

Otherwise, you could probably buy the DIYs on here or on Nookazon or whatever, if you don't feel like waiting
I just binned half a dozen wreath and crown DIYs after three attempts to give them away on here failed!

I think the best way to get crowns and wreath is to go on the official discord server. there people announce when villager is crafting usually for 1-2 NMT. otherwise they are very rare.
Oh no! I find alot on here ask for tbts which I don't have any of as yet.

I was a bit surprised, as like you I've seen a few people asking for quite a lot of TBTs for them, so I assumed giving them away for free would be pretty straightforward. After three evenings of trying, I just needed them off my beach, so sold them to Timmy and Tommy!

I didn't realise they were so rare - I seem to get duplicate recipes for them fairly frequently. If I get any more, I'll message you to see if you still need them.
They are really quite rare! I even resorted into trading them from players here in this forum. I wish you all the best with your search. :)
I completed all the wreath/crown diys, but I'm not even sure if up to half of them were crafted by my own villagers. Your best bet would be to get them from other players either directly or through their own villagers crafting them, that's what worked for me.