Auction $35 Eshop Code {HB: 11k}

does it have a region lock?
if not (probably does but) i'll start with 5k

probably likely T_T. my bf tried to gift me an e-shop code bought from the U.S. and it didn't work for me. well, I'm in Canada (I thought it would work bc of NA region?)
probably likely T_T. my bf tried to gift me an e-shop code bought from the U.S. and it didn't work for me. well, I'm in Canada (I thought it would work bc of NA region?)

aw damn ;_;
i guess i'll still bid though c:
Blue Candy, 2 Teal Letters, and Yoshi Egg So 11.6k in value. I retract my other bid.
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just curious on how this would work aftrr auctions over. Do you send the code first so the winner can check if its legit or do we send the tbt bells first?
Hello, it is currently against the rules to buy/sell gift cards or real money for Bells. Thank you.
I can give you what you want just pm me also im plannning to give you 2 games in steam if you want
PM me as well if ur looking for tbt bells or steam games
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