Giveaway 2x User Giveaway Combo!WINNERS ANNOUNCED!

a potato

homare time
May 18, 2013
Poptart Easter Egg
Yoshi Easter Egg
Rotating Fool's Egg
Holiday Candy Cane 2023
Baby Chick Easter Egg
Glitched Easter Egg
Froggy Easter Egg
Fossil Easter Egg
Splat Easter Egg
Key to Bell Tree Manor
100% (223) +
Another user on here, safetylance, and I have teamed up to bring a 2x combo giveaway to The Bell Tree!

Be patient! I just reset my town and will need some time so that we can get our awesome prizes ready.
Don't be a sore loser. Just because you don't win now doesn't mean you won't ever win! Same thing goes to winners. Please don't brag. Also, please keep it clean. DO NOT POST IF YOU AREN'T ENTERING BEFORE WINNERS ARE PICKED. This makes it a lot more complicated.

How to enter
Submit the most terrible pun or joke you can think of!
AFter it's all over, we will review the entries and pick out favorite to receive a bonus prize! Winners will be picked by​

END DATE: A week from today. AKA the 26th at 7:30 PM EST

Take it away, safetylance!
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taking it away, danke potato!

also, to clarify; he just reset his town but all of his items are still being held in other towns. so 'be patient' doesn't mean 'i don't have this item at all, i need to get it,' it means 'i need to pick it up from where it's being held!' c:

okay, now here are the prizes.

- 5 million bells
- A basket of each perfect fruit
- Either the Zodiac, 7-11, or Sloppy Set (you choose!)
- 20 hybrids of your choice (including gold + blue roses, yes), the Campus set, or a rare DLC food item, since those are in high demand!

- 2.5 million bells
- Two baskets of perfect fruit (your choice which!)
- Any Gracie set + 3 Gracie clothing items
- 20 hybrids of your choice (including gold + blue roses, yes), the Campus set, or a rare DLC food item, since those are in high demand!

- 1 million bells
- A basket of perfect fruit
- 20 hybrids of your choice (including gold + blue roses, yes), the Campus set, or a rare DLC food item, since those are in high demand!

- whoever we think tells the best joke will get 1 million bells as a bonus prize. as in, we each pick a favourite joke and they get a bonus. i'm not so sure about potato, but awful puns are the way to my heart. ; ) my username is a pun, even.

also if Colton gets off his high horse out of my town and into boxes by the time this giveaway ends, if someone wants him they can take him too. i have enough smugs and he's starting to weird me out a bit
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Two peanuts walk into a bar, and one was a salted.

:D Thanks for doing this awesome double giveaway!
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There was a time I was involved in a theatrical performance about puns... It was a play on words.
Did the grape cry when it got stepped on? No, it just let out a little w(h)ine. (my dad's been using that joke on me since I was six and it's really annoying so I'm posting it here)
(Thunder would would've loved this giveaway...and then proceeded to insult the quality of everyone's puns.)

A man enters 10 puns into a pun contest. Unfortunately, no pun in ten did. (BA DUM CRASH!)
What kind of dinosaur sleeps all the time...

A DinoSnore!

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What do you call a blind dinosaur?



And one more just cause it's terrible

Ruler: you rock!
Rock: you rule!
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Someone threw a can of Coke at me the other day, but it didn't hurt too bad since it was a soft drink.
When I asked my friend if we could make up, she threw her lip gloss at me. :c
Bill and Joey both walk into a bar and they order beers. Joey tells the bartender, put it on my Bill.
what does the donut say to the other donut
nothing because donuts dont have mouths
or do they?
I'm supposed to post the worst joke I've ever heard, right? D:
This one was told to me and my parents by my lame aunt. They cracked up SO bad. >.< It's so dumb.

A chicken noticed a dog was up in a tree. The chicken asked the dog, "What are you doing up there?"
The dog replied, "Nothing, I'm getting down now."


EDIT: I wasn't sure if I was supposed to post the worst joke I've heard or a bad joke that I love. So in case it's the latter, here's a good bad joke! ^w^

Why can't you hear a pterodactyl go to the bathroom?
Because the "P" is silent! :D
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