Shop --

aaa yeah so like
i need two male frillish and two female because i need male and female jellicent ;w;
and three duskull because i need the entire evolution line.
but if you can go ahead and evolve them that'd be great! i can pay extra for that too!!
aaa yeah so like
i need two male frillish and two female because i need male and female jellicent ;w;
and three duskull because i need the entire evolution line.
but if you can go ahead and evolve them that'd be great! i can pay extra for that too!!

I'll work on it tonight, and I'll tell you the price tomorrow. If you find it fair.
so all in all my order is
-frillish (male and female)
-jellicent (male and female)

for a total of 900? (15x60)

I'll work on it tonight, and I'll tell you the price tomorrow. If you find it fair.

that works fine for me, thank you!!
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I think I'm going to start writing in red because it matches my sig (at times, bc randomizer) & bc it matches the avatar.but idk.
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I have a few pokemon that I bought from you a while ago that I would like nicknamed, would you be willing to trade them back to do so?
Hey! I'd love to grab a groudon, palkia and 2 masterballs if possible! I think thats 260tbt? you already have me added, my IGN is Lauren ^_^
Hey! I'd love to grab a groudon, palkia and 2 masterballs if possible! I think thats 260tbt? you already have me added, my IGN is Lauren ^_^

Of course. I'll get them ready, and will let you know when I'm ready.
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Ah. I love this new banner! :) Bump. I know it's too early to bump but dat banner *_*