Giveaway 1,000 TBT Bells

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Sorry to see you go :( I've always loved seeing you around the forums. Thanks for doing this giveaway!
I'm going to miss seeing you around the forums, Bowie! I always liked reading your posts. I do hope you'll come back to visit us again sometime. I wish you the best of luck with all of your future endeavors.


It's sad to see you go as well but I do understand. I wish you luck in all that you do. :)
Aww, sorry to see you go, Bowie. I hope you come back someday, maybe when the site comes back to life. <3

Sad to see you go Bowie :( I wish you the best in everything!
Even though I don't know you, I wish you the very best in all your endeavors. ^^

Thank you for the giveaway, I hope you enjoyed your time on Bell Tree :)
I?d like to enter, please! Sad to see the best username go. I hope a new title comes out soon and brings you back!

Too bad to see that you're leaving, but good luck with whatever else you end up doing, and thanks for hosting the giveaway, fourtunate to receive the chance

So many wonderful users are leaving or have already gone you will be missed!
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