Help buying a 3DS


internet clown
Jun 13, 2017
Spring Sakura
So I finally found some classified ads selling 3DS consoles! The problem is, I don't know which one to choose. There are regular 3DS consoles being sold for $100 (both have no charger but I have one) and one black New 3DS XL that comes with Super Smash Bros and a charger for $150. I don't know what to buy because I'm only going to play Animal Crossing: New Leaf and Corpse Party on it. Here are some pictures.

Regular 3DS (black)
Regular 3DS (purple)
New 3DS XL (black)

(I would've just simply attached the pictures but it wouldn't let me upload them)
i would spend the extra $50 on the new 3ds just because it's newer LOL. if u don't use smash you can at least sell it and get some of ur $$ back
Honestly I would get the New 3DS XL for 2 reasons. 1: The stylus is bigger(trust me it really makes a difference). I had a normal 3DS for a couple years and the extendable stylus was a pain. 2: Bigger and has an amiibo scanner built in it feels better in your hands and if you are going to buy amiibo cards or figures you would need to buy a scanner for an extra $20. If you are also going to get Super Smash Bros I personally think its worth it. Keep me updated through vm. Good luck getting a 3DS!
I have tiny hands so I opted for the new 3ds instead of the XL. It gets a bit heavy after a while of holding the console xD
If I saw a New 3DS XL priced under $200, I'd buy it. Unfortunately, I bought the regular New 3DS because I didn't see any. Get the XL. Regular 3DS is not worth $100 in my opinion. You'll have to buy a scanner and probably SD cards because the system has hardly any space on it.
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I suggest buying the newer 3DS, then just selling SSB since you probably won't play it. Plus, it has the amiibo scanner built in so you won't need to pay extra money for a scanner.
Thanks to everyone who replied in this thread. I'm going to buy the New 3DS XL because it not only has more storage (I think?) and an NFC scanner built in but my friend has one and says that it takes like a second to boot up a game, which is pretty awesome. Once again thank you!
Seems like you already made up your mind but yeah I agree with the New 3DS. Even though you don't plan on playing any other games now, you never know if that'll change, and you may want to get a game that works significantly better on or only on the New systems.
And if TBT didn't allow you to post the pictures directly, try unchecking the "Retrieve remote file and reference locally" box when linking a picture. Not really sure what it does other than occasionally not allow you to upload a picture.