do sex offenders get enough jail time?

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Aug 31, 2014
Pink Hybrid Rose
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i came across an article of a father who sexually abused and raped his daughter after telling him she wasn't sure about her sexual identity. the father was 54, the daughter was 16, and he also used to do the same to her older sister before she left. so you can see that this act was incestuous, homophobic, and done to someone underaged. if I'm understanding correctly, this man's "punishment" is being jailed for 21 years, and registered as a permanent sex offender. this seems really mild of a sentence to me, especially for his crimes (btw this was in the U.K. not sure if in America it might have been different).

lately it seems like the situation isn't improving for these victims. i personally believe there should be a MUCH bigger punishment for sex offenders because clearly sexual offenders aren't being deterred by the jail time or backlash. i was talking about this w/ a friend and he agreed with me because the impact it leaves on victims is so messed up. they end up traumatized for the rest of their lives and the fact that their abuser often gets released in their lifetime is sick. what do u guys think
If it was in Scotland, 16's okay. Although the rest still isn't.

I don't really see what sexual identity has to do with it.

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To clarify: "the rest" = rape, not the rest of the country

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I agree with you on this. 21 years is not enough, I feel like it should be jailed for life in my opinion. So much is going through the victims head after this act happens and it traumatizing. I've heard stories of how they get slut shamed or how they deserved for that to happen to them and it's just sick.
If it was in Scotland, 16's okay. Although the rest still isn't.

I don't really see what sexual identity has to do with it.

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To clarify: "the rest" = rape, not the rest of the country

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she said she thought she was a lesbian so he did that to her to show her that "it was better with men"

and yeah rather than underaged i meant a non-adult
she said she thought she was a lesbian so he did that to her to show her that "it was better with men"

and yeah rather than underaged i meant a non-adult

That experience would be more likely to make her a lesbian that somehow convert her from potentially lesbian to straight. >.>
i don't think they get enough jail time but being a sex offender in prison is considered the worst thing to other inmates so obviously they're going to have a bad time there. i don't think they should get the death penalty though or commit it suicide because it's like they've gotten away with the consequences in my opinion, i want them to stay in jail for the rest of their lives but it depends on what they actually did to be honest.
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AppleBitterCrumble said:
I've heard stories of how they get slut shamed or how they deserved for that to happen to them and it's just sick.

Oh God, so true. This might be TMI, but a drunk man attempted to rape me on my way home from work. He dragged me behind a car, and luckily he got spooked when I managed to turn around to see his face, and he ran away. I told my sister this, and the first thing she said to me was: "What were you wearing?" It pisses me off. People need to stop victim blaming.

Yes I believe that the sentence needs to be harsher, but it seems to vary case to case :(
Actually I think that's fair. 21 years is a long time. I think jailed for life should be used for someone who takes a life or lives.

I think no matter* what make him work and start paying for his daughter's therapy. Him being in jail isn't going to help her afford the help she needs (unless they were already wealthy) Make him move across the country and not get to see his family for x many years. Even better, give him a crappy job in jail and everything he earns goes to his daughter.

I think also that in a few years the daughter should have some say in what she thinks his punishment should be. Or she can choose to let the court decide.

I don't think longer sentences will make much of a difference. I think a change in the process will.
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In my local area, a man got charged with 18 months in jail for sexually assaulting a teen after making her drunk.

This is clearly not enough time!

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Oh God, so true. This might be TMI, but a drunk man attempted to rape me on my way home from work. He dragged me behind a car, and luckily he got spooked when I managed to turn around to see his face, and he ran away. I told my sister this, and the first thing she said to me was: "What were you wearing?" It pisses me off. People need to stop victim blaming.

Yes I believe that the sentence needs to be harsher, but it seems to vary case to case :(

****, that must be traumatising. I'm sorry that happened...
Oh God, so true. This might be TMI, but a drunk man attempted to rape me on my way home from work. He dragged me behind a car, and luckily he got spooked when I managed to turn around to see his face, and he ran away. I told my sister this, and the first thing she said to me was: "What were you wearing?" It pisses me off. People need to stop victim blaming.

Yes I believe that the sentence needs to be harsher, but it seems to vary case to case :(

Women should feel safe to wear what they want in public places. I'm only 15 and was wearing downtown with some friends after Winter Ball (A formal dance) and 2 colleges guys cat-called me and my friend and when we weren't having any of that they proceeded to tell us to "put some f***ing clothes on."

It's scary living in a world where I can even wear a dress with out having guys yell out comments at me (not saying all guys are bad, just a small group).
Oh God, so true. This might be TMI, but a drunk man attempted to rape me on my way home from work. He dragged me behind a car, and luckily he got spooked when I managed to turn around to see his face, and he ran away. I told my sister this, and the first thing she said to me was: "What were you wearing?" It pisses me off. People need to stop victim blaming.

Yes I believe that the sentence needs to be harsher, but it seems to vary case to case :(

I'm sorry to hear about that. I'm glad nothing came of it. And shame on your sister! If you don't already, start carrying pepper spray. I bring some* with me everywhere but the airport. Luckily I've never had to use it but I feel more confident knowing I have some form of defense with me.
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****, that must be traumatising. I'm sorry that happened...

It's okay :) I've learned to get over these things. When the people in your life make sexual abuse seem insignificant, you learn to just move on rather than feel like a victim. I've kind of been desensitized (when it comes to myself). It's the way I choose to survive a lot of things. It's hard to explain -_- But I'm okay lol.
I'm sorry to hear about that. I'm glad nothing came of it. And shame on your sister! If you don't already, start carrying pepper spray. I bring some* with me everywhere but the airport. Luckily I've never had to use it but I feel more confident knowing I have some form of defense with me.

My grandma gave me pepper spray as one of my christmas presents and I'm glad to know that we have it in the house and if I ever decide to go out late at night or when I go off to college that I can take it with me.
I'm sorry to hear about that. I'm glad nothing came of it. And shame on your sister! If you don't already, start carrying pepper spray. I bring some* with me everywhere but the airport. Luckily I've never had to use it but I feel more confident knowing I have some form of defense with me.

For some reason, I always thought pepper spray was illegal.. Or is that just bear mace?
For some reason, I always thought pepper spray was illegal.. Or is that just bear mace?

I think just bear mace. However, I'm not entirely sure. I bought mine in a security store but I've seen it in the hunting/fishing section of Walmart and at outdoor stores.

Even if it is illegal I don't make a show off carrying it and, if I ever did need to use it, I think I would have a good enough reason to for the crime of having mace excused since it stopped a more violent crime.

But you should check your local laws and decide whether it's a good form of defense for you.
20 years is a long time, and wrongful convictions happen, so I don't think automatic life sentences for sexual assault crimes is a good idea. I also don't like the idea that sex-offenders should always be treated like monsters or animals. Sentencing should be strong enough to deter people from committing the crime and to send a strong message to those who do commit the crime, but I don't think we should always have a vengeful attitude towards people as humans make mistakes and sometimes don't know right from wrong. Part of the role of prisons is to rehabilitate criminals and that should be kept in mind when deciding sentences. I think 5-20 years for sexual assault crimes is appropriate depending on the severity of the crime (if other crimes are involved, it should be longer though). It's a much bigger problem when someone gets off with a few months in prison for sexual assault than when someone "only" gets 21 years when maybe he deserves life.
20 years is a long time, and wrongful convictions happen, so I don't think automatic life sentences for sexual assault crimes is a good idea. I also don't like the idea that sex-offenders should always be treated like monsters or animals. Sentencing should be strong enough to deter people from committing the crime and to send a strong message to those who do commit the crime, but I don't think we should always have a vengeful attitude towards people as humans make mistakes and sometimes don't know right from wrong. Part of the role of prisons is to rehabilitate criminals and that should be kept in mind when deciding sentences. I think 5-20 years for sexual assault crimes is appropriate depending on the severity of the crime (if other crimes are involved, it should be longer though). It's a much bigger problem when someone gets off with a few months in prison for sexual assault than when someone "only" gets 21 years when maybe he deserves life.

I think it really varies. Although I do believe in rehabilitation, I also believe that rapists and especially child rapists, deserve to be treated like monsters. Of course if there is a mental illness that prevents the person from knowing right from wrong, things get a little complicated. Still, a lot of rapists understand that what they are doing is wrong and when they're doing it to a child, I think a life sentence is appropriate. Although I do not condone any violence, it is completely understandable why those people are treated worse than other kinds of criminals.

But yes, wrongful accusations are exactly why I do not believe in the death penalty, and the reason why I believe in listening to both sides and doing extensive investigation for every case. People do get sensitive when a rape victim has to prove the rape, but it is necessary to get a just ruling.

PS: I'm on mobile so my response might be poorly written :( I apologize for that.
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