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Mafia TBT Mafia IV: Red Revolution [Game Over/Mafia Win]

I strongly believe Laurina is Godfather.

She is a strong player and yet, according to many reliable sources, hasn't been hit OR protected. Laurina, Oath2Order, Tina and SuperPenguin all ran for mayor yet, Tina, Oath2Order and SuperPenguin all died confirmed town. Laurina hasn't even been targeted with a kill or non-kill attack! Why would they target all the other candidates except her?

If she doesn't die tonight, this just proves that she is Mafia. Laurina, your defense?
Waffles, I voted for you because I find it all together strange of the timing of a few events looking back in the thread (3 posts accusing blue at almost the same time) and the fact that you're grammar has been very good until now and then temporarily changed. (See vd in game three)

- - - Post Merge - - -

By almost the same time I mean that they were 3 posts in a row, not counting blue horse's defense post against Gandalf

Didn't you see my long post? it takes time.
Already RC to Kuma, if I die you guys might regret it.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Hah! Which reminds me
For those who were PM circle with Kayla try to check I'm sure one of them are scum
Really? 4 blue roles died I mean look. I'm sure "someone" pm it though SCUM CHAT in order to kill them! It's like Mafia II again

For those who were pm circle with Kayla or someone you better check, for me I don't think there are 3 Doctors and 2 DTs in game.
iLoveYou's list:

Gandalf White Conspirator

Now, I am extremely sure this list is fairly accurate.
But, when we go back to the first post, we see that there are two dead Mafia members, and we see that the list contains five people, only one of them being a confirmed Mafia.

With there being two confirmed Mafia, one of the people on the list is surely a Town member, considering that the list is accurate.

Comfirmed Mafia:

beary509 White Conspirator
Gandalf White Conspirator

Before I type up the rest of this post, can everybody PM me with their time zone? Please, it'd help us Town tremendously.
I will work on figuring out each person on that list. :)

If we've got a hidden vig, please shoot one of those four names. If you're a detective, please inspect one of those four names.

Doctors I doubt you need my help on what to do, you guys keep on keeping on.
First, Farobi.
Now, if you can name one other person who could've wrote that specific post for me, and is not already accusing me, I'd like to hear it. If you can provide a name, I'll gladly defend myself from there.

I'm sorry for looking at things from all viewpoints (note the sarcasm there).
In all seriousness, why does it seem like something developed in Scum Chat?

Why are people accusing me of this?
Is it seriously impossible for me to improve?

I think these people are likely to be Mafia.
Farobi never, ever replied to my challenge.
Gandalf is self-explanatory.
ITookYourWaffles has an interesting case against her.

Now, my opinion probably differs from everybody else's, but I would like to have a nice, pleasant chat with BellBringerGreen, as I think that he is the Town player we are talking about.
I think these people are likely to be Mafia.
Farobi never, ever replied to my challenge.
Gandalf is self-explanatory.
ITookYourWaffles has an interesting case against her.

Now, my opinion probably differs from everybody else's, but I would like to have a nice, pleasant chat with BellBringerGreen, as I think that he is the Town player we are talking about.
Go ahead and do so, I feel like I still have players suspecting me and I'd like to have more of them cleared off.
Awesome, we struck scum! Three more to go!

I strongly believe Laurina is Godfather.

She is a strong player and yet, according to many reliable sources, hasn't been hit OR protected. Laurina, Oath2Order, Tina and SuperPenguin all ran for mayor yet, Tina, Oath2Order and SuperPenguin all died confirmed town. Laurina hasn't even been targeted with a kill or non-kill attack! Why would they target all the other candidates except her?

If she doesn't die tonight, this just proves that she is Mafia. Laurina, your defense?

This. Even if Laurina isn't the Godfather, this still looks shady. The people running for the election obviously would be a target for scum.

Anyway, BBG should be shot by a Vig if there are still any left. Something tells me the remaining scum are strong players, and should be kept in the spotlight, especially Laurina. Most people follow strong players blindly, which is exactly the reason why people who are good leaders need to be kept in the spotlight.
I strongly believe Laurina is Godfather.
She is a strong player and yet, according to many reliable sources, hasn't been hit OR protected. Laurina, Oath2Order, Tina and SuperPenguin all ran for mayor yet, Tina, Oath2Order and SuperPenguin all died confirmed town. Laurina hasn't even been targeted with a kill or non-kill attack! Why would they target all the other candidates except her?
If she doesn't die tonight, this just proves that she is Mafia. Laurina, your defense?
This is all just your assumptions, Kuma. Tina and Kayla both heavily assumed I was Godfather as well. Mafia obviously wants me dead, the Vigilantes obviously wanted me dead, how am I not dead? I honestly do not know.
I can take Tina's quote a take a another step farther (RESPONSE IN BOLD):
I too was surprised I didn't die. I've two theories:
(1) the mafia intend to frame me.
- I am the only one left standing as a mayor candidate. With one bodygaurd in the game there is no reason for Mafia to even bother with running for Mayor and drawing out that kind of attention towards them. I'm a smart enough player to know if I was Mafia how horrible does it look on me to take out two candidates (one who I was convinced that showed zero threat to the town or the Mafia) and the Mayor to leave myself standing out there in the open for everyone to point their fingers at.
Just like this post:

Oath, this is a complete coincidence. I have never communicated with Hikari in this game, or any game to be exact. If I was Mafia (which I'm not), I still wouldn't plan to have a very similar post to someone elses. That's just pathetic. Think about it for a while Oath.
If you were Mafia, doing something like this would be pathetic.

(2) they figured a medic would protect me and therefore it would be a wasted hit.​
With Tina not giving any names on night one for the Medic(s) to protect, they were told to use their best judgement. And that goes for every night after that. Would they want to risk using their KP on me for me to publicly announce that I was shot at the previous night? (like I did in Mafia III, as a Veteran). Many options can come to mind. Is she the Veteran? Is there one doctor? Are there two doctors? Would the other doctor protect me that following night? Should Mafia use one KP assuming there is one doctor or the other doctor won't protect me? Should they use 2 KP to take me out? Or is there a chance that I'm a Veteran who was protected, would they use three KP? Use two or three KP to find out that I wasn't protected or a Veteran. All in all, there is a high chance that wasted shots would be the end result. Mafia can't afford wasted shots. So what is the alternative? To get me lynched.

"If she doesn't die tonight, this just proves that she is Mafia. "
I am possibly going to die tonight so, I am going to list the three candidates for Mafia, just in case anyone forgets.
Can I say the same about you, Kuma? SuperPenguin and Trundle mentioned they were going to die during night one, they died. Kayla and Tina said they were probably going to die during night two, and they died. If you don't die tonight, is it safe to assume you're Mafia?

"According to many reliable sources" is this your way of telling us that you're apart of the circle of claimed blue roles? Because if you are, you don't belong. I can confidently say you are NOT a Mason. So why are you calling me out for not role-claiming for not trusting others with my role in this game. Sometimes it's just too late because there are players who lie and those fake claims tend to discredit those being honest.
Sure you publicly outing yourself as a Mason fooled many people, including me. I almost trusted you for quite awhile. But a Mason is a powerful role. You can be completely trusted by Detectives, Doctors, Vigilantes. Are you the hidden red role within the blues roles? It's pretty obvious now that you've been working with Kayla and the others. Maybe someone got suspicious of you. Maybe someone called you out on your fake claim. The massacre of blue roles is not a coincident. You and I both know for a fact that I was not apart of your circle. I had and have no knowledge of who was and is apart of it. But you know exactly who those people are.

"Laurina hasn't even been targeted with a kill or non-kill attack!"
How are you so certain that I have not been a target? Were you apart of the discussion to sway the Vigilantes not to shoot me? For doctors not to protect me? For detectives not to inspect me?

Once I analysis the PMs I had received, I'll state some suspicions with evidence.
Looking back at your posts, all you ever say is you have suspicions for BBG, Laurina, Kayla, Waffles, so on and on and still and whatnot, but where is all your evidence? After your below posts the subject gets changed or you just become inactive and reappear when you want to say you still have suspicions or you have new suspicions.
I think BellBringerGreen is Mafia.
I still have high suspicions for BellBringerGreen, but now, I have a few suspicions for iLoveYou.
I still think that BBG is Mafia
Laurina is still one of my suspicions.

If you have such high suspicions and think that we're mafia, that make us believe. Don't just tell us, show us why. All you do is question us. Then you tell us to convince you, to defend ourselves. Over what? There's no evidence. Just words that you think we should believe because you fake role-claimed a Mason. Make an actual case against me, and I'll give you a real defense.
Didn't you see my long post? it takes time.
Already RC to Kuma, if I die you guys might regret it.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Hah! Which reminds me
For those who were PM circle with Kayla try to check I'm sure one of them are scum
Really? 4 blue roles died I mean look. I'm sure "someone" pm it though SCUM CHAT in order to kill them! It's like Mafia II again

For those who were pm circle with Kayla or someone you better check, for me I don't think there are 3 Doctors and 2 DTs in game.

I'm still highly suspicious of you, because of this. In fact, I may be even more so now that Gandalf did turn out to be red. (Also because of the case Blu Rose has made.)

Blu Rose: I also agree with you about Farobi. But, he has yet to make a defense for himself so I'll wait to hear from him.
Laurina, I think I'm starting to thaw towards you. It's thirty-three degrees on my thermostat.
Anyways, I would not be surprise of Kuma were Mafia. I did think it weird that Kuma stepped up after Trundle died, this eliminating any possible evidence that Trundle could have presented otherwise.
Please, if you are the other Party Elitist, Private Message me.
I will keep your message confidential, and, at this point in the game, you are worse than a Townie, as you will not, can not, receive pretection. All I will state about your message is that I have received it. Unless, of course, you think I am a dirty-rotten pig-stealing White Russian. If so, do not PM me, whatever you do, if you are worried of dying.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Kuma, what exactly did Trundle say? You never provided that...
I would like to see Kuma's argument against Laurina's as well. Can you please give us real evidence that obviously shows we are Mafia? I'm just seeing desperation now; you don't have to keep sayig you suspect me. It's also starting to look like you're posting to avoid modkill.
Good job on getting a Mafia out everyone!

Due to exams, I haven't been able to go online, but I'll try to catch up now!
(I may not be online for a few days. Just mentioning it now.)

I'll admit it. I am not the other Mason. But, I am absolutely a Townie. I wasn't a part of a blue role circle so Laurina, I don't know where you got that idea. I only contacted Kayla through PM, one-on-one.

Laurina, I see no reason why the Mafia would not try to kill you tonight. You are the only other strong player here that analyzes posts. You are a threat to the Mafia as a Town role. If you are a Town role, of course. Whether I die from a Mafia kill or from Town lynching me, I will die as Town. Which means suspicions will fall back on you Laurina. You are accusing me of Mafia? That's fine, have me lynched tomorrow and your fate will be sealed as Mafia.
I'm still highly suspicious of you, because of this. In fact, I may be even more so now that Gandalf did turn out to be red. (Also because of the case Blu Rose has made.)

Blu Rose: I also agree with you about Farobi. But, he has yet to make a defense for himself so I'll wait to hear from him.

Tina agreed me, gandalf and farobi's statement. you guys should check it in night 2
Okay so let's say among all three people above 1 mafia and 2 from Town better think before you say im a mafia

If I die flip green it's ok
If I die flip blue you are screwed blu

- - - Post Merge - - -

But then again I'm not accusing you as mafia blu I'm damn curious on some of your statement because it is different from the last game I obs. in mafia 3 and mini mafia game.

Like I said go kill or investigate me I'm sure some vigs don't want to kill me because they think im green or blue. I'm not guilty and not afraid of anything so go ahead!

If I was a scum I would have a hard time making a defense of myself and also afraid of getting killed. and yes what blu said was true and makes me look that im banwagoning (well obviously yes? no or maybe?).

For now it is between ??? and ???<--- curious of role and suspicion list. Me and Farobi were pm'ing each other. Looking for suspicious/scummy people early game til now.

I did rc to Kuma and I told her not to tell anyone because it's too risky and yes I trust Kuma but then she told it to kayla (I'm fine with that ) so yeah

I have nothing so say but when I come back Friday afternoon I will find time looking for evidence and stuff.
Which reminds me Dolby for banwagoning and agree on Blu

Blu I wont forget the DT PM and your statement I also remember you had a suspicion on TINA before and you think she is a mafia but fail. . . died and flip blue now next is me cant wait to see what happens next.

- - - Post Merge - - -

You cant expect good post from me Lunatic. As you can see Im reviewingfor my exam (I can balance both)

check mafia II you see how bad I play as Venge Vig because of school so don't expect people for good post especially when someoneis busy

i will vote myself as placeholder again
Which reminds me Dolby for banwagoning and agree on Blu

Blu I wont forget the DT PM and your statement I also remember you had a suspicion on TINA before and you think she is a mafia but fail. . . died and flip blue now next is me cant wait to see what happens next.

- - - Post Merge - - -

You cant expect good post from me Lunatic. As you can see Im reviewingfor my exam (I can balance both)

check mafia II you see how bad I play as Venge Vig because of school so don't expect people for good post especially when someoneis busy

i will vote myself as placeholder again

Please no more placeholder votes. ._. It's one thing when you're genuinely unsure about the candidate everyone is gunning for but it going to start adding up soon.
Tina agreed me, gandalf and farobi's statement. you guys should check it in night 2

I did not notice that. But, the fact that all three of you jumped on Blu Rose (again, especially because Gandalf turned out to be red) I find you and Farobi all the more suspicious. Also, it looked to me like you three were trying to divert attention away from Beary, who as everyone knows, also turned out to be red.

Lastly, you have failed to answer this question:
Why did ITYW feel the need to defend Farobi and Gandalf?
You cant expect good post from me Lunatic. As you can see Im reviewingfor my exam (I can balance both)

check mafia II you see how bad I play as Venge Vig because of school so don't expect people for good post especially when someoneis busy

i will vote myself as placeholder again

Please no.

and also, your whole "I'm busy" excuse is getting old. If you knew you were going to be busy, why did you sign up to play?
If you're green and you're lost, no big deal. If you're blue, I seriously doubt you're an important one, so again, no big deal if we lose you.

if you're red, I feel really sorry for your team. You're on my suspect list anyway, so if you don't die tonight, my vote is straight for you. Unless I find something way more suspicious about anyone else. So far though, not really.
Last edited:

Day 4

pallycake slipped on ice and split her head open.

pallycake the Party Elite was modkilled

Day will last ~48 hours.
Tina agreed me, gandalf and farobi's statement. you guys should check it in night 2
I remember it well. I addressed her in my defense post. I think that this was just an observation made by you three that Tina agreed with.

Okay so let's say among all three people above 1 mafia and 2 from Town better think before you say im a mafia
Oh, trust me, I thought it out.
Also, you are still defending Farobi. What makes you so confident that Farobi is Town? You have no possible way of knowing. You are building a case against yourself, ma'am.

If I die flip green it's ok
If I die flip blue you are screwed blu
If you die, then flip red, then Town will be happy.

- - - Post Merge - - -

But then again I'm not accusing you as mafia blu I'm damn curious on some of your statement because it is different from the last game I obs. in mafia 3 and mini mafia game.
Yeah, I know. I'm taking SuperPenguin's lead and putting myself out there, as I can be considered expendable.
Also, I did not participate in mini Mafia, nor any Observers' Chat Rooms.

Like I said go kill or investigate me I'm sure some vigs don't want to kill me because they think im green or blue. I'm not guilty and not afraid of anything so go ahead!
Ehhhh... I don't think iLoveYou thought you were that innocent, now did she?

If I was a scum I would have a hard time making a defense of myself and also afraid of getting killed.
You are afraid of getting killed. You are just not showing it.

and yes what blu said was true and makes me look that im banwagoning (well obviously yes? no or maybe?).
You are having a hard time defending yourself. I never even pointed out that you were bandwagoning. Nobody did.

For now it is between ??? and ???<--- curious of role and suspicion list. Me and Farobi were pm'ing each other. Looking for suspicious/scummy people early game til now.
First set of ?'s: ITookYourWaffles, second set: LaurinaMN. Or, at least, in my opinion.

I did rc to Kuma and I told her not to tell anyone because it's too risky and yes I trust Kuma but then she told it to kayla (I'm fine with that ) so yeah
I think that iLoveYou would think that you were scum, regardless of a roleclaim or not.
How do you know that iLoveYou was told?

I have nothing so say but when I come back Friday afternoon I will find time looking for evidence and stuff.
You seem confident that you will be alive on Friday afternoon.

Which reminds me Dolby for banwagoning and agree on Blu
Agreeing on me? Rephrase, please?

Blu I wont forget the DT PM and your statement I also remember you had a suspicion on TINA before and you think she is a mafia but fail. . . died and flip blue now next is me cant wait to see what happens next.
I don't think anyone forgot the DT PM plea. I have nothing to say about Tina, as I genuinely suspected her.
Okay then.

Laurina, you have a great case against Kuma there.
But, I'd like to point out a few things.
I, personally, still believe Kuma is Town.
It's just a gut instinct, I don't know. I don't know how to explain it.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Was ninja'ed by the Day post.

Why does that not surprise me?