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Multiaudience Games; Are They Possible?


Co-Founder of TBT
Retired Staff
Dec 2, 2004
Throwback Tickets
<big><big><big><big>Multiaudience Games; Are They Possible?</big></big></big></big><big><big>


While Iwata has said that the Revolution will feature games that will appeal to a variety of audiences, is it really possible to create such games? While we know that games that cater to a specific audience are way easier to create and plan, videogames that are specifically created to appeal to a wide variety of people are a bit harder to create. Hardcore gamers want nice, long, adventures, casuals want something to relax with, and non-gamers don't know what a Nintendo is anyway.

Since there are more non-gamers and casual gamers than hardcore gamers, Nintendo is trying to appeal to all at once, sometimes with a single game that appeals to all, or with a game that appeals to a specific part of gamers. The first choice is the best, obviously, since it can only take one game to create a cultural phenomenon, appeal to everyone, and sell the system on which the game is played. Doing so isn't the easiest thing to do, but it has the most pluses in the end.


Games For Everyone

In the short time that the videogame industry has existed, we have indeed seen some games that appeal to everyone, regardless of their status as a gamer. They have appealed to everyone due to their simplicity, and, at the same time, complexity, and because of their pick-up-and-play style. RPGs aren't usually these types of games, but a certain brain building game is one of them
i disagree with you 99 percent, you can never ever apeal to everyone. ever. its not possible with anything to appeal to everyone for example what will the illiterate people say to AC, it sucks. because they have no clue what they are doing, they only see a 2 leaves in the inv screen instead of "gay bed and gay table"
I don't think it's possible. There are way too many types of people. Unless there is a perfect! absolutely perfect game, I'm not sure that everyone will like a game. I would be surprised if it happens.
PKMNMasterSamus said:
I don't think it's possible. There are way too many types of people. Unless there is a perfect! absolutely perfect game, I'm not sure that everyone will like a game. I would be surprised if it happens.
OMG, you and PoD are farther from the point than ever...

My point was that games that CAN APPEAL IN POTENTIAL to hardcore gamers, casual gamers, and non-gamers exist, not games that appeal to EVERY SINGLE PERSON ON THE PLANET.
PKMNMasterSamus said:
I don't think it's possible. There are way too many types of people. Unless there is a perfect! absolutely perfect game, I'm not sure that everyone will like a game. I would be surprised if it happens.
OMG, you and PoD are farther from the point than ever...

My point was that games that CAN APPEAL IN POTENTIAL to hardcore gamers, casual gamers, and non-gamers exist, not games that appeal to EVERY SINGLE PERSON ON THE PLANET.
I agree with you, although you didn't specifically say what I'm thinking:
Nintendo is already trying to make these games before Rev is out, and with Rev it'll only get better.
Bulerias said:
PKMNMasterSamus said:
I don't think it's possible. There are way too many types of people. Unless there is a perfect! absolutely perfect game, I'm not sure that everyone will like a game. I would be surprised if it happens.
OMG, you and PoD are farther from the point than ever...

My point was that games that CAN APPEAL IN POTENTIAL to hardcore gamers, casual gamers, and non-gamers exist, not games that appeal to EVERY SINGLE PERSON ON THE PLANET.
you are far from the point too, most attempts at these games suck. so you can have a game taht may appeal to 3 diff types yet it sucks, or have 3 different games that would appeal alot more to the individual type
Bul, I agree with you. With the games Nintendo makes, they can appeal to all groups. A lot of it helped out with their image of "Family gaming", which other companies didn't hold onto and actually, that made them lose players. Meaning, if Sony and Microsoft had followed a little more like Nintendo, they could be doing much better right now.

Plus, Nintendo does put a lot of work into their games to make sure they appeal to all. Don't they sometimes take suggestions from the players themselves? If they don't, they should, as knowing what the gamer wants is good because they can make the game that much better.

Actually, I've even got a few people, who were either Sony fans or even non-gamers to switch to Nintendo. They liked Nintendo's appeal, and they liked how reliable and fun the games where. Not to mention, they weren't all filled with gore, profanity, and all that other stuff that makes those M rated games so terrible, in my opinion.

So, yeah, it is possible for Nintendo to appeal to all types of gamers. I've seen people switch, and I've seen nothing but DS's at my school. Not a PSP to be found.
Smart_Tech_Dragon_15 said:
Bul, I agree with you. With the games Nintendo makes, they can appeal to all groups. A lot of it helped out with their image of "Family gaming", which other companies didn't hold onto and actually, that made them lose players. Meaning, if Sony and Microsoft had followed a little more like Nintendo, they could be doing much better right now.

Plus, Nintendo does put a lot of work into their games to make sure they appeal to all. Don't they sometimes take suggestions from the players themselves? If they don't, they should, as knowing what the gamer wants is good because they can make the game that much better.

Actually, I've even got a few people, who were either Sony fans or even non-gamers to switch to Nintendo. They liked Nintendo's appeal, and they liked how reliable and fun the games where. Not to mention, they weren't all filled with gore, profanity, and all that other stuff that makes those M rated games so terrible, in my opinion.

So, yeah, it is possible for Nintendo to appeal to all types of gamers. I've seen people switch, and I've seen nothing but DS's at my school. Not a PSP to be found.
do you research anything, i mean anything before you start posting? your saying nintendo is doing better than nintendo, and sony is doing better than nintendo, nintendo is good and all but they have sucky graphics and most gamse could be better if they switched to the Play Station, which is what final fantasy did. but saying Sony and Microsoft are doing worse than nintendo, bill gates is one of the richest people in the world (thats right he ISN'T the richest, but hes pretty close) you are only a kid for 12 years, and you are only a teen for 7, and the rest of your life, you are a adult, now since there is more adults in the world than kids wouldnt it make more sence to appeal to them? yes you say "oh oh but travis, young kids are stupid and like to waste their parents money on pointless games they will play for 3 hours" yes thats true, but if a game could start a huge adult fanbase, they could make alot more, like WoW for example attracted a lot of D&D players. basically what im saying is that you shouldnt say without facts that nintendo is doing better than sony and microsoft
Pie_Or_Die said:
i disagree with you 99 percent, you can never ever apeal to everyone. ever. its not possible with anything to appeal to everyone for example what will the illiterate people say to AC, it sucks. because they have no clue what they are doing, they only see a 2 leaves in the inv screen instead of "gay bed and gay table"
we're assuming people can read...
Actually, Sony and Microsoft are doing better for wildly different reasons. Sony, with the PS2, was actually the pioneer of innovation. Honestly, find me a game like Katamari Da macy. Nuh-uh, you can't. How about some juicy RPGs? Tons of those on the PS2. It's just that the PS2 had GREAT third party support, and they got a LOT of great, and diverse games, including some multiaudience games as well.

As for Microsoft, they had the best online plan, and they managed to get the word out better than any company in the market because of the name "Microsoft" attached to the system's name, and perhaps due to their advertising system.

Nintendo didn't get third party support, nor a good online system. In the upcoming generation, things are playing out a little differently; Square-Enix is suddenly going to make ports of FF games for other systems, and LOTS, and I mean LOTS of third party developers are coming to the Revolution instead of the other systems... Developers that wouldn't even have the money to develop a Ps3 game are making games for the Revolution... Nibris, Crossbeam, and others...
Smart_Tech_Dragon_15 said:
Bul, I agree with you. With the games Nintendo makes, they can appeal to all groups. A lot of it helped out with their image of "Family gaming", which other companies didn't hold onto and actually, that made them lose players. Meaning, if Sony and Microsoft had followed a little more like Nintendo, they could be doing much better right now.

Plus, Nintendo does put a lot of work into their games to make sure they appeal to all. Don't they sometimes take suggestions from the players themselves? If they don't, they should, as knowing what the gamer wants is good because they can make the game that much better.

Actually, I've even got a few people, who were either Sony fans or even non-gamers to switch to Nintendo. They liked Nintendo's appeal, and they liked how reliable and fun the games where. Not to mention, they weren't all filled with gore, profanity, and all that other stuff that makes those M rated games so terrible, in my opinion.

So, yeah, it is possible for Nintendo to appeal to all types of gamers. I've seen people switch, and I've seen nothing but DS's at my school. Not a PSP to be found.
Well, Sony's doing better than any company for reasons I stated above...

Yes, I think they have lots of surveys and such... Not sure, though.

That's true, but, just the same, gamers can switch from Nintendo to Sony, and Sony's not about gore and violence. They WERE about innovation with the PS2, now, it's graphics...

That's because the DS is better marketed, better supported by third parties, and has better software from first and second parties.
>_< ****ing nintendo! They don't care about us! They care about their sales. Yes, there are more non-gamers than hardcore/casual gamers and the Revalution will bring more non-gamers. That will mean lots of more sales and big money. The Revalution will be like a Eyetoy or any other interactive game except its a system with lots more games. The idea is bogus to hardcore gamers and lots of new gamers will play old systems (nintendo 64, snes, nes, soon-to-be gamecube, etc.) and think it's just like the Revalution. They will try to hold the controller like a gun and try to shoot something, only to find out it's the run button.
Krool said:
>_< ****ing nintendo! They don't care about us! They care about their sales. Yes, there are more non-gamers than hardcore/casual gamers and the Revalution will bring more non-gamers. That will mean lots of more sales and big money. The Revalution will be like a Eyetoy or any other interactive game except its a system with lots more games. The idea is bogus to hardcore gamers and lots of new gamers will play old systems (nintendo 64, snes, nes, soon-to-be gamecube, etc.) and think it's just like the Revalution. They will try to hold the controller like a gun and try to shoot something, only to find out it's the run button.
Hey, not true!

Nintendo's not abondoning their fanbase; they're enlarging it!
Krool said:
>_< ****ing nintendo! They don't care about us! They care about their sales. Yes, there are more non-gamers than hardcore/casual gamers and the Revalution will bring more non-gamers. That will mean lots of more sales and big money. The Revalution will be like a Eyetoy or any other interactive game except its a system with lots more games. The idea is bogus to hardcore gamers and lots of new gamers will play old systems (nintendo 64, snes, nes, soon-to-be gamecube, etc.) and think it's just like the Revalution. They will try to hold the controller like a gun and try to shoot something, only to find out it's the run button.
wow, you totally didn't just read that article on WasteOfTime... and you totally didn't just believe everything it said. : \