Buying 60 clovers! willing to buy 5+ at a time & offering TBT!

back online!
updated what i'm looking for. turns out i need more clovers than i thought. :)


currently looking through a few towns of mine to see if i have any extra lilies/the skirt.
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Was there not enough white lillies in my second town? :eek: Do you want me to reopen and double check?
We could try and go on tours to harvest them.
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thanks for the offer, but i've actually just found enough lilies! there were a ton in one of my other unfinished towns i'd forgotten about. ^_^
thanks for the offer, but i've actually just found enough lilies! there were a ton in one of my other unfinished towns i'd forgotten about. ^_^
Ahhh sweet! ^^ If I come across the blue-grid skirt, I will let you know. ;)
thanks! with luck it'll show up in one of my towns someday. :lemon:


just found it in fen's catalog! :'D


as of 12:30 AM EST i'm going afk for a while but will be back soon to check for replies.
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wow, thank you so much! :) are you available to wifi now? ^__^
thanks again so much! i'll add you and open my gates right away. the town's name is bellows. n_n
thank you! ^_^ any amount at this point really helps!
heading offline for the night! should be back wednesday or thursday.
had some unexpected free time today so i figured i'd try my luck! ^_^
Hey c: I have 16 clovers for 2 TBT each for you if that's ok but tomorrow we can trade :)
i'm sorry, but i'm going to be out all day tomorrow & i won't have time to wifi! ;__; thanks very much for the offer, though.
going offline! like i said, i won't be on at all tomorrow but i will be wednesday or thursday.