How much should I price my art?


Ball is life :)
Aug 12, 2014
Mother's Day Carnation
Tasty Cake
Pikachu Easter Egg
Astral Inner Planet Floating Gold #10
Red Candy
Yellow Candy
Yellow Candy
Hello everyone! I haven't been on for a while, but I'm back now! I've improved even more than I did last year and I'm so happy for that. I've been thinking about how much to price my art for doing these pieces.

My old drawings were priced 30 tbt for chibi style 1, 40 tbt for chibi style 2. and semi realistic for60 tbt. They are in the tab below

w h y.jpg

In my new stash ( it shows some of my newer art pieces. Any thoughts price-wise? mainly tbt/points since I don't currently own a paypal.
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I suck at pricing stuff my self, although I think you should up the tbt to at least 100, as you do have nice art, plus for the time you are spending on them.
Not too shabby. From what I've seen, your stuff could range about 25-50 btb per piece.
^ that's a bit underpriced in my opinion :0
For your current art I'd definitely say like 100+ depending on the type of piece. Fullbody, bust, etc.
I suck at pricing stuff my self, although I think you should up the tbt to at least 100, as you do have nice art, plus for the time you are spending on them.

Not too shabby. From what I've seen, your stuff could range about 25-50 btb per piece.

^ that's a bit underpriced in my opinion :0
For your current art I'd definitely say like 100+ depending on the type of piece. Fullbody, bust, etc.

I'd say 50 for the chibis. :)

thanks everyone!