The Unfortunate, Fortunately Game

Unfortunately, Superman heard our excessive burping and, offended, has challenged us to a duel to the death.
fortunately, batman is sympathetic to our plight and has offered to help us fight him
Fortunately he now has a super duper awesome ROBOT ARM!

Unfortunately, It has developed a mind of it's own and is a super villain!

( Ninja's again! O: )
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Unfortunately we are now defenseless against superman
Unfortunately before Lois Lane comes a Wind comes and suddenly blows her back to where she came from.
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Fortunately superman leaves to save her giving us time to escape
Unfortunately, a giant flying chicken attacked everyone and sent eggs flying everywhere making it hard to see, then everyone walked into a mystical portal by mistake and was warped into Hyrule, then in Hyrule a gold cucco lauched an army of cuccos to attack.
Fortunately, everybody woke up and soon realized it was all a dream.
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Fortunetly it was only one
Fortunetly they had Ed, the chicking loving oaf!