Would your perspective on Trump change if he wasn't as loud?

-scratch that-
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On that note, I heard he also wants to rid of birth control, which is insane.

I thought he only wanted to stop paying for birth control in other countries. Not get rid of it entirely but stop being the world's lender essentially.
I thought he only wanted to stop paying for birth control in other countries. Not get rid of it entirely but stop being the world's lender essentially.

But if he specifically didn't want to fund birth control then that seems pretty insidious to me.
That wouldn't be Trump. He's not a politician, that's the thing. He's never been involved with politics. If he wasn't on twitter or involved in media, it wouldn't be Trump.
But if he specifically didn't want to fund birth control then that seems pretty insidious to me.

Not forcing tax payers to pay for something in foreign countries =/= wanting to eliminate birth control. Even not forcing tax payers to pay for birth control for their countrymen =/= eliminating birth control. I use birth control so it's an important issue to me, which is why I donate to planned parenthood, but I don't expect people who against it to pay for it too.

I could go into how birth control is always going to be cheaper than having a child and as long as it's available period that's all I personally ask for. I don't expect others to pay for my life choices.
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His personality has nothing to do with my opinion about his politics.
LMBO, maybe if he was not a racist man who wanted to get rid of all immigrants,sexist,homophobic,and didn't tweet all the time, than maybe, just maybe he would be an okay president.
His views still wouldn't have changed, and down the line, quiet or not, he would still have these opinions that I simply don't agree with. I didn't vote Hillary because he was loud, but rather that his views were just not what I was looking for for the next four years of the American life.
Sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, white supremacist, Nazi. It's like the far left is trying to make c-c-c-combo breakers with those labels. Use one, use them all, huh?

He has no filter, but that's what a lot of people find enduring about him. Everything he said he wanted to do, he started doing it as soon as he got into office. The people who voted for him are getting what they wanted. Of course, there are tons of non-political people out there that we would've preferred, but Trump was a start to something new for a lot of people. A vote for Trump was a vote of defiance to our current 2-party system. Yeah, he's labeled as a republican, but he he leans way more to the left than other republican nominees.

I, for one, preferred Trump over Hillary, and I'm not always on board with everything he does, just as I wasn't on board with everything Obama did. But the hysteria that has been fueled by the media constantly crying wolf is just ridiculous. Breathe a little.

I really feel bad for people that are anti-Trump, because it's almost as if they're convinced Trump is personally trying to kill them.
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Sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, white supremacist, Nazi. It's like the far left is trying to make c-c-c-combo breakers with those labels. Use one, use them all, huh?

He has no filter, but that's what a lot of people find enduring about him. Everything he said he wanted to do, he started doing it as soon as he got into office. The people who voted for him are getting what they wanted. Of course, there are tons of non-political people out there that we would've preferred, but Trump was a start to something new for a lot of people. A vote for Trump was a vote of defiance to our current 2-party system. Yeah, he's labeled as a republican, but he he leans way more to the left than other republican nominees.

I, for one, preferred Trump over Hillary, and I'm not always on board with everything he does, just as I wasn't on board with everything Obama did. But the hysteria that has been fueled by the media constantly crying wolf is just ridiculous. Breathe a little.

I really feel bad for people that are anti-Trump, because it's almost as if they're convinced Trump is personally trying to kill them.

You, I like you. I'm glad someone finally had the guts to say the first part. Hearing a different standpoint on this topic is refreshing and you pretty much summed up my thoughts on him as well.
Sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, white supremacist, Nazi. It's like the far left is trying to make c-c-c-combo breakers with those labels. Use one, use them all, huh?

or maybe his words and actions point to him being exactly the type of persons listed here

A vote for Trump was a vote of defiance to our current 2-party system. Yeah, he's labeled as a republican, but he he leans way more to the left than other republican nominees.

there's better less childish ways to go about this than rallying behind probably one of the most corrupt businessmen alive today

and lmao, Trump isn't an anomaly to the modern republican party. he's the modern republican party exposed purely for what it is

I really feel bad for people that are anti-Trump, because it's almost as if they're convinced Trump is personally trying to kill them.

gee, maybe because his actions in office actually could literally end up killing them
there's no reason to feel sorry for people who are anti-Trump. being anti-Trump is not far-left or even left, it's a soundly moderate and sane place to be. even much of the Republican party is still anti-Trump.

as for "loudness," Trump is a stereotypical blowhard New Yorker, who is a reality tv personality, and loudness is part of that package. Bernie Sanders is a loud New Yorker as well. the question posed by the thread suggests that if Trump somehow had i dunno a more likeable personality then people's opinions about his purported agenda would change. but as others have suggested i don't think many people judge candidates or elected officials' policies by how likeable that candidate / representative may be.
or maybe his words and actions point to him being exactly the type of persons listed here

there's better less childish ways to go about this than rallying behind probably one of the most corrupt businessmen alive today

and lmao, Trump isn't an anomaly to the modern republican party. he's the modern republican party exposed purely for what it is

gee, maybe because his actions in office actually could literally end up killing them

He stated he supported the LGBTQ community from the start, so you could already scratch out 2 of those. He has made pretty sexist comments before, so I'll give you that one. As for the others, I wouldn't know how you got to that conclusion.

With the options we had, what would've been a better way for Americans to stick it to the republican and democratic party? The republican party was as anti-Trump as the democratic party.

Yeah, that's where the hysteria has led you.
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He stated he supported the LGBTQ community from the start, so you could already scratch out 2 of those.

ok, now show me his actions for this. him saying he supports the LGBTQ community is worthless hot air unless he backs it up as well. moreso when you're in a position of inlfuencable power like he currently is

As for the others, I wouldn't know how you got to that conclusion.

way more research than I'd ever care to admit

With the options we had, what would've been a better way for Americans to stick it to the republican and democratic party? The republican party was as anti-Trump as the democratic party.

maybe first off stop trying to "stick it to the parties" like some sort of selfish spoiled child?

and I say this as someone that has many issues with both political platforms myself. this mindset is actual grade schooler logic that does nothing to actually fix anything

Yeah, that's where the hysteria has led you.

"I can't actually make an argument for this, so instead I will just throw out insults"
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like some sort of selfish spoiled child?

"I can't actually make an argument for this, so instead I will just throw out insults"

From my little corner over here, I see direct insults coming from you rather than Noob. Forgive me if I missed something, but I didn't see any actual insults directed towards you. And if you were insulted by what Noob had to say, perhaps you're a bit sensitive for political matters.

As for my opinion on how loud Trump is. Nah. It wouldn't change any opinions I may have or may have had. I avoid politics anyways, but because this topic wasn't entirely based on political views, but rather character, I wanted to participate anyhow.
Yes, please remember when discussion controversial topics to do so in a respectful manner, and refrain from throwing out insults, thanks.
You're claiming he's all those things and you haven't backed it up, then you say i can't make an argument by saying fearing for your life is hysterical?

I made my point on my first post. I'm not here to convince anyone to like Trump, and if you think continuing to vote democratic or republican will help fix the problem of just having the options of democrat or republican, then I don't think I can convince you of anything.

If you can't admit that the people's involvement in politics (both pro and anti-Trump) has been and will continue to be affected by the Trump presidency, then you are clearly set in your ways.
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From my little corner over here, I see direct insults coming from you rather than Noob. Forgive me if I missed something, but I didn't see any actual insults directed towards you. And if you were insulted by what Noob had to say, perhaps you're a bit sensitive for political matters.

I'm saying the mindset of sticking it to x is horribly immature

and I never said anything about being insulted, but calling anti-Trump people hysterical is pretty much as clean cut an insult to them as you could go

also, even if I was insulted, that doesn't make me "a bit sensitive for political matters" by any stretch. gtfo with this garbage elitist mindset
ok, now show me his actions for this. him saying he supports the LGBTQ community is worthless hot air unless he backs it up as well. moreso when you're in a position of inlfuencable power like he currently is

way more research than I'd ever care to admit

You can't just ask them to expand on their claim while completely dodging yours. Also, I agree with Petey Piranha it seems more as it's the other way around with the hostile comments.
I'm saying the mindset of sticking it to x is horribly immature

and I never said anything about being insulted, but calling anti-Trump people hysterical is pretty much as clean cut an insult to them as you could go

also, even if I was insulted, that doesn't make me "a bit sensitive for political matters" by any stretch. gtfo with this garbage elitist mindset

Your reason for behaving this way appeared to have originated from a political disagreement, and your responses don't sound like you're handling it well in terms of attitude. Which is where I came to the assumption that you may be sensitive to the topic. You just seemed to be angered by all of this. You just told me to, "gtfo". That's not a polite way to handle a disagreement, and certainly not how someone would likely handle a disagreement if they were calm. And I'm not trying to come off as an elitist. I just don't like to sit by and watch things like this unfold. I prefer disagreements to remain civil and mature. When insults are thrown, I get very antsy.

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We might all get in trouble if this continues, so I won't add any more fuel to this fire. But let's all try to get along, k? K. Thanks.