Giveaway come get free flowers and items!! resetting town


Junior Member
Dec 16, 2015
100% (1) +
im being nice and giving away items to people instead of just selling them all. theres a lot of "junk" but theres a lot of ticket items and mush set pieces. i will not tell you what i have, im too busy to go thru it all.

you can have anything you find in the town unless it is by my house in the top right corner.

no hybrid flowers, but its a lot of roses.

i have a small donation area set up by my house if youd like to be kind and donate some bells to help with my move! but it is not required to do so (just wanted an area incase anyone did want to!). anything outside of the black box is fair game.

please only one or two poket fulls!
dont run in the flowers in the area under my house!
you can chop some trees tbh but just dont go crazy!

pm me if interested! only doing this until monday at the latest.
I was looking for non-hybrid purple and white non-hybrid flowers?would you happen to have any? If so please private message me thank you! And I don't have much but I have some bells I can donate :)
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CLOSED!!! i have more stuff and might reopen tomorrow but no promises! im getting tired tbh.