What's Bothering You?

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oops I made things weird again

I really hate when I say to lmk if you are indeed free on a certain day and then you dont tell me unless I actually follow up w/ you (can you not remember to tell me yourself?)
like, i was basically called "fake" bc i was telling this person (with a raised voice which apparently = rage lol!!!) why a decision of hers was dumb and then she just gets mad like ok!! i didnt spend the whole summer with you just for you to call me fake, that's so damn infuriating and i just feel like we could be back to square one after all we've been through these past four months..
i'm spending a full weekend (2 nights) at my boyfriend's house //where his parents and brother live and boY anxietea af
why did i know this would happen why.

i really hope we can see each other tomorrow or i'm gonna be really.. i dunno sad is the right word.. not annoyed either.. but still .. weh
So I just got yelled at by my Mom for making a point to the three younger kids, not her. I wasn't even talking to her, that the people that use the kids living the least are the ones that take care of it the most and that cups shouldn't be by the PS4. Ever since we moved to WV, I've swept, vacuumed, picked up plates, etc... I feel unappreciated and undervalued. Her argument is she could just tell the kids to pick up said thing, sweep said thing, vacuum said thing... but then why doesn't she? I'm not cleaning it 24/7... I have plot scouting to do... and CNN to make fun... and what I consider a life.
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I know I've gained weight but I'm too scared to weigh myself to see by how much ;_;
This damn computer...I have no idea what the issue is but am gonna find out, eventually!
Well, that's what I get for eating garbage all day. My stomach hurts so badly... ;_;
can't decide what to wear DD: this dress is a bit too girly but I can't just wear shorts again! and a skirt is ehh - I only have dark colors ;;
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