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  • Hangzhou doesn't have a dream code yet, as it's still in a very messy state~ but it'll be a zen town inspired in the chinese zodiac, so eventually Chester and Kitty and Marshal will have to move out so I can have the remaining zodiac animals (I'm missing dragon, horse, monkey and goat). :)
    Sundance does have a dream address, but I'm actually embarrassed... it's also still very raw, but if you'd like to see it, I believe I'm the only Mayor Nopa of Sundance in Nindendo's data. x)
    Hello! So, would you like me to pay first before getting Stitches? Still a bit new to this, sorry.
    I don't have any Welcome Amiibo items but I can get bush starts!
    I can pay TBT or IGB too since I don't have any items
    I just realized I commented twice on my own page. :/ Sorry, I have a bunch of bush starts. I also have an aurora screen.
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