Recent content by QMan

  1. Q

    Official Turnip Prices Thread

    I'm ready to come in as well. I'll have to make two trips though if that's alright, simply because of the sheer volume of turnips :P
  2. Q

    Official Turnip Prices Thread

    My friend and I bought like 20000 turnips. The Stalk Market Wizard said to sell on Wednesday morning but the prices dropped instead of spiking, so she put all of her turnips on the ground in my town so she could time travel back to the previous day (and it still didn't work out for us for a...
  3. Q

    Official Turnip Prices Thread

    I would like to sell too please! I need like 15-20 more minutes to get ready though.
  4. Q

    Official Turnip Prices Thread

    It's alright. My gate is still open. I was just giving a general timeframe of when the best time for you to come in would be.
  5. Q

    Official Turnip Prices Thread

    Last guest of the day, please. I'll add you and open my gate. Prepare to come within 10 minutes. Okay citronic, come right in!
  6. Q

    Official Turnip Prices Thread

    Okay. I added Toaru, SolarInferno, and Alicante. My gate will open in like 2 minutes.
  7. Q

    Nevermind, I found it :P

    Nevermind, I found it :P
  8. Q

    Absolutely. Just give me your FriendCode; I'll add you and open my town.

    Absolutely. Just give me your FriendCode; I'll add you and open my town.
  9. Q

    Official Turnip Prices Thread

    My gate is open now. Feel free to come in, and take as much time as you need. I'm sorry if I'm not attentive while you're there, I'm reading stuff on the internetz. Also, my prices will change in an hour and 55 minutes from now. I'll have to TT back to an earlier time if someone is late. Edit...
  10. Q

    Official Turnip Prices Thread

    Turnips are going for 576 Bells in my town right now. I'm also looking for someone willing to time travel to Sunday so a friend and I can buy some extra turnips to sell.