Recent content by PandaBerryInSpace

  1. PandaBerryInSpace

    Favorite piece of furniture?

    Do you have any pieces of furniture that you frequently use in your designs? For me, it's the kitchen island. Ever since I found out that you can put stuff on top of it like a table, I have used it in almost every house I've designed since. XD I always like giving every house a little kitchen...
  2. PandaBerryInSpace

    Please check it out!

    Pretty cool! I gave you some good ratings. ;P
  3. PandaBerryInSpace

    Villager discussion: Caroline

    Caroline is cute! I really liked her in ACHHD because she had a cute house request, and unlocked some good furniture. X3
  4. PandaBerryInSpace

    Silly things that get your heart racing in game lol

    When Isabelle stops you on the title screen to tell you something. Usually it's about an event or something, but I'm always so scared someone is moving. ;~;
  5. PandaBerryInSpace

    How often do you plaÿ?

    Ever since I started playing this again, I've been playing it every day. The only day I didn't was when I left my 3DS at my mom's house, LOL.
  6. PandaBerryInSpace

    Your favorite house?

    I think my favorite house I designed so far was the mansion I made for Gracie. I had to get a Frobert card, too, so I could unlock the Gracie series... I posted pictures here: Also, I am rather fond of the...
  7. PandaBerryInSpace

    which starter personality were you missing for your first town?

    My first ever town was missing a normal. I got Sydney as my move-in. My current town was missing a snooty, and I reset for Tipper!
  8. PandaBerryInSpace

    Advice for creating a cycle town?

    Ooh! I have one more tip for keeping villagers original: Never, ever do requests that involve delivering a package to another villager. Sometimes, that package will contain a piece of furniture that they will put in their house. I learned that the hard way. XD In one of my older cycling towns...
  9. PandaBerryInSpace

    Advice for creating a cycle town?

    I also like getting my approval rating up to 100% simply because if you don't, Isabelle will nag you about it on the startup screen and it's really annoying. XD
  10. PandaBerryInSpace

    Advice for creating a cycle town?

    Mm. Okay, I've done lots of cycle towns before, most of which were very short-lived, so I'll try to give you my best advice for starting up. Try not to worry too much about a good map when resetting. This is a cycle town! It's not supposed to be pretty. When resetting for the initial town, I...
  11. PandaBerryInSpace

    Don't you just love it when this happens?

    I recently saw some fish and bug related pixel art on deviantART, and I was able to recognize one of the fish as an oarfish! I never wouldn't known that if it wasn't for ACNL. :)
  12. PandaBerryInSpace

    Villagers that just belong together

    I always like to have Julian and Colton together. <3 Smug fairy tale horses~
  13. PandaBerryInSpace

    Where should I put my lighthouse?

    Yeah, I always put my lighthouses on the cliff near the dock. X3 It just makes the most sense.
  14. PandaBerryInSpace

    How many copies do you have?

    I used to have three copies. One digital, two physical. But then I gave one of my physical copies to my nephew, and in two days, I will be giving my other physical copy to my mom. I'm probably going to get a new physical copy once the update comes out... Well, we'll see. I'm quite content with...