Recent content by NoWorriez

  1. N

    Official Turnip Prices Thread

    looking for turnip prices over 400!!! will tip good
  2. N

    are your turnip prices still high? ill tip nice!!

    are your turnip prices still high? ill tip nice!!
  3. N

    sweet thanks so much ! gonna add u now

    sweet thanks so much ! gonna add u now
  4. N

    Trading in search of fruits/misc in trade of anything reasonable.

    i have every fruit in my town you can come grab some
  5. N

    Buying Another Wishlist Thread!

    have the apples and cherries here
  6. N

    Selling Perfect cherries

  7. N

    Selling  Perfect cherries

    2 tbt for a basket!!
  8. N

    gates open!

    gates open!
  9. N

    yea!! ill show you when you get here ill pay whatever u think will be good but can only do igb...

    yea!! ill show you when you get here ill pay whatever u think will be good but can only do igb thanks ill add u now
  10. N

    hey can you plant palm trees on my beach i have the bananas ready!!

    hey can you plant palm trees on my beach i have the bananas ready!!
  11. N

    Buying White Roses, and LOTS of em!

    i may have a bit let me see
  12. N

    Buying Hybrids

  13. N

    Selling roses

    would you take igb for anything or just tbt