Mephisto Pheles

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  • Yeah that's fine! Hmm I'm 5 hours behind you so it'll probably have to be evening, maybe 7-8pm your time, would that be ok?
    Hi, I have Jeremiah, he's not moving yet but I'll try to TT him out. You can take him for free :)
    Who made the image for your signature? I'd love to know the artist o:
    Oh, if I understand correctly, you don't time travel. I have Drift moving out today. There is still Puddles.
    Nice. I still have two more of your frogs. Also, at least Croque got a nice home from someone at ACC who has him as a 'dreamie.'
    I'll be moving on with cycling soon so I am not sure you'll be able to get Croque, but it may be some time before Puddles and Drift make it into boxes so there's more of a chance for you to get them.
    Croque is in my town. Still looking for him?

    How about Puddles and Drift? I have them, too.
    Everything's looking good! I think you need to work on the ten thousand a little bit more though, but you improved throughout the row. c: It's alright to take your time, I wouldn't call it procrastination.
    Keep practicing the same 30 again until you have it down, just to make sure you get them down before moving on to the next 30. If I were you I'd only move on when your confident with them or else working with them will be for nothing because you'll be caught up learning new things that you'll forget the first 30. Also, if you feel like 30 is too overwhelming then lower your number's to 20. You only need to learn about 2000 even if there's around 50,000.

    Think about it this way: If you see a board with that kanji wherever you go in Japan, will you be able to recognize and tell what it is? If so, then move on. If not, then keep working on it.

    At the end of the week or so of kanji I would recommend testing yourself to see if everything has sticked before moving on to more.
    Yeah, it's weird.. I think it has to deal with them not being related to each other. It's kind of like how English has it's own little weird rules. Kanji's with a bunch of strokes are always a pain to write ;; you could be like 99% done with it and if you mess up the last stroke you mess up the whole thing.

    If I had to pick the top 2 女 you wrote in that picture ~ it would be... Row 2, #3 and Row 4 #1.
    That's a funny story! Now you have something to remember the kanji and definition by ha ha~
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