• Thanks for playing! The closing ceremony for TBT World Championship 2024 has been posted. Congratulations to the winning team, Squirtle Squad! We'll announce the winners for our Master Ball raffle and distribute your hard-earned arcade tokens soon.

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  • Hi Rio! :D I just want to tell you how much fun I had with you in Splatoon and seeing you in chat 🙂. I saw what you wrote in the closing ceremony about having anxiety, which is part of the reason I wanted to tell you this and that you did awesome! Sorry if this puts you on the spot or sounds awkward. I have a lot of anxiety - social and other forms so I understand! Anyways, you totally wrecked me in Splatoon xD. I hope I can become as good as you some day 🙂
    A few weeks ago, we were just talking about patches in the collectibles discussion. I see that you have both the 2013 Fair Patch and the 2021 Camp Patch, which I said would be a perfect match since they follow the forest theme. They are also the first patch collectibles of their kind.
    • Like
    Reactions: Rio_
    I never noticed- they do look neat together, don't they? ☺️
    The 2023 Camp Patch and 2016 Fair Patch also go well with each other since they fit the night sky theme. Space can be seen in the summer nights.
    • Like
    Reactions: Rio_
    I'm sorry Rio_, I accidentally gave the wrong amount of points which is there there's a small adjustment! 🙏
    • Invader
    Reactions: Rio_
    Ah, no problem!
    Hi Rio! Just posting here in case I post-merge on your thread. I can trade a perfect pear for a perfect apple for sure. :> Let me know when you want it bought, and if you want any message.
    I am intrugied why Alli was crossed out on your mayor scrapbook~ What did she doo XD
    • Throw Beans
    Reactions: Rio_
    She refused to move out for the longest time, resulting in a grudge developing… I may have written her some angrily worded letters 😅
    • Hug
    Reactions: Giddy
    oh wow, I hate that XD Currently dealing with that with Pudge.
    • Hug
    Reactions: Rio_
    I can play now if you're free, can we do your town? I need to do a random tour + hammer tour. I also need to do the pitfall one, have you done that one?
    • Throw Beans
    Reactions: Rio_
    Gates are open ^^ Town name is Miau!
    p e p p e r
    p e p p e r
    do you need me for photos for the butterfly & shark one?
    • Throw Beans
    Reactions: Rio_
    It's okay, I can take the photos using my second 3DS mayor if I have to- you've already helped me a lot! ^^
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