What Are You Happy About Today?

Things I?m happy about today:
  • It?s Friday!
  • I?m going into the weekend with my work desk fairly clean.
  • I?m visting my Grandma tonight.
today I got to talk to a friend who I haven't talked to in over a year. I couldn't believe the timing of it all, but I'm still really happy to hear from him. Hopefully we'll be able to talk more often now since he's finished moving and such.
Going in to work for this event thing.... My boss allowed us to buy from this campaign even though it's not two days so boi grabbing dat dress.
happy for the weekend, happy to clean my room and wash everything that needed to be washed (since I was sick and hopefully that's all gone now) and then looking forward to making plans for the winter break to visit my sister. after talking with my dad about it, it seems like it's something he really wants us to do so I'm really looking forward to that.
Got to wear my new clothes! Hope my jeans is still fitting good now that I washed them, I tried being careful when washing but you never know aha.

Also slowly but surely building my item collection in New Leaf :D
-i have some time off work starting tomorrow
-made progress on finishing my NL town
-went out + got drunk with one of my best friends
-messaged an old friend something i’ve been meaning to say for a long time
actually, not much. i can already feel a pretty bad week coming on :(

but raddle is moving in and he plotted his house in a great spot!!! i'm so happy he didn't mess it up and put it right in a little zen garden project, cutting down the trees and flowers *cough* fuschia *cough*
Getting my birthday dinner today (only day that lines up for everyone even though birthday is still a bit off).

Absolutely living for this meal. Best restaurant ever I've been bouncing off the walls for this meal.
im very happy about today! my mom is going to drop some snacks off at my dorm and i dont have much homework for evening study so they cant make me do anything but watch netflix or play games lmao
managed to stay awake after school, finally took my meds on time, and i was able to talk to raddle for the first time... my boyfriend's also been a huge help but he's asleep right now
I can come up with the corniest response for this, but I’m just happy because I love some of the greatest people in the world and they just make me so happy!!
i was able to get a lot of items that i dreamed of having!! before i discovered TBT, i thought it was impossible... but the community has been so friendly and kind that i feel happy about the items AND meeting others who play ACNL! i was able to take a large rest day too without much chores and that's always... reviving in a way but!

now i'm going to watch HxH with my partner and continue playing acnl but yeah!! i'm super super happy about that! getting a slumberparty room started in my house fuels me! >:3
work was actually pretty fun since i was on with someone i really like and i got to vent a lot about someone else i work with lol. also lame but i reached 300 on snap w someone who means a lot to meee and idk i'm just really happy they're a part of my life