{roleplay} The Three Nations ✲ accepting


moon child
Apr 8, 2014
Spring Sakura
Spring Sakura
Spring Sakura
Spring Sakura
A fresh start. Nobody knows each other.

The Three Nations have lived in complete harmony and have been separated for hundreds of years, keeping to themselves as they grow in population and in terms of strength. Over the years, they have all demanded expansion because of their population rising and have began to cross borders in search of new territory. The Freljordans are very determined and strong willed people that love their homeland, they are physically very strong and great at fighting. The Ionians are a neutral race that feature elves and half-animals with special abilities. They usually tend to avoid conflict and are very secretive about their lives. The Shurimans are fast, agile killers that love violence and they are beginning to become curious of the other Nations. They were born killers and are extremely quick, getting a laugh over the slaying of others.

The Freljordans and the Shurimans have had slight disagreements lately since they came in contact with one another, but nothing too major as of yet. The Ionians haven't emerged from their homes so they know nothing about the conflict of the other ethnicities.


I got lazy and decided to use League of Legends scenery, deal with it.


Ionia is a beautiful mountainous zen village that features cherry blossom trees and vast waterfalls. The area is full of green and what isn't mountains and village is the Ionian forest which separates the other villages from one another. The village is extremely developed and is home to elves and people that have animal features, but do not necessarily shape shift. The forest is lush and extremely rich in food and resources.


Shurima is a vast desert that features a village home to the Shurimans, the born-to-kill bloodthirsty assassins. The temperature is very warm and dry here and it forces people to go to the Ionian forest in secret to get resources. The village is developed and can support itself. It's often very stormy here and it gets extremely cold at night time, dropping almost 50 degrees each night because of the climate.


A vast snowcapped and mountainous area, the Freljord is home to the tough and brave warriors with great hearts. The area is extremely cold and forested, holding a well developed village that has kept the peace for years and years. The forests are thick and filled with food for them so they have no means of leaving their home unless they decide to venture in the Ionian forest.

  • Please ask permission or put "attempt" in your post before you use any sort of manipulation on ANYBODY.
  • Nobody is perfect. You can't dodge everything or land everything. If I see this happening, you get a warning.
  • You may have as many characters as you can control.
  • There will be shipping and romances. Fade to black when necessary.
  • Please be aware that some details or words may be unsuited for younger audiences.
  • Romance and forbidden love IS encouraged.

Ionian Form:

(appearance) <-- please post a picture.

Ethnicity: Ionian
Animal Species or Elf:
Can they Shift?:
Weapon (only if you can't shift):


Freljordan Form:

(appearance) <-- please post picture.

Ethnicity: Freljordan
Powers (NO SHIFTERS, magic based powers):

Shuriman Form

(appearance) <-- please post picture.

Ethnicity: Shuriman
Powers (NO SHIFTERS, physical based powers):




Name: Ahri, the Nine-Tailed Fox
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Ionian
Animal: Fox
Personality: Ahri is a twisted being who enjoys consuming the souls of others and she isn't exactly the nice type. As their race is very secluded, she doesn't like outsiders much and she loves to kill other life forms and people in her secret life, however other people are unaware she is a cold hearted killer. She can be warmed up to, in time.
Power: Her magic revolves around the use of her Orb: Soul stealing, can seduce people with her looks and by using charm.
Can they Shift?: Only between 2 human forms and it grants her 0 power, just for looks. is uncontrollable when she's angry.
Weapon: Orb of Deception
Talents: Very fast like a fox, flexible. Great singer.
Flaws: Stubborn, very dependent on others. Very weak without her magic.



Name: Zed
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Shuriman
Personality: Zed loves to kill and was born and raised with a shuriken in his hand. He isn't very nice and he is extremely blood thirsty. He's extremely rude and cold, snapping at the smallest of things. You can basically say he's a short fuse. He often feels anger towards people for no reason at all and will begin hating them like so. He could like you one minute then want to stab you the next.
Powers (NO SHIFTERS, physical based powers): "Living Shadows" which allow him to spawn a shadow of himself that mimics his movements, it looks exactly like Zed himself and stands like he does, except it's ashy and greyscale.
Weapon: Retractable blades on his gloves, shurikens.
Talents: Agile, physically tough, great thinker.
Flaws: Irrational, stubborn, very cold.
Other: He never takes his mask off unless he knows you well.


Freljordan Form:

Name: Sonata
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Freljordan
Personality: Loves music and she's very friendly, but if she's angered, watch out :)<
Powers (NO SHIFTERS, magic based powers): Can influence people's thoughts and emotions by playing music
Weapon: Her Violin (see above)
Talents: Good at music, fast, cunning
Flaws: Not the best at physical combat, can lose her temper
Other: Please ignore the snow bunnies (or whatever they are) in the picture XD


Kieren Son?t​
Animal Species or Elf:
Very uncharacteristic of his people, Kieren is a curious young man. He loves learning to things and adventuring into dangerous places which often lands him in trouble. He doesn't involve himself in fights or arguments, but trouble finds him when he goes off trying to satisfy his curiosity. He is a very mature young elf and usually follows the rules. He is polite and kind. However he had a carefree nature side to him which makes him almost oblivious of dangerous situations. Don't get him wrong. He can tell what's good and what isn't, but he's not that good at it.​
Kieren can summon elemental a and earth spirits. They like it when he plays his flute for them but his music sometimes attracts dark spirits which can possess him. Because of this Kieren has a hard time remembering a few things often not knowing what he's doing whist being possessed and not even knowing he's possessed at all.​
Can they Shift?:
Bow and arrow. Occasional sword, knives/daggers.​
Kieren is very skilled in using a bow and arrow. He has nearly perfect eye sight making it almost impossible for him to miss an unmoving target from a significantly large distance. He's still working on moving ones though. From time to time Kieren enjoys using a sword or dagger but for fun. He is aware that he most likely would not win in a battle or duel because to his small physique. He enjoys playing a wide variety of instruments. That isn't to say he is particularly good at playing those instruments. He can however play a catchy little tune with a flute he carries with him everywhere. His true joy is in painting and drawing. Aside from the flute, he always bring with him a sketchbook and pencil to record the beautiful scenery this world has to offer. And he is a very good artist. So good that he sometimes trades his drawings and paintings in exchange for goods. That's how he got his flute.​
Curiosity is his biggest flaw. Kieren is drawn by new experiences and by new people. Seeing and experiencing things he's never encountered before. As a child it nearly got him killed. As an adult it borders on getting him sucked into a war he shouldn't be a part of.​

Ionian Form:

View attachment 74477
(Like this but hair is slightly more even.Skin is pale.Wears a white scarf,silversweater,and gray jeans.
Ethnicity: Ionian
Animal (if applicable):Caribou
Personality:Nice.Has a fear of bugs.She is a little sarcastic.Not easy to anger,and calms down quickly if angerered.Sina gets jealous very easily.
Powers:Can control the element of electricity through her antlers.
Can they Shift?:No
Weapon (only if you can't shift):A wand.It can control the weather of a small nearby area.
Talents:Fast runner,good fighter.
Flaws:Bad at climbing,very jealous of others,usually in the romance area.Self conscious,dwells on embaressing past events.Can easily be persuaded or manipulated.
Other:Is an antu animal killer.


Freljordan Form:

View attachment 74478

Ethnicity: Freljordan
Personality:Nice,but quick to be angered,and slow to cool down.Often talks sarcasticly,or jokingly.
Powers (NO SHIFTERS, magic based powers):Can turn into a somewhat smaller version of hulk.Can slightly increase his muscle mass and height,making him stronger.
Weapon:Large,spiked hammer.
Talents:Great fighter.Good at athletic activites like climbing and running.
Flaws:Narcasistic.Cocky and reckless.Can be pretty gullible at times.

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(Has a sleeve tattoo on his bare arm of cracked skulls)
Ethnicity: Shuriman
Personality:Somewhat nice,and very sarcastic.He uses sarcasim at almost every available moment.He will stand up for those close to him.He can get angered easily,but calms down quickly.He isn't mercifull or sorry for those who are in a bad moment of their life.He often holds crushes,if he gets mad enough.
Powers (NO SHIFTERS, physical based powers):Can control poison.
Weapon:Large black axe,the tips poisoned with blood.
Talents:Good fighter,can run fairly fast.Is very aware of his surroundings.
Flaws:Cocky and reckless.Holds grudges.

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Ethnicity: Shuriman
Personality:Extremely bubbly and peppy.She is humble and kind to others.Iris sees the best in everyone,and makes an effort to bring out that part of them.Iris isn't very sensitive.Iris rarely gets upset.
Powers (NO SHIFTERS, physical based powers):Can use her lyre to cast curses and enchantments.
Weapon:Magical Lyre
Talents:Good muscision,great singer
Flaws:Too trusting,pushy
Other:Trys to hide her aggressive personality.She was born into the shuriman nation,and couldn't leave it.


Name: Byakuran
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Freljordan
Personality: He's quite possessive. Mentally preys on weaker beings, and will gladly use any chance to manipulate another person that he gets, including allies. Byakuran is also sarcastic, usually having sharp commentary on almost everything. However, once you're close to him, he'll protect you, cherish you, and treat you with utmost respect, while being sure to assert his own dominance.
Powers (NO SHIFTERS, magic based powers): Byakuran uses energy-based attacks, used by charging up power from his mind/spirit and then releasing from any point of his body, most commonly his hands. He can shoot lasers from his eyes due to his energy-powers, and can fly with a pair of large, white wings.
Weapon: His hands. But he resorts to a knife when he can't use his powers.
Talents: Fantastic aim, and fairly good with musical arts. Good at guessing people's feelings by watching their movements/facial expressions.
Flaws: He can only use his powers until he runs out of energy, then he has to use his knife. Isn't super fast, so he relies on his aim. Sometimes not the brightest person in the world.
Other: Tall and thin. Likes sweet food, specifically candy and marshmallows.


Name: Terra
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Shuriman
Personality: Curious, antisocial and violent. She's sarcastic and stubborn, but she will open up and show a more sweeter side to people she's close to. Flirty and hates happy-go-lucky childish people.
Powers (NO SHIFTERS, physical based powers): Manipulation of ghostly spirits, being able to summon ghosts and phantoms to fight as her slaves.
Weapon: A saw that she uses kind of how you would a large blade or axe.
Talents: Powerful, and deceptive. Excellent cook.
Flaws: Overly stubborn, and rude. Not too good at taking hints.


Name: Aisu
Age: 18
Gender: F
Ethnicity: Freljordan
Personality: Can be cold and sarcastic or playful and teasing. When it's time to get serious, she does anything to protect her family/friends
Powers (NO SHIFTERS, magic based powers): Can conjure her primary weapons and anything made of ice or ice-related
Weapon: Ice katana and bow.
Talents: Combat, quick and witty.
Flaws: Can be extremely cold at times (emotionally not physically.) She's skilled in combat, but generally not very strong.
Other: Loves the cold and cold drinks/food.


Name: Kioku
Age: 17
Gender: F
Ethnicity: Shuriman
Personality: Cold because of her terrible past, opens up if she trusts you.
Powers (NO SHIFTERS, physical based powers): Can conjure different types of guns and can turn invisible.
Weapon: A long katana and (many) guns
Talents: Fighting, stealth.
Flaws: Sometimes in the middle of combat will have flashbacks of her past and cover her eyes and ears.
Other: Loves to see others in pain if they aren't close to her. Her red hair glows if she's angry.

View attachment 74739
Name: Luke
Gender: M
Ethnicity: Ionian
Animal (if applicable): Lion
Personality: Calm, sweet, serious, can be very crazy at times.
Powers: Can grow to 100x his size (in lion form)
Can they Shift?: Yes
Talents:Skilled at combat, only fights when necessary.
Flaws: Can be TOO nice, can be clumsy sometimes.
Other:Likes to climb trees.

Freljordan Form:
View attachment 74740
Name: Asuna
Ethnicity: Shuriman
Personality: Sadistic at times, treats her friends with respect and knows her boundaries.
Powers (NO SHIFTERS, magic based powers): Flies and can turn invisible
Weapon: Two katanas
Talents:Great fighter and great at planning.
Flaws: Easily distracted, has a weakness for sweet things (crazy sweet tooth :3)
Other: Nothing.

View attachment 74534
Name: Yuuya
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Shuriman
Personality: Due to being a Shuriman, he loves killing and violence. Dislikes the cold. Usually calm, but is very rude when he panics or is worried/scared. Reckless. Cold and mean. Can occasionally be nice, but rarely. Ignorant and annoying most of the time. Likes to torture people before finally killing them.
Powers (NO SHIFTERS, physical based powers): Spikes can burst out of his skin, running along his arms and legs, which he can use to fight. Incredibly painful when they appear (Painful to Yuuya), and even more painful when Yuuya forces them to appear, resulting in the spikes becoming more jagged and sharp-edged, but rips up his skin when they appear.
Weapon: Two daggers.
Talents: Very fast and a good fighter.
Flaws: Gets angry very easily, reckless, bad at hiding.

Are you still accepting? :p


Name: Marie
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Ionian
Animal Species or Elf: Elf
Personality: Marie is a very timid, shy girl, who struggles to make friends. She prefers to keep to herself most of the time. However, on the rare occasion that she does actually become friends with someone, she warms up to them somewhat quickly and becomes more of a happy, bubbly outgoing person.
Powers: She can manipulate nature at a touch (speed up growth etc)
Can they Shift?: No.
Weapon (only if you can't shift): A small dagger she keeps hidden on her at all times.
Talents: Very agile, able to think logically about problems.
Flaws: Not very strong or good at fighting. Has a fear of heights.




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Ionian Form:

(Like this but hair is slightly more even.Skin is pale.Wears a white scarf,silversweater,and gray jeans.
Ethnicity: Ionian
Animal (if applicable):Caribou
Personality:Nice.Has a fear of bugs.She is a little sarcastic.Not easy to anger,and calms down quickly if angerered.Sina gets jealous very easily.
Powers:Can control the element of electricity through her antlers.
Can they Shift?:No
Weapon (only if you can't shift):A wand.It can control the weather of a small nearby area.
Talents:Fast runner,good fighter.
Flaws:Bad at climbing,very jealous of others,usually in the romance area.Self conscious,dwells on embaressing past events.Can easily be persuaded or manipulated.
Other:Is an antu animal killer.


Freljordan Form:


Ethnicity: Freljordan
Personality:Nice,but quick to be angered,and slow to cool down.Often talks sarcasticly,or jokingly.
Powers (NO SHIFTERS, magic based powers):Can turn into a somewhat smaller version of hulk.Can slightly increase his muscle mass and height,making him stronger.
Weapon:Large,spiked hammer.
Talents:Great fighter.Good at athletic activites like climbing and running.
Flaws:Narcasistic.Cocky and reckless.Can be pretty gullible at times.
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Kieren Son?t​
Animal Species or Elf:
Very uncharacteristic of his people, Kieren is a curious young man. He loves learning to things and adventuring into dangerous places which often lands him in trouble. He doesn't involve himself in fights or arguments, but trouble finds him when he goes off trying to satisfy his curiosity. He is a very mature young elf and usually follows the rules. He is polite and kind. However he had a carefree nature side to him which makes him almost oblivious of dangerous situations. Don't get him wrong. He can tell what's good and what isn't, but he's not that good at it.​
Kieren can summon elemental a and earth spirits. They like it when he plays his flute for them but his music sometimes attracts dark spirits which can possess him. Because of this Kieren has a hard time remembering a few things often not knowing what he's doing whist being possessed and not even knowing he's possessed at all.​
Can they Shift?:
Bow and arrow. Occasional sword, knives/daggers.​
Kieren is very skilled in using a bow and arrow. He has nearly perfect eye sight making it almost impossible for him to miss an unmoving target from a significantly large distance. He's still working on moving ones though. From time to time Kieren enjoys using a sword or dagger but for fun. He is aware that he most likely would not win in a battle or duel because to his small physique. He enjoys playing a wide variety of instruments. That isn't to say he is particularly good at playing those instruments. He can however play a catchy little tune with a flute he carries with him everywhere. His true joy is in painting and drawing. Aside from the flute, he always bring with him a sketchbook and pencil to record the beautiful scenery this world has to offer. And he is a very good artist. So good that he sometimes trades his drawings and paintings in exchange for goods. That's how he got his flute.​
Curiosity is his biggest flaw. Kieren is drawn by new experiences and by new people. Seeing and experiencing things he's never encountered before. As a child it nearly got him killed. As an adult it borders on getting him sucked into a war he shouldn't be a part of.​
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Freljordan Form:

Name: Sonata
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Freljordan
Personality: Loves music and she's very friendly, but if she's angered, watch out :)<
Powers (NO SHIFTERS, magic based powers): Can influence people's thoughts and emotions by playing music
Weapon: Her Violin (see above)
Talents: Good at music, fast, cunning
Flaws: Not the best at physical combat, can lose her temper
Other: Please ignore the snow bunnies (or whatever they are) in the picture XD
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Name: Byakuran
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Freljordan
Personality: He's quite possessive. Mentally preys on weaker beings, and will gladly use any chance to manipulate another person that he gets, including allies. Byakuran is also sarcastic, usually having sharp commentary on almost everything. However, once you're close to him, he'll protect you, cherish you, and treat you with utmost respect, while being sure to assert his own dominance.
Powers (NO SHIFTERS, magic based powers): Byakuran uses energy-based attacks, used by charging up power from his mind/spirit and then releasing from any point of his body, most commonly his hands. He can shoot lasers from his eyes due to his energy-powers, and can fly with a pair of large, white wings.
Weapon: His hands. But he resorts to a knife when he can't use his powers.
Talents: Fantastic aim, and fairly good with musical arts. Good at guessing people's feelings by watching their movements/facial expressions.
Flaws: He can only use his powers until he runs out of energy, then he has to use his knife. Isn't super fast, so he relies on his aim. Sometimes not the brightest person in the world.
Other: Tall and thin. Likes sweet food, specifically candy and marshmallows.
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Nooooo I'll be at work. I got excited too. I finally finished my profile XD

^Yes, that's Ashe.
Name: Aisu
Age: 18
Gender: F
Ethnicity: Freljordan
Personality: Can be cold and sarcastic or playful and teasing. When it's time to get serious, she does anything to protect her family/friends
Powers (NO SHIFTERS, magic based powers): Can conjure her primary weapons and anything made of ice or ice-related
Weapon: Ice katana and bow.
Talents: Combat, quick and witty.
Flaws: Can be extremely cold at times (emotionally not physically.) She's skilled in combat, but generally not very strong.
Other: Loves the cold and cold drinks/food.

^If you're still accepting :p
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Invalid attachment, but accepted. I was gonna make Ashe in the future for my Freljordan but I'll find another. :p Just fix your picture
Well if nobody is really here I guess we can't start. but I might make an opening post anyways.