Random friend requests from here? Have you received one?


Senior Member ♡
Oct 22, 2018
Coral Bay
Pink Hybrid Hyacinth
Spring Sakura
Stardust Easter Egg
Pink Balloon
Pink Crescent Moon
Space Whale Plush
New Horizons Token
Pink Hybrid Lily
Chocolate Cake
Okay, so just curious for those on here who have their friend code for their Switch on the sidebar, have you ever received a random friend code request from someone? I only share my friend code on here, but once in a while I receive one. I can’t help but be curious as to who sends me one. I don’t receive any PMs or messages from those who send me one, so I don’t know the people who do.

Also, please forgive me if this is the wrong place to talk about this. Wasn’t sure where to post this question, so feel free to move it. 😉
Awhile ago I was receiving way too many from here because I shared my friend code in the friend code thread... in hindsight that was probably my own fault for sharing it there, however. I haven't really received any with it just being in my sidebar. I don't have many Switch friends right now (around 20), but I honestly prefer it that way.
I haven’t received any from here but I don’t list my code publicly on here. I’ve received a few from people I’ve played Mario Kart 8 Deluxe with. I’m assuming they found me on their “recently played list.”
I have friended a few members on here and PLENTY have randomly sent me requests! I think its fun since I only had my IRL friends on switch so I have a few more now!
I have a couple times—I usually accept if I recognize the user or get a message about it, but if it's from a person I don't recognize and I don't hear anything about it from anyone, I tend to just leave the requests be. 😅 I've no problem with adding forum acquaintances even if we haven't really spoken much or anything, but I never quite know what to make of requests from total strangers. Not that it really matters, since I don't often do anything multiplayer ahaha. Hasn't happened to me in a little while though.
I once went on a friending spree when I first got my Switch and was looking for Splatoon 2 players, so around that time quite a few people from here would’ve received a friend request from me lol. Nowadays it’s mostly from randoms who I’ve played Splatoon or AC with, which i generally accept!
Just a few. None of them were random though. They were from when TBT had the events where games were involved or from the official gaming thread.
Not many. I recognized most of them so I accepted them.