Do any of your collectibles have sentimental value?


grab acorns 'til you're delirious
Aug 3, 2015
Pink Balloon
Green Balloon
Pink Balloon
Green Balloon
Pink Balloon
Space Whale Plush
Splat Easter Egg
Green Fair Pinwheel
Flower Glow Wand
This could be because it was gifted to you, or because it represents something IRL, or some other reason! If it's very personal, feel free to tell us which collectible has value but not state the reason.

A few of the collectibles shown in my sidebar have sentimental value:
  • Flower Wand was generously gifted by a friend after I went on a massive hunt for one with no success
  • Kaleidoclover was gifted by a friend after I gave them their dream collectible
  • Space Whale reminds me of a very special day IRL. My Space Whale actually has that exact date on it, which wasn't even planned
Well yeah.
  • The Pokéball collectible was gifted to me by Silversea who I never see around anymore. I have been wanting one ever since they introduced it when Pokemon X and Y came out back in 2013.
  • The Waluigi Easter Egg was gifted to me by Coach when I couldn't amass enough egg currency to buy one. Thankfully, Coach came in and gifted me one.
  • The Dark Easter Egg is one of my favorite Easter Eggs, so I just can't give that one up.
  • I don't know why I refuse to sell the Star Glow Wand, I've only ever used it in my lineups once...
  • And lastly, the Space Whale Plush I bought from JellyBeans after I missed the entirety of 2023's camp TBT. I'll treasure it as my consolation prize.
Yes, absolutely.
-My Blue Candy was given to me because I was the 999th poster in a thread in The Woods that jokingly said the winner would get a dark candy. Watching everyone spam that thread was so entertaining.
-My Tricolored Puppy Plush came from a friend who seems to have disappeared entirely. I miss him.

There are some others I would definitely never trade too, especially the Splat egg and Turquoise Squid eggs.
  • During Camp Bell Tree 2023, I suggested the name International Space Cetaceans, as a reference to the International Space Station, for the crew I was assigned to and it was chosen by popular vote. As such, and because I had a lot of fun with our team, I have sentimental attachment to the International Space Cetacean Star Fragment. It's neat to have the silly name I came up with immortalized as a collectible.
  • Related to the above, the ISC crew won Space Camp 2023 and all crew members who participated enough received the Galaxy Swirl collectible. The Galaxy Swirl is both a testament to our hard work and a memento of how much fun it was to work with my crewmates.

  • While I don't think I was necessarily the only person who suggested it during the Red Balloon World Tour during the Christmas season 2019 when there was a create a collectible event, I suggested a Love Potion. It didn't get chosen, as that was the event that brought us the Aurora Sky. I was delighted when the Pink Love Potion, which resembled the one I drew, was unveiled for a Valentine's Day event a few years later. I didn't earn it from the event since there are so many talented artists on the forums, but I was able to trade for one and I love it.

  • My entries don't tend to win events very often, but I was one of the four winners of Whimsical Wardrobe Round 2 from The Bell Tree Fair 2022 and received an Enchanted Bloom collectible.

  • There was a mini-raffle sort of thing in 2015 when the Ancient Candle, Pumpkin Cupcake and Voodoo Doll were unveiled where people gave reasons they would like to win one of the three Spellectibles and I won, receiving a Pumpkin Cupcake. This one in particular was sent by Justin, and I just think it's kind of cool when a collectible has a Staff member's name as the sender.

  • Finally, I have a fondness for all of the Holiday Candy Cane collectibles. Hanging out on The Bell Tree Forums and participating in all of the festivities always enhances my Christmas season and I love collecting each year's candy cane.
Yes, a few.

1. My Oarfish set. I won it during the first Camp TBT and since it was the only long, slithery collectible I really tried to make it part of my lineups.

2. Sheep Plush. I won it during a raffle during the Haunted Carnvial. Since I raise some sheep its sentimental in that way.

3. Chinese Dragon set. More reptilian than my Oarfish set. I really like it and will not be selling them at all.

4. Zodiac Dragon Figurines. I have six figurines and won't plan to sell them. I really like dragons (why still no Drago collectible?) and want to keep them for future lineups.
Absolutely! Way too many memories attached to my collection, but I'm sure about 50%+ of my collectibles I could tell a whole story about. I have a large handful of Never-for-Trade collectibles, but over the years I have gifted forward collectibles that have been gifted to me, if they start to rot away in my inventory.

I'm very sentimental about collectibles like my Weird Doll, Blue Mote, any staff favorite, Galaxy and Disco eggs, etc. Sadly a lot of messages on collectibles that came from inactive users have been glitched out when the site moved from 2.0 to 3.0, but I think having the username attached to them is more valuable than the message being in tact. 💌
Yes. My mermaid egg, brown dog, ice cream swirls, blue&white jelly's, silent night baubles, hot chocolate, the angel/froggy snowmen, my robot turnips glitch egg fools egg line up thing, space whale, star dust egg/junimos, fortune cookies/plum blossoms/zen eggs lines up...All have sentimental value to me because they remind me of certain things in my life.
My most sentimental is probably the silent night baubles. It's not those particular dates or anything. Just the design. I personally see the three magi in them. They were pagan gentiles like I was. Other people may see something else in them.

And as much as I adore my aurora egg, it doesn't have anything attached to it at the moment.
Ah yes, collect-the-tables..... Those silly pixel thingies that we all get attached to even though they serve no purpose outside the forum, they don't help pay the rent or afford groceries, we can't frame them up nicely on our bedroom walls or place them neatly on our shelves, we can't eat them, shower with them or snuggle with them (unless it's the actual irl Celeste Chick Plush, you lucky peeps) and sometimes, thingies that do more harm than good to our mental health.

Here are the top 3 collectibles with the most sentimental value to Panda:
  • 2016 Black Feather 🖤🪶 one day, after a really crappy day at work, I was on the bus on my way home, when I log in and noticed I had an alert. I check what it was, and I went from being tired and miserable to a happy little kid at the candy store. Suddenly, unexpectedly, I was gifted a Black Feather. I'll always cherish the memory of that day 🥹🥰
  • Rainbow Feather 🌈🪶 I won one for coming in second place in the TBT 2023 Celebrating Diversity event, and any chance I get to talk about it, I will TALK about it. To think my silly art would receive so many 👍👍👍 to even come close to being nominated.
  • Kaleidoclover 🍀❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 I'll always have a major soft spot for these. It was the very first expensive (for me anyway lol back in 2020 when 2k was a heck ton) collectible I ever bought. It's what got me hooked in the first place, it's what started me off on this never-ending Hawaiian roller coaster ride~ 🎵
I'm not into the collectible biz, so the only collectible that has sentimental value for me at the moment is the Rotating Fool's Egg. It was the first Easter egg collectible I could get my hands on, and I'm pretty proud of it.
Yes !! All of my collectibles are so special to me, but I have quite a few that are especially dear to me because they were gifted to me by friends, or because they were bought on a date that’s significant to me!
this is going to be very long and wordy, I’m sorry in advance lol. you have my eternal love if you actually read this

- my mom’s birthstone, dated Dec 19th 2013, which was her 46th birthday!! When I came back to TBT after my hiatus and started getting into collectibles, my mom’s birthstone was one of the ones I really wanted. I had planned on buying one from the shop myself on her next birthday, but couldn’t pass this one up when I saw the timestamp on it! I thought it was a lovely coincidence. It’s sweet to think about how someone bought this birthstone on my mom’s 46th birthday, less than 2 years before I would join TBT, and it would eventually end up in my hands. 🥹
- my birthstone, but its dated March 12th 2014, which was Christina Grimmie’s 20th and 3rd last birthday. Her death was the first celebrity death to gut me, and almost 8 years later, I’m still devastated and angered by it. Her birthday is only 10 days after mine, and I think of her on my birthday every year. I think of her often, actually. It’s probably silly lol, but she was important to me growing up. She was such a sweet, talented girl, and her story breaks my heart. I’m grateful to have her birthstone to commemorate her.
- i won my purple star frag from a giveaway my friend @/SpaceTokki77 did during TBTWC when I was coincidentally on the purple team (ily bellflowers 💜)! I had never won a giveaway before, and I was just totally in awe and speechless. To win such a gorgeous, coveted collectible from one of my dear friends, and the coincidence of it being a purple collectible and I was on a purple team… it meant and still means the world to me !! 2021 would end up being the worst year of my life, but I’m so grateful to have this beautiful memory to look back on, and to have such a lovely friend 💜
- i have 2, and they’re both special to me in their own way !! the blue star frag used to be one of my most wanted collectibles, and i got my first one during last year’s celebrating diversity event, to commemorate me finally graduating high school !! my second came from my amazing and dear friend @/Midoriya as an unexpected graduation present !? almost a year later and i still don’t have the words to express how grateful i am for my friends and all of their kindness, but i’m so thankful that i can look at my blue stars and feel proud that i finally graduated, and feel thankful to have my lovely friend Riley !!
- @/Blink. unexpectedly sent this shiny egg my way during 2020 halloweaster, and i’m still so !!!!!!? i do not feel deserving of kindness, but i’m so blessed to have friends that show it to me, anyways :’)
- my beautiful friend @/Roxxy sent me 2 of these. The one she gifted me in 2021 makes me a little sad as it was sent to me when I still had my Zeva. It both warms and breaks my heart to have a token of Zeva’s last mother’s day, but I’m forever grateful for my friend and her kindness. <3
- i’m gonna start crying LOL, but my sweet friend @/Kirbyz (imysm pls come back soon) sent me this little oarfish buddy!! I was not lucky at all in Go Fish! during camp bell tree, so Kiki sent me the little oarfish that she won!!? 🥹 i love my friends i love my friends i’m so !!!
- i said in the Ever Had That Collectible? thread that I’d never had a dreamy bear plush, and suddenly there was one in my inventory?? From @/S.J.???? i was literally in tears i was SO surprised??? SJ stays being one of the sweetest people on the planet, i’m so grateful to call her my friend !!
- bought this on July 24th 2022, on what was supposed to be Alize and Mazikeen’s (my late kittens) first birthday. Mazikeen passed away from FIP in February of that year, and Alize passed away on July 11th, just 13 days before. She almost made it : (
- gifted to me by my incredible friend @/digimon !! 🥹 I don’t use this lil guy in my lineups much, but he still always makes me smile when I see him! My 1000th time saying this, but I’m so so grateful for my friends. I love them all tremendously !!
- i was so happy when we got a black kitty plushie, just a few weeks before the 1 year anniversary of my Zeva’s passing. I bought my plushie on Halloween, the last full day I had with her.
- 2021 and 2022 were hellish years for me personally, but unexpectedly winning this pretty egg from 12DoC was like the light at the end of the tunnel. This is so dumb LOL, but it really felt like it saved and rebirthed me in a way, because I really was not doing well. It’s crazy the effect winning a pixel can have on you, but I’m eternally undeserving and grateful!
- a dear friend gifted me these on 2 separate occasions !! The moon bunny to remember the good times I had with my fellow Moon Bunnies during camp (hi guys ily 🤍), and the crescent moon as a birthday present !!
- was unexpectedly gifted this by a super sweet person !! I love the ghostly kitty plush so, so much
- still in complete disbelief that I won this?? I was lowkey hoping to win this on my mom’s 57th birthday as purple is her favourite colour and she loves shiny things, but winning it 5 days later was still just as special !! 🥹 @/LadyDestani also pointed out to me that it’s like a Bellflower wand, so it’s doubly special to me now omg… still crying
- I was really hoping to get a red and/or sweet heart balloon in honour of my bf, and I was lucky enough to get a red heart!! Red was his mom’s favourite colour, is the colour my bf dyes his hair often, and ofc LOVE, so I’m really happy I was able to get this in honour of him. ❤️

I didn’t include every collectible or any of my staff/crew/community favourite collectibles (forever in disbelief that I actually have those btw) because this post is ridiculously long already lol, but I want to reiterate that all of my collectibles are special and sentimental to me. Every single one. From the tasty cakes to the glowy wands.

As is probably obvious, I’ve been shown an insane amount of kindness during my time here. I don’t always feel like I give out as much kindness as I receive, as hard as I try to. This might accidentally be overkill, annoying or maybe even braggy, but I’m not great at saying thank you or expressing just how much something means to me, and these silly posts are me trying. As dramatic as it probably is lol, saying thanks a million times wouldn’t feel like enough for me. It doesn’t feel adequate to convey how much each of these collectibles, these acts of kindness and the memories attached to them mean to me. I want to give my friends infinite thanks and credit for being as lovely as they are, and showing me the kindness I don’t think I deserve, and promise them that I try to pay this kindness forward. To them and to others. 💜
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I have a pear collectible that was gifted to me by sej for my birthday back in 2014 which I break out from time to time. My row of mailboxes also holds sentimental value to me, simply because of how incredibly stupid the story behind how I ended up with them is.
I had this red holiday candle (the blue present) gifted to me by @/tessa grace. I had posted in the “what’s bothering you” thread during the event that I wasn’t having the best time and I really wished to participate but had no motivation to do so. Next thing I know, I receive a blue present from @/tessa grace with the sweetest message.

Not as sentimental, but I kept this Galaxolotl fragment to commemorate my time with the team. I loved being a member of the Galaxolotls. My team made me feel included and I couldn’t have asked be part of a better team.
Yes! All my collectibles are special to me but the ones that mean the most are the following (no particular order)

@LittleMissPanda was a huge help when I decided to buy the ditto collectible. I had no idea about the price ranges or really anything about them 😅. Will always be grateful her help with this (as well as in general) and the feather which she gifted me later☺️.
@oak I’ve been struggling really bad on and off and needing time off here time and time again. Oak surprised me with these two collectibles 😭. They’ve always been so understanding about me not chatting a lot and for coming and going, and always so kind.
@KittenNoir surprised me with this collectible; it wasn’t necessary but so thoughtful and much appreciated (and I love it too and had no idea about this collectible until i saw it in my notifications one day 🙂)
I found out recently that this collectible belonged to @KittenNoir, which makes it extra special since she has been a wonderful friend. And am very grateful to @Jhine7 for the 50% off sale and for selling it since I missed out on the event 🙂 and was a bit short on the regular price.
@S.J. surprised me with this even though she didn’t have to 🙂. always so kind and thoughtful ☺️.she’s been extremely supportive too while i was away from the forums. 🙂
@WaileaNoRei sold me this egg at a discounted price at the time 🙂. I cherish it not just for that but because it’s from her and we’ve been friends for a long time and it is nice to have something to remind me of the fun we had and our friendship.
@Dio Gifted me this shortly after he received one. It wasn’t necessary but was much appreciated 🙂.A nice reminder too of trading and chatting with him in the past 🙂.
I got one from @meri! lt was wonderful surprise since I was only coming on to check a message at the time 🙂. I was really touched ☺️
8. Two red lunar envelopes: one from @azurill & @Lavamaize 🙂. I was not expecting any since I was on and off, but they both sent me one which was really kind and thoughtful of them. ☺️

I saved all the collectibles from the presents I got one Christmas 🙂. They all made me happy and still do when I look at them. ☺️
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Strawberry Doll is never changing hands, rolled it right before my ex and I’s first anniversary (we’re still great friends so this isn’t any sort of bitter memory)

Anything I got gifted/with messages attached, since I got to interact for those

Galaxy swirl, ISC members know 💜
- My pink houses, of which I have 6 or 7, are absolutely beloved to me because when I first joined TBT (and when I lurked) I saw those houses and thought they were so amazing. I always dreamed of having one, but now I have six! It’s very lovely.
- My snow bunny is a similar story, there were a whole list of rare collectibles and all I wanted was a silly snow bunny. Eventually there was an event in 2021 and I finally got one - AND a moon bunny to go with it c: Just wish I could get ahold of a psychedelic bunny
Oh my, this is going to be a long post, so I'm going to spoiler it! So many of my collectibles have sentimental value, particularly if they’ve been gifted! 🥲💗


A 2024 Spring Sakura gifted by Aquilla. 💗🌸 I wasn’t sure I was going to catch a restock (before we knew they’d be unlimited in the shop of course). Thankfully Aquilla was thoughtful enough to get an extra and gifted it to me! 😭💗


Pink Toy Hammer from Roxxy. 💗 I didn’t get to participate in the New Leaf event as much as I’d hoped, and even though I was hoping to earn enough MEOW Coupons to earn a Pink Toy Hammer, I didn’t manage it. Roxxy is an amazing friend, and I would never ask for such kindness, but she offered it anyway and gifted me one with her remaining coupons. 🥺💗


The Purple Heart Balloon reminds me of my best friend! I’m glad I was lucky enough with RNG to get one!


I have honestly been very RNG lucky. Even with the raffles, it's hard not to attach sentimental value (especially when you can't believe your luck). The Glam Feather was the first collectible I won, and so not only is it stunning and one of my absolute favourite collectibles, it will always hold a special place in my heart because of that. I put quite a few tickets into the potion raffle, and was really grateful to win a Swamp Potion, because I love the shades of green, and it's one of my two favourite potions (equal with the Love Potion). The Spring Shamrock was a sweet surprise, because the newer dates means it can pair really well with my older Spring Shamrock that I was gifted. 💗 I'd be very reluctant to part with any of these collectibles, just because they are sweet mementos of events.


I didn't keep all of my Red Envelopes (I kept five), but I'm so grateful for everyone who did send one! 💗 Even though they disappear after Christmas, the Christmas Lights are sentimental every year. They are easily one of my favourite collectibles.🎄💞


Valentines Roses! 💕 I just love love, ok? 🥰I have roses from 2022, 2023 and 2024! Gifted by Jenny, Mutti, Roxxy, Azurill, Kilza, Xara, Midoriya, LittleMissPanda, JemAC, princess.looking.for.frog, CylieDanny, Croconaw, and Renn. 😊


All of the Holiday Candy Canes are a reminder of my time on TBT, the Christmas events, and how much I love Christmas.


Event patches, team awards, and other mementos from events. 💗


Event awards.💗 Event awards are always so shiny, and I feel lucky to have won anything at all! I think the only one I really want to comment on was the Valentine's Day event, because I was very lucky to win two Love Potions. I took the OP for the event to heart, where it mentioned if you won a second Pink Love Potion you could keep one and gift the other to a friend (or keep both for yourself of course). I held onto both for a long time, because I have so many amazing TBT friends, that I couldn't decide who to give it to. In the end, I ended up gifting both Love Potions away, to two of my beautiful friends, who have been nothing but loving, and kind, and supportive, and I'm so grateful for them both. ❤️💜💞


The S.S. Dolphin, because Pikmin 4 was my first introduction to Pikmin, and I really loved that game a lot!


Some of my most sentimental collectible possessions. A whole pod of Space Whale Plushes, gifted to me by Kilza, Roxxy, Riley and Croconaw. 💕💗 It warmed my heart so much that they were all willing to help me get my pod of whales. The Space Whale Plush is my favourite collectible, and I am wildly grateful for my amazing friends.🐳💗


Gifts from Kilza! <3 A January Birthstone (Garnet) which was bought on my birthday! An Oyster-Shell Plush to make a perfect water-themed line-up. A Summer Shell, because I love ocean beaches. A Yellow Heart Balloon, because he's pretty sure it's my favourite colour.


Famous Mushrooms and a Yellow Lily, with sweet and beautiful messages from Jenny.💗


Beautiful, cherished gifts from my amazing friend Roxxy. All for various reasons, but I find it hard to believe I deserve such a kind and generous friend in her. 🥺💗💕🌸


Christmas gifts and sweet messages from friends 💕💗 (From Jenny, Azurill, Roxxy, Holla, Mutti, and Jem)

A gift from Xara to complete my precious row of Christmas Jingloids 😭💗

A gift from Nougat during TBT Camp 2021 💗💗

A whole row of turnips! Gifted to me by Roxxy, Mog, Nougat, and Kilza 😭💗

A gift from ForeverFox to make a cute symmetrical Christmas lineup! 💗

A birthday cake on my birthday from LittleMissPanda! 💗