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  • Sunday is fine with me! I'm not sure exactly what time I'll be available but I'll message you. I'm EST btw.

    Lol yeah I heard that about Shane too. I had a friend go after him but she ended up marrying Sebastian bc he was a better husband. Abigail is super nice too! I really like Leah for some reason idk I went for the forest map and it feels so rustic and cool so maybe that's why I went for her since she's kinda woodsy.
    We can play whenever you're available. And I'm just now getting the T&T Mart.

    OH ALSO I love Stardew. ^^ I think I'm gonna marry Leah. I haven't played in a while though. I'm really into Harvest Moon games and rp at the moment.
    That's what I think too! Not so goofy, more sinister.
    We should! My town really sucks right now though haha I pretty much left my items with a friend then restarted... then I forgot about my town for a little while so it's still lacking a lot.
    I think I'm caught up unless they've added anything. I'm actually enjoying NPH as Count Olaf. I know a lot of people are mixed about him - they like the goofier version from the movie better. I like it so far!
    I do. It's been a long time since I've read the books but I've just finished what they had on Netflix.
    RIGHT? i actually chose it for my high school book presentation and i didn't even get bored of it at all. (i recommend the book too, it feels so much more eerie. you would like james ellroy i think too (sorry i hate when people throw suggestions at me but i love crime and everyone thinks i'm creepy so it's nice meeting someone else lol)
    i've seen neither of them! i love reading about dahmer and i've watched the interview he did with his dad but for the most part i get too creeped out by him. zero day looks super interesting though i'll have to give that a watch. (you should read (or watch, it's a film too) 'we need to talk about kevin', i think you'd like it although i'm basing this on nothing haha)
    you should watch it! it's kinda depressing but then again, so is every crime documentary haha
    i love crime documentaries too. my favourtie are the staircase, the jinx, making a murderer, the thin blue line and the imposter
    i love shane and crime too. do u listen to any crime podcasts? i binged so many and now i have ran out
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