Recent content by Weiland

  1. Weiland

    Fantasy Life thread

    I thought it'd be interesting to have a thread discussing the game series Fantasy Life. Did you ever play the 3DS or mobile version? Are you excited for/going to play the Switch version? What's your favourite class? What other games would you say are similar to Fantasy Life? (This is more so a...
  2. Weiland

    Steam Friend List Thread

    If anyone feels like adding me, I'll accept! :) Steam profile 🖥️ 1713197746 It's a shame that CTR's remake never came to PC. I play the Switch version too, just not anymore. Did you ever end up getting the Champion Kart? I got it in the dinosaur and Halloween seasons.
  3. Weiland

    Do you need something to help you sleep each night?

    I usually have Nickelodeon on every night to help me get to sleep. Usually they air a bunch of 90s cartoons and it's super nostalgic. Rugrats, Hey Arnold, Rocko's Modern Life, classic SpongeBob, etc. It's probably the only reason I use cable to be honest ... 😓 I also take some sedatives some...
  4. Weiland

    What's the last movie you've seen?

    I just finished watching a bit of Taxi Driver. If you couldn't already tell by my profile picture, I aboslutely adore that film! - it's one of my favourites of all time. It's so trippy watching it really late at night/really early in the morning. I can't remember what the last film I watched in...
  5. Weiland

    Which villager best represents 'the face' of Animal Crossing?

    That's quite a difficult question, but I'd have to go with Rosie or Bob.
  6. Weiland


    I recommend Fantasy Life for 3DS! It's possibly one of my favourites of all time. It gets a little overwhelming once you first start and then again once you finish the story, since there's so much to do. Loads of different classes, as well.
  7. Weiland

    Do people still play wild world?

    I still play! I love the dialogue in Wild World (and GameCube), it's just so hilariously absurd. I don't play nearly as much anymore but maybe three or four times a week. It just evokes a huge tsunami of nostalgia, especially the soundtrack. 😩
  8. Weiland

    Christmas Eve in GC!

    Man, I miss playing this game on Christmas Eve. Toy Day didn't feel right on New Horizons since I live in the southern hemisphere (therefore no snow) and it was daytime when I did it since I was busy Christmas Eve night. I looove Toy Day on Animal Crossing New Leaf, too!
  9. Weiland

    1 Bug/Fish to finish the museum

    I've got a few left fish left (~10-20), which is fine, but it's the damn fossils that have me stumped! I can never find two of the last ones I have. It's very frustrating.
  10. Weiland

    Returning to Older AC Games

    I kind of definitely prefer the older music, particularly the GameCube OST. However, that being said, I won't often play the older games anymore. I'll occasionally check in to Let's Go To The City, Wild World, and New Leaf, but not often. It's just strange playing a complete polar opposite...
  11. Weiland

    What time do balloons switch to the other side of the beach?

    I've heard that it's just random. Sorry for not being too much help!
  12. Weiland

    Sisterly villagers! Any recommendations?

    My favourite was Flo in New Leaf, and Fuchsia (she was sisterly/uchi, wasn't she?). I have Frita in my town and I adoooore her house and aesthetic. It's a shame you didn't click with her.
  13. Weiland

    do you time travel to get diys and other items?

    Not quite. I tend to get DIYs really easily, be it balloon prezzies, villagers crafting, or the DIYs in the bottles. I've noticed I get around 2-3 DIY bottles a day. 1599135003 The mushroom DIYs are gorgeous. (It's been autumn/fall here in Australia, when the game first came out.) However the...
  14. Weiland

    Biden campaign launches official Animal Crossing: New Horizons yard signs

    I don't care care too much about Trumpyboy nor Biden (but honestly, I'd rather Trump over Biden if it's true that Biden wants to raise taxes for the middle-class and then bring about socialism), but I decided to make a MAGA hat (don't ask why, I'm not even American) and Pierce would constantly...
  15. Weiland

    Do you still buy turnips?

    I'm thinking of waiting till my turnip buying prices are as cheap as possible (90/91 Bells, isn't it?). I'm already in a Facebook group for the turnip prices and I could also use this site. I'm still debating whether or not I can be bothered, though.