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  • Ah! I love your avatar! 🤩😍 So cute. I’m going to bed now; was kinda trying but kinda not too (stayed up too late and don’t want to go to sleep 😋). I just saw it and had to leave you a message. :) I hope you have a wonderful day.
    The egg looks great in your lineup! 😊 Glad to see you were able to get both the quirky doll and the cocotryohska one too :). I hope for the next event we’ll be on the same team 🍀🤞.
    Hi! How have you been doing? :) I hope you’ve been feeling better than you were awhile back.
    Ahhh, thank you so much for writing. I think I am doing better, but real life got suddenly super busy and hectic and stressful and then I have just had no energy for anything else, you know? I write the beginning of so many posts and then get too tired to finish them 😅

    hope you are feeling better, I know you’ve been feeling crummy! Hoping my next week will be a little less draining. (I just want to be a happy little shut in, world!)
    I’m glad you’re doing better :). I hope things calm down and you get some time to relax :). I’m doing alright, not bad :). Thanks for asking 💜. Same :). I like being home too much 😋.
    Hi! How are you feeling? I hope you’re doing better 💜
    I am better, though like you, the fireworks stress me out! At least now that the fourth is over hopefully there will be a little less nightly fireworks.

    hope you feel better too. I think you said earlier that your hurt your jaw from possibly grinding your teeth? If so, as a fellow teeth grinder you have my sympathies!
    Thanks for checking in💜
    I’m so glad you’re feeling better 😊. Me too! They sound too much like gun shots! 😭

    My teeth feel better now; ty for asking 💜. Yeah originally it was from that but them last night i ate a crunchy granola bar and biting down just made the pain worse 😅.
    Hi! Today is Merry’s birthday. I wasn’t planning on doing anything (and didn’t find out until a bit ago 😅) but I thought I’d ask you if you wanted to come over? No worries if not; I still owe you a tour :). I also invited Xara and Pyoopi and the others but haven’t gotten a response yet.
    Ohhh, sorry I just saw this!! What a day to unplug and take a mental health day! But thank you so much for the invite, it means a lot! I would still love to have an island tour some time or at least another fun visit!
    No worries! Take care of yourself first :). Definitely! I’ll let you know when I’m free again. Beginning of July may be busy with family visiting (not sure what week so I’ll find that out and thursday and friday this week are busy for me this week. I’ll definitely get back to you. I haven’t forgotten either :). didn’t expect to have my room out of order still and didn’t expect things in my schedule to be how they ended up being.
    Just stopping by to tell you that your post on the Celebrating Diversity thread really touched me. I can't say it any better than Dunq has already said below, but I agree completely, and I'm really glad you shared your experiences with us! 💜
    I loved your entry! 😊 The outfit is really cute and beautiful and I enjoyed hearing about your thoughts on diversity and your experiences; I am sorry you had difficulty throughout your life. :/ I am glad you decided to enter and share. I feel that by sharing these experiences, it helps teach people compassion, tolerance and respect and different perspectives to look at when trying to understand different aspects of diversity.
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    Ahh, thanks so much. I really loved yours, and was so glad you were recognized for how great it was! It can be so hard in this world to just be ourselves beyond all the labels and expectations, and this event has been really wonderful to see such honest and wonderful diversity.
    Hi! How are you doing? Are you planning on participating in this event? :) I can’t wait to see what you make if you do. 😊 Making slow progress on my room; sorry. My mom lost something of mine and each time I go in there I have been getting upset. Just letting you know since I told you we’d hang out in AC sometime and stuff. I hope you’ve been well :)
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    Hii! Sorry I am responding late, last week was really stressful (work in general has been really busy and tiring lately because I got a ‘promotion’ where I have more responsibilities but don’t get paid more 😅), but seeing your message brightened my day, even though I didn’t have the bandwidth to respond. Sorry your move/ reorg is going so slow, I have the same issue where when I get overwhelmed with something like that I just ignore it and can’t make progress.

    would still love to hang out in game some time, but we are both very busy, and so there is no rush! Thanks for alway checking in😊
    Hi! I just wanted to say I visited your DA and I love your island! I love the way you used patterns on the ground, and also all of your villagers have really cute front yards. 🥰

    I also love the placement of your house! 🏡😍
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    Ahhh, so kind thank you so much! I really need to update it, but I really love to hear that you took the time to visit!😊
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    I love your favorite villager list. I forgot tabby and bangle were peppies! It has been a long time (or maybe just a month 😅) since I last thought about my favorites and who I was interested in. I kinda gave up on the idea of cycling through them all but at the same time, too many I want to meet even at this point where I am playing more casually. i definitely still want to invite them; I did get tabby at campsite but I had no room on that day 😭.
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    I loved yours! I love seeing the thought process behind your choices. I realized mine is very weighted toward villagers I had before, even ones I did not think of as favorites at the time, which makes me feel I should try out more villagers (trying to use island 2 for that)
    It’s the worst when you get a campsite villager and have no one you are ready to move out 😭
    Hi! How have you been? I am still working on getting my room back in order. So sorry if you’ve been waiting on me for AC or the amiibos. I have so much stuff 😅. Been struggling getting myself to continue since for a couple days i had little energy and then when i had energy, I was overwhelmed and not sure where to put stuff.
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    Hi! Glad your ‘move’ is progressing. I am exactly that way whenever I try to do a move or reorganization either unmotivated cause everything is a mess and it stresses me out, or totally overwhelmed and unable to start. I’m not feeling impatient at all, but always happy to hear from you!
    As for me, I’ve been dealing with ‘pandemic is ending (hopefully) and now I have to deal with my social anxiety again’ issues, but otherwise am well 😅
    Thanks and for understanding :)! I’m glad you’re doing well aside from the pandemic ending anxiety. I feel the same way since now the stores aren’t requiring you to have mask. I’m still not ready to go back to doing things with friends. It’s good to hear from you too! I’ve been reading your posts and still a delight to hear your opinions :); just don’t often have anything else to say 😅 since I agree with you or like your perspective but have nothing to add.
    Hi! I just wanted to tell you I revisited your dream address yesterday and I love what you did with the festivale furniture. It still gave me that nice relaxing vibe as when I first visited it. And again am amazed how well thought out and beautifully decorated your island is. 😊 I hope you’re doing well. I’ll send you a reminder about the time and day for prom a day before! Can’t wait to see you 😊
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    Reactions: WaileaNoRei
    Ahh! Meant to respond yesterday but was (somewhat obsessively) experimenting with prom looks and custom designs 😅 Thank you for the lovely compliment. Your island is so great - so much room to run and play and such a feeling in being in a little fantasy town (the word ‘hamlet’ comes to mind - not the villager, the village type😉)

    I may have to order some of your extra festivale stuff, as you can see, I really like decorating with it! It’s just so colorful 🤩
    I'm so glad you had fun trying out outfits. I really loved your outfits! I am never in a rush for a response or even expect one, so take all the time you need :). I meant what I said :)! I favorited it so I can visit it again rather than dig through the threads :). I love your themes so much and the vibe your island has. :) Aw shucks thanks! Next time you're free, I can give you a tour if you'd like. Had I known how long we would be waiting I could've given you a quick tour then.

    If you need the stuff, I can give you a discount or just give you them :). Let me know when you decide. ^^
    Hey! I was wondering if you’re interested in villager bday parties or events with some of my other friends there? Just wanted to know so next time a villager of mine has a bday, I can invite you :). I am sorry for not asking you for Punchy’s bday. ><. I had a dumb worry of bothering you or it making you uncomfortable. I had been thinking for awhile that I haven’t had you over that much and was going to see if you ever wanted to hang out. I felt like it was kinda random saying it like that so I hesitated.
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    No worries! I would love to come in the future, even though it is new and kind of intimidating! I actually always have a hard time contacting people or reaching out because I feel exactly the same as you, like I don’t want to impose. I would love to try playing together some time though! It would be fun and new for me. Thank you for thinking of me, and don’t feel bad. I loved seeing your pics of the party too. What a cute, fun time 🥳
    Understandable! Don’t worry! I never think you’re imposing and wouldn’t think that if you ever made a suggestion or whatnot. 🙂 Of course I say that and I still feel that way regardless if my friends say I’m fine 😅. Sweet! At the end of this month, Pyoopi and I are planning an interesting event if you’re interested. If you are, I can message you more details when it gets closer to the date. :) Until then, if there are any free days where you would want to visit my island and just chill or have a tour, let me know :). No pressure though.
    Hi there! I hope you’re still doing well. Just stopping by to check on some friends. I still haven’t been posting here or playing much of ac but i’ve been getting some messages so will try to come back to check.:)
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    Lovely to hear from you! I have been kind of absent on here too! I still play everyday, but have been trying to get back into my other hobbies too, which is good for my mental health. I also fell into using Twitter, which is not good! Hope you are doing well, and would love to keep in touch from time to time!
    I am doing well; tysm for asking :). If you’d like, I can dm you my twitter name in the event you don’t want to come on to check your messages but want to keep in touch elsewhere; no pressure though. I used to hate twitter but I actually enjoy it for the most part to follow favorite voice actors of mine and get some news about my games and to give feedback. glad to hear from you again :). I definitely would like to stay in touch. Nice hearing from you as well and that you’re doing good. 😊
    Hi! I just wanted to let you know that I have enough snowflakes to buy one more present. If you are still interested in trading, let me know :). No worries if you’re not. I just wanted to let you know as I promised 😊.
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