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  • Your lineup looks so good! ☺ I hope you’re doing well! 💜
    Thanks so much! I love yours as well! So many good collectibles from this event, it was hard to choose which ones to get! Wonderful of you to pop in on me with some positivity as always 😊 and I love your lineup too🥳 and had so much fun looking at your entries!
    Thanks so much! I loved your entries too ☺️💜.
    The suspense waiting for the results is messing with my anxiety 😫😭.
    Oh don’t be sorry! I’m excited! I’m exaggerating a little. I mean I am a little anxious but mostly out of excitement 😋
    Ahh haha. Well i am still can’t wait until our anticipation is over. I really hope you get a special prize, the rainbow jelly is so pretty!
    I didn’t get it. I knew i got my hopes up too high :/
    the points have been blurred 👀. I can’t wait to see the results; I am so excited and scared at the same time since i may have gotten my hopes up too high for rainbow jelly.
    • Love
    Reactions: WaileaNoRei
    Oh I hope you get one!!! 🤞🤞🤞
    Thanks so much! Chances are low but can’t help hoping to be surprised. 😋 I hope you get everything you want collectibles wise and rainbow jelly as a surprise. ☺💜
    Ahh I missed your birthday! I’m so sorry :(. Happy belated birthday! I hope you had a wonderful birthday 💜.
    • Love
    Reactions: WaileaNoRei
    I barely remembered my birthday, because of everything going on in my life 😅 ! You’ve been such a sounding board over the last couple weeks, life stress makes me worry more about every little thing! I really appreciate it!🥳
    I hope things gets easier and you get more time to relax soon 🥺💜. If you ever need to vent, my dms are open always :) no pressure though. ☺️
    Your avatar is so adorable! 🥺🐝 How are you enjoying the area that you are in now for the event?
    I haven’t done much yet! I have been not able to check in her much the last couple days, because I am moving houses and it is the worst, because I hate moving! But things are a little more quiet now, so I hope I can jump back in and not let my team down! Thank you for the compliment on my avatar - it means a lot because my art skills are not the best and I was nervous using it! Thanks for always checking in!
    Aw hang in there. I feel your pain since I’m the same; I want to stay in this house forever and not deal with that. Gl with the event! I know you won’t let them down! 🙂💜 You are such a hard worker. I didn’t know you made it! It looks so good! 😊
    Your clownfish react is so cute as are the rest 😭. The notification is too much cuteness 🥺
    • Clownfish
    Reactions: WaileaNoRei
    I know, right?! Seeing the notification ‘so-and-so clownfished your post’ makes my day every time!
    THE FISHIE COLLECTIBLE🥺 It looks so cute! It’s so cute i’m nervous to purchase lol
    • Love
    Reactions: WaileaNoRei
    I was nervous too, it is so adorable, but I always worry that i will accidentally miss out on something because I spent all my tokens/ bells/ tickets/ etc too soon, or block potential lineups because I buy at the wrong time 😅

    there’s so many good collectibles in this event!
    I hope you’re doing well! It looks like we’re not in the same cabin :/. I hope you have fun either way :). I am already enjoying it ☺️.
    Hope you have fun too! Your cabin assignment was literally the first thing I checked when I saw mine! What a bummer! But I hope we both have a great time and get some of those adorable new collectibles! 🤩.

    same team or not, I will be rooting for you my friend!
    Same! I already am enjoying it. ☺️ I’m excited about the new collectibles too! I’ll be rooting for you too ☺️💜.
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