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  • Let's see
    Regal chair
    regal clock
    regal lamp
    regal sofa
    regal table
    regal wall lamp
    Thank you so much!! It's my birthday today so this is definitely making it a little happier.

    Sorry, I was idle and I have to go in 10 minutes but if we can do it quick it's cool.

    P.S. Your inbox is full again.
    Do you still have Chevre? I would LOVE to have her. I only can offer 1mil though, I'm not very "rich" x.x
    Your inbox is full you might want to clean it out soon! I decided I'd prefer Poppy as my normal villager instead of Chevre sorry for the trouble. Please offer her to whoever asked for her :)
    Hello! I noticed that Chèvre was moving on the first of August. I wanted to know what your dream villagers are. I couldn't see them in your sig.
    Hey I noticed you had wart jr.
    Was wondering if I could reserve him for when he leaves?
    Haven't got much left to offer but do have:
    Katt (leaving today)
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