Recent content by JellyBeans

  1. JellyBeans

    Team Cheer Creations - Thanks for participating!

    points are climbing high there are still more to be won come on now squirtles!
  2. JellyBeans

    How much TBT does the average user have?

    i feel like i'm usually at around 1-2k as a minimum, depends on what events have been going on and what i've sold/bought. most i ever had was around 20k i think? 2021 camp tbt i sold a lot of collectibles as well as my pokeball lol, immediately blew most of it on a sweet feather
  3. JellyBeans

    Competitive Animal Crossing New Horizons: Hide and Seek (Competitive)

    In-game Name: Jess Island Name: Ambrosia Are you interested in hosting on your island?: no Session(s): 📹 Thursday, May 30 @ 12:00 pm EDT Mick 📹 Thursday, May 30 @ 2:00 pm EDT Pyoopi TeeheeTiki (Pyoopi) 📹 Thursday, May 30 @ 4:00 pm EDT Mick 📹 Friday, May 31 @ 6:00 am EDT Mick...
  4. JellyBeans

    Team Cheer Creations - Thanks for participating!

    i have been slacking but squirtle squad storms ahead time to play some games!
  5. JellyBeans

    The Bell Tree World Championship Will Begin on May 18th 2024!

    oh this is so exciting!! perfectly timed as well - i just finished uni and this is right as i have absolutely zero plans lol
  6. JellyBeans

    Successor to the Switch to be announced this fiscal year

    if it’s backwards compatible with current switch games then I’m quite likely to purchase it fairly soon (bonus points if it’s near my birthday so I can get it as a present) since my switch is truly on its last legs, but if it isn’t then I’ll likely hold out until there’s a wide selection of...
  7. JellyBeans

    Trading 3 egg currency for a new ditto egg

    just sent it!
  8. JellyBeans

    Trading 3 egg currency for a new ditto egg

    no stress, I haven’t been on the forum much the last two days anyway! you can buy it whenever, no specific date needed :] same question - did you want a specific date or should I just send your egg over?
  9. JellyBeans

    Are you famous on TBT?

  10. JellyBeans

    Productivity & Accountability Thread

    okay this actually helped yesterday because I felt more accountable for what I did so.. non-negotiables - set up my details so I'm added to payroll - redo all data analysis - write up the results - find papers to read tomorrow ideally - finish MOOC entirely - compile entire list of...
  11. JellyBeans

    Trading 3 egg currency for a new ditto egg

    I am still looking! that would be perfect :]
  12. JellyBeans

    How do you feel about off-brand products?

    like people have said it definitely depends on the product - as a student I buy almost exclusively off-brand food just because it's so much cheaper and i don't notice enough of a difference to justify paying the extra money for no reason. non-food stuff it depends - stuff like skincare i...
  13. JellyBeans

    Productivity & Accountability Thread

    ^ i also have been procrastinating all morning so it's definitely work time non-negotiables for the day - edit my intro (ideally finish edits but that's optimistic) - plan the first part of my other essay - assign tasks to next week hopeful tasks for the day - at least start summarising one...
  14. JellyBeans

    Trading 3 egg currency for a new ditto egg

    maybe an odd request but bump