Worst movie you've ever seen?


Feb 5, 2014
Winter Mittens
In my opinion, Birdemic: Shock and Terror. 47 minutes to start the poorly made photoshopped birds.

transformers: age of extinction
the main characters are freaking immortal
The Room. My boyfriend forced me to watch this... It's so horribly done in a hilarious and amusing way.
The Transporter. So bad action, but I understand why we had to see it in class, though.

Sex and the City... Says itself even worse and I hate romantic comedies almost always.
Drag Me To Hell

I'm not sure whether that movie was supposed to be funny or if it was just so bad it was funny. I liked it though because it was stupid.

Though It's not exactly a unique answer but Twilight.
I had absolutely no idea what Twilight was when I saw it and had never heard of it before but my girlfriend at the time said to me that "It's Vampires fighting Werewolves. You'll like it". From that description, I actually looked forward to seeing it because yes, that's something I should (in theory) enjoy...
But yea, stuff like 'Twilight' is the reason she's an ex-girlfriend.

Also, the Evil Dead reboot from a few years ago.
- As a 'reboot' of the Evil Dead, it was a total abomination that just defecated entirely all over everything the original did. That's really all I can say about that. There just aren't enough words in the English language to describe how utterly awful that film is. They just took everything that made the original film good, missed the point of it and then set it on fire. What's even worse is that people from the original worked on it so I can't say they didn't even watch the original...Because they bloody made it! How did THESE people manage to screw up something they created so badly and miss the point by so much?
- As a stand alone film with no ties to the original...It's still friggin' awful. It's just another generic 2000's era horror film that tries to get all the 'spoopy' by attempting to be overly gory and disgusting. I'm unsure how that's even 'horror'. It's just indestinguishable from any other trashy blockbuster horror film released after 1999.
i dont remember the movie, but the camera was all shaky, and it wasn't on purpose
'drag me to hell', did not expect to see other people agree with me here. was it supposed to be scary or funny?? either way what a waste of money

i also thought 'vampires suck' was terrible movie. those movie parody movies just, don't make me laugh at all? the humour is so in-your-face that i can't even enjoy them, i like subtle humour. what another waste of money. :|