wifi game ideas!


Senior Member
Nov 5, 2005
heres a couple;

tic tac toe!
paste x and o patterns on the ground!

big fish contest!
self explanitory.

snowball run!
line up 2 snowballs and push them around a course!
sabotageyour enemies by diggibng holes!

capture the flag!
take 3 items from your opponents base to yours!
first one to do this and make it tothe opponents base wins!
:rofl: Hah! Thats really good!
:rofl: Those ideas are awesome!



beakmanthegreat said:
heres a couple;

tic tac toe!
paste x and o patterns on the ground!
won't work. You can only post patterns if its your town
big fish contest!
self explanitory.
that one works


snowball run!
line up 2 snowballs and push them around a course!
sabotageyour enemies by diggibng holes!
hard to setup snowballs
capture the flag!
take 3 items from your opponents base to yours!
first one to do this and make it tothe opponents base wins!
good idea! thats really good!
look at my coments

in the color red

heres another one:

musical items!

people wait on a certain item,(Ex, cherry)((itemS)
and run around the person in the middle.
the person in the middle drops an item.
if its a certian item and you pick it up, youre out.(same item in example 1.)

if youre the last one to pick up an item,youre out.
Don't know if this was mentioned but

Scavenger hunt.

Bury random items in random spot. The person with the most items collected will win a prize.

Max Item to be hid: 20 (So that means you'll have to clear your inventory to make room)

Hahah.. Was thinking also that it will be timed. and after time is called, everyone must stop digging. So to allow no cheating, they'll probably will be monitors at different spots watching you. XD

Don't know if that's a good game idea or not *Sigh* but would be interesting to see.
Or rock paper scissors

if you can't find rocks paper or scissors substitute and establish which beats which among each other

Someone counts to 3 and both people drop items at the same time

(you can gamble if you want)

:eh: :eh:

darkiewonder and landiG, those are great ideas!
but for scavenger hunt withg those rules to work, youd have to say:
"thanks for coming! I hope the 1500 bells were WELL worth it!"
"thanks again for coming!"