Why does everyone on this site hate me?

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Senior Member
Jul 8, 2016
Silver Mailbox
It seems that once ive messed up just once on here Im pretty much just blacklisted from ever interacting with whoever I upsetted. I try to apologize but they just dont want to give me a second chance... but I guess i deserve it... no one likes me here anyway

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I feel completely unwelcome on this site... Im not a jerk. I have a short temper and short fuse is all...
I don't hate you. To be honest though, maybe you should work on your temper and sarcasm. I think it rubs people the wrong way and gives them the wrong impression. Just be more patient when you interact with people and I think you'll be fine. If some people don't want to interact with you from a bad experience, there's unfortunately nothing you can do. This community is pretty kind and I'm sure if you just work on your temper (which you admit to have a problem with), people will notice and eventually trust you again. But not everybody hates you, I promise. Don't feel so down, work on the image you want to have :)
I don't know you and I've never interacted with you, so I can't say I "hate" you, but I didn't really approve of the way you spoke to some users regarding trades. I think one thing you need to remember is, when you commit to a giveaway or any other online trade, you need a lot of patience and consideration for whoever it is you're exchanging with. Keep in mind that behind our PCs and 3DS consoles, people are living lives just like yourself, and if real life calls, it is only natural for it to take priority over a game. If someone needs to leave or disappears without warning, try not to get mad at them, just arrange another time by sending them a nice visitor message on their profile; make them feel welcome, is what I'm saying. I try not to jump to conclusions when I'm left hanging, I don't think that person is intentionally trying to tick you off, something probably just came up.

Anyway, what I'm basically trying to say is, be a little more patient. If you blow up at someone, that's going to stick with them and they'll likely associate you with that kind of behaviour, sometimes an apology isn't enough depending on what was said or how the situation was handled. Like what was said before me, first impressions are a very important thing, even in online communities, because nobody really knows each other. In general this community is pleasant and kind to one another, so it goes without saying that if you go against the tide even once, people will notice.

Anyway, this thread will probably be locked or moved, but I hope you'll at least listen to the advice other users have given you here and can make amends. There's a lot of great people on here who are probably still willing to trade with you.
I haven't spoken to you personally but from what I've seen it might be your sarcasm which rubs people up the wrong way.
Having a bit of patience might help you. People do have things come up in life which means ACNL trades and things wouldn't be their priority, so in those situations maybe being a bit more understanding would help. Rather than losing your temper.
This site is a nice friendly place mostly, I've had problems with a few people and because of that I do ignore them.
And to be honest with you, I think people have been very restrained with how they've responded to you when you've lost your temper. If you'd spoken to me in a similar way I can't guarantee I would have been good enough to just say no worries you carry on...
There's not much you can do about the people who don't want to deal with you now unfortunately. Just try and be a bit more patient with people you deal with in the future to avoid them feeling like they need to do that
It's never too late to start over.
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I'm not completely sure but I don't think I have ever interacted with you before so I can't say I hate you, but I have watched the way you spoke to some other users and I definitely can't say I approve of that. You just need to learn to control yourself and be a lot more patient, you have to remember that behind the screens there are real people with their own lives and of course things will get in he way once in a while! If you want to get someone's attention simply send a friendly visitor message and they should happily reply! If you get annoyed or angry and lose your temper at someone that will just compel them to definitely not trade with you as they would most likely feel quite uncomfortable. The people on this website are all extremely kind and from what I saw they were very patient when talking with you and tried to stay polite even when you got snappy and sarcastic. It really runs people the wrong way and I can't be completely sure that I would have stayed so kind if you persisted. All I suggest is stop moping around (and kinda begging for attention which is also a bit of a bad trait) and instead work on improving your attitude, controlling your temper and apologising to all of those you were mean to. If you are rude (intentional or not) people will automatically associate you with that trait and not have a good impression so apologising might help your image. Be patient and kind and people will be happy to be around you. I wish you good luck, it's never too late to improve yourself! ^_^
I'm sure nobody on this site dislikes you, but I'm going to go ahead and close this thread, since threads like this only tends to cause issues.
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