Who is...

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Senior Member
Oct 6, 2005
going to get to the final rank first:

Bell Master
-39001 Posts
A master of Bells. A billionaire

If Bul wasn't an Admin it would be him for sure, I am not sure who that isn't part of the staff would be first?
Well, Bam has the most posts and is a member, but he's banned.

So PoD has the most out of the members, but that's only 1,600 or so.
PKMNMasterSamus said:
He had like 4500...and I think he was a fruit tree.
Actually, that would be me. He has never passed me in posts for more than a few weeks during which I had no internet access.
PikMino42 said:
PKMNMasterSamus said:
He had like 4500...and I think he was a fruit tree.
Actually, that would be me. He has never passed me in posts for more than a few weeks during which I had no internet access.
2 Weeks without Mino...no one to counter-act Bam...those were the worst.


But, if you look at the Mino vs. Bam situation we had here, it would be that comparable to the cold war between the U.S. and U.S.S.R., only here, we had warm fighting.
I was the U.S.S.R.!


My mom would read me Marxist Theory for a bedtime story when I was little.

I wanted to be Mao Zedong!

DarthGohan1 said:
remember, new ranks should be here anytime soon...
Soon.... well after IF2.0... if you ask me, that doesn't sound like soon.

PikMino42 said:
I was the U.S.S.R.!


My mom would read me Marxist Theory for a bedtime story when I was little.

I wanted to be Mao Zedong!

You know, I don't know if he's serious, or if it's a joke. Both are equally likely.

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