Who Is Your Mayor Named After?

Hanzy is just a nickname I use for games etc. (real name is Hannah) I made it up when I was younger and my first WW name was Hanzy so I just like using it.
myself in monk but in my cycle town sugar my mayor mathilda is named after natalie portman in leon the professional :3 i didn't know there was a kangaroo named mathilda in animal crossing though haha but she seems the be the coolest kangaroo so its ok.
Well, Melyora is a nickname I've had for 10 years now ever since I started playing the MMORPG Ragnarok. And I thought long and hard about that name, and I liked it, I got used to it, so now I use it everywhere.

But the origin of my name lies in the Lon Tobyn Chronicle book series, which I read when I was 10 or so. One of the main characters is Melyor y Lakin, I liked the sound of it, so I changed it a little to Melyora when I started gaming and after years it's a name that I always use for games. I still love the name, I couldn't imagine making up a new one for playing a new game.
Mayor is named Jey personal and still short. Then I have one resident for paths, and that's Floyd, and when I created him I realized I needed Pink as well.. I think I'll theme her and her house... Pink :D
main mayor is Ara, cause that's my name |D
then my friend made a resident in my town and named it Senpai~ =)) terrible name but i'm keepin it
second resident is named Yui, after the K-ON character

in my second town, my mayor is named Bee, as in Bee and Puppycat.
My second town is Fishbowl C:
my name is anna but all of my characters in every animal crossing have been called lillie
the name on my birth certificate is lillith but nobody has ever called me that (except one ex boyfriend lol) but i still get letters addressed to Lillith sometimes and since i turned 18 i've been meaning to formally change my name back to Lillith (on my bank accounts etc) but haven't had time (i'll do it when i move out i guess)
idk i only found out when i was about 5, and i guess i thought it was cool that i was Lillith AND Anna, so i made my virtual characters Lillie, short for lillith
My mayor is named Mia after an OC character I created for a TMNT romance fanfiction. It seemed fitting, at the time.
I've used the nickname Campy for several years now. Originally it was "Campanella", and I used it for the first time in an online game called Transformice (don't play it anymore, but it was a really fun game). Friends there started calling me Campy, so that's when I decided to shorten it to that, too.
Mine's a book character's name. I wish I could change both my town and character name now. I'd name her Charlotte, since it's the name I want for myself, and Sunville... Something original. But I got my game on Release Day, and don't have the heart to delete and start from square one.
My mayor's name is Sakumo. Back in high school (which is longer away than I care to admit), some friends and l all made anime nicknames, and mine was Sakura Mota. SakuraMota became an online handle I used (and still use) everywhere. Somewhere down the line, someone in a forum shortened it to SakuMo. I liked it, and the shorter name stuck. In most games, I usually used Sakura, but in recent years I've taken to using Sakumo instead. So when NL came out, that's what I used.
I like the name Avalon Faye... It sounds so pretty that when I have a little girl she maybe named that.
It kinda comes from the tale of King Aurthur.
But that is where Faye comes from.
((old town was called Avalon and I got sick of people saying it was Merlin themed when it didn't have a theme))

And when I remake the cycle town it will probably be either
Dante or Ceil
... Which if I have a son his name may end up being Dante Ceil if not Zacharia Alexander.
Which Dante is from Devil May Cry ((hubby loves the name anyways))
Ceil is from Ceil Phantomhive on Black Butler.

So basically the mayors are names I will be naming my future children that are named off of nerdy things.
Hubby doesn't get too much say in the matter since I'm the one who has to suffer through the 9 months of carrying it and then have to give birth to it... I carry it. I suffer through it. I name it. He can put in his input if he wants but I have final say. XP