What's the weirdest thing you've been given for breakfast.


Felyne Food 🐟
Jan 17, 2017
Spring Sakura
September Birthstone (Sapphire)

I thought it'd be fun for people to share their strange breakfasts as I just ate cookies and drank pepsi for mine.

The weirdest one I had was in China where the hotel staff didn't know what New Zealanders have for breakfast. I ended up having Cereal, salad, hot chips and watermelon for breakfast. That's not mentioning the other food items they had out for us.

Share yours below ^-^
I had ice cream, root beer, and some French fries for breakfast... Well I guess anything counts as breakfast if you eat it at the beginning of the day
I had ice cream for breakfast once. I think? :confused:
Breakfast is terrible.... the scent, the types of food, the fact that its the meal that has the most "rules" I am not a fan.

So anytime I can make brunch or lunch foods as early as possible is the best. Ice cream, Pizza, chicken nuggets, seafood.
I just remembered!

I had Chinese food for breakfast last week! :blush:
when i was at a hotel once they had muffins and cookies (along w/ other breakfast food ofc) that was kinda weird
malteasers and red bull one time when I was sleeping over at a friend's house a few years ago. In hindsight I feel like that was a real low point in my life
i thought this was weird until i had it a few times--- leftover white rice lightly fried with garlic. it's awesome, and goes well with bacon and eggs!!
What is strange is relative...As a kid I was used to eat cereals, fruits, yogurt, plain rice, crepes for breakfast, even pastries but in vacations in Maine I was served eggs, potatoes and strange red sausages, that also tasted strange. Well for me potatoes and sausages for breakfast was the weirdest thing.
For me personally anything but some forms of cereal and toast, is out of the ordinary. We rarely have sausages, egg, English muffins, bacon etc. (And those are only on special days)

From what I've seen above all of your answers are super weird ^-^ but maybe some of you have those normally?
The weirdest thing and experience I've had with breakfast is when my mother came back loppy from the hospital, she gave me a hand full of cheese itz and a strawberry caprisun and told me I had to go eat it outside... In the dark... In the rain .. so I did. Quite wild.
I literally will eat anything for breakfast, my best breakfast was probably a full meal cooked at 3-4am, me and my boyfriend made beefless tips, some pasta dish and I think mashed potatoes? Like we went all out it was great. Being nocturnal is a good time because meal rules don't apply.
Oh, I remember the winner, when we were moving out of our house years ago we sat on the back porch and ate COLD KFC for breakfast. Probably the weirdest thing I've had as breakfast.
I've had leftover cookie cake from one of my family member's birthday. Ended up giving myself the ****s everytime haha.
Unfortunately as much as I'd love to, I don't receive breakfast every morning. A lot of the time I have to make it myself or just not bother at all. Sometimes I just eat a breakfast bar, nothing out of the ordinary to be honest.

Also what is it with Americans and Pop-tarts for breakfast? I bought a box of them a few weeks ago and had to eat them for dessert they were that sugary. Couldn't get my head around it.