what's something about yourself that you hate/love?


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2015
Happy Home Designer Token
Red Candy
hate: when i try holding in sneezes in public, i look like a constipated walrus. if i the sneeze ends up slipping out, i'll just say it's a really unattractive sneeze. bless the people who have to deal with my unattractive actions ಠ◡ಠ
love: my lips are pretty much the perfect shape imo, so i give them more attention than necessary
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Hate: I have braces as a senior in high school (Getting them off in 2 weeks finallyyyy)

Love: How short I am! I'm 5'3" and strong ;D
hate: my inability to control my emotions some times and be a sociable little child

love: bullying doesnt effect me anymore and I'm not ignorant towards life
Hate: My cellulite ;-;
Love: My long nails (they are real nails ^.^) and my jobs! They are really fun.
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Hate: My height of 5'. I swear I'm the shortest person at my high school.

Love: The form and fullness of my lips. Not too big, not too small :3
hate: i have a big forehead .-.

love: my soft hair
Hate: That lately I've been giving myself things I know I can do. My grades aren't so great despite the fact I know I can do better. I was always in distinguish honors and my Gpa was a solid 4.0 but now its a 3.5-3.8. I'm a weird magnet, I keep meeting weird people that makes my stomach turn. My English is just up and down lately. I keep over-speading despite the fact I can earn it back or the amount means nothing but I need to keep a better budget.

Love: I love my appearance, I love my newly dyed hair, and I love that I'm not perfect. I love the fact that I can grow and making mistakes shows that I'm human. I'm glad I'm not letting things get to me easily but I do need to work on my tone since I always come off as a btch. I love that I'm bless, I earned two scholarships, I have a stable job, I have enough money to spoil myself and even more money that my relatives give off to me as "pocket change". I love getting spoiled. I love my life right now. I also have the most adorable gf ever despite that she gets on my nerves sometimes. There's more things I'm grateful for but this is okay.
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Hate: My bad habits, my lack of self-control, my obsessiveness, my hair, my nails, my horrible self-esteem, my inability to concentrate, my procrastination, my body shape, my body.

Love: My hands, my feet...wow, i'm weird... My face, being a really good listener and really attentive, my sense of humor, my ability to still act like a child and have fun, my eye color, being really pale, my love of music and being able to recall/reference a song, from any given conversation.

I'm sure there's a lot that I love and hate about myself. Whatever.
Hate: How I can gain weight pretty easily, and how I'm very self-conscious and insecure. Generally, I just hate my appearance, a lot of the time.
Love: That I always try to be positive for others, and that I am very passionate about certain things. I'm also a pretty loyal and hard-working person I say, so those are good things.
What I hate about myself: Being fidgety, lack of self-control.

What I love about myself: Can run fast, strong, lots of courage.