what tv show deaths hit you hardest?

Everyone in Murder House AHS. Finding out Tate was dead. Violet dying without herself really knowing. ADDY OMG SWEET ADDY.
L in Death Note. You saw a bromance developing between him and Light, but Ren killed him at Light's earlier wish. It was so sad, that evil smile Light gave him right as he died.
When Kyle Spencer died on the bus and his body got all spliced up

Rita Morgan.. nuff said

what? seriously lol

kyle was in 1 episode for like 20 minutes before he died, how can you even get emotionally attached to him in that short length of time?

P.S. aren't you the catfish that posted fake pictures of "yourself" in the this is what I look like thread?

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Everyone in Murder House AHS. Finding out Tate was dead. Violet dying without herself really knowing. ADDY OMG SWEET ADDY.

what? seriously lol

kyle was in 1 episode for like 20 minutes before he died, how can you even get emotionally attached to him in that short length of time?

P.S. aren't you the catfish that posted fake pictures of "yourself" in the this is what I look like thread?

Well I didn't exactly bawl my eyes out but it was still sad since he was a great guy that had so much to live for but it ended in a gruesome way all because his friends abused Madison. He took no part in it and was angry at the guys but was still killed by Madison. I could have mentioned Violet, Sister Jude or others but it seemed they were already mentioned by a lot of people and regurgitating what others said isn't contributing to the post for the better. And why does it matter how long he was alive in the show before dying? Everyone seemed sad when Ellie from Up died and she was only in the movie for like 10 minutes. They're allowed to feel sad but I'm not? Okay.

TL;DR: I can feel sad for him if I want to and it shouldn't be your business

P.S. yea? her name is Lauren Victoria Hanley just in case you wanted to "research" her.
Nate's death in Six Feet Under. There were some other sad deaths in that series too.
Damon in Vampire diaries. I know he comes back eventually but I didn't know that at the time and, since it happened in the finale, I went months thinking he was dead.

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Also Finn in Glee! That was extremely sad because the actor actually died :(
The 11th Doctor broke my heart. Dean Winchster from Supernatural's first death was pretty traumatic for me. :D
Hughe from Full Metal Alchemist. Nina Tucker and Alexander from FMA as well ( poor dear :( ). Mami from Puella Magi. Marco from Attack on Titan.
In PMMM, most people would say Mami is the most dramatic and saddest death.

But in my opinion, as much as a heartbreaking shock Mami's death was, I think the death of Sayaka is a lot more sad and heartbreaking.

I think this because Mami's death was sudden yes, but we didn't really have a long time to get to know her, killing her off in episode 3. The good thing about her death was it set the tone for the rest of the show and Mami was a really good character too, her death being very scary (when her head is bitten off). It was a shock.

But I think Sayaka's death is more depressing in my opinion. This is because, even though Sayaka was never my favourite character in the show, she was like able and was a happy, good going, caring person who even gave up her one wish (and soul) to save a boy she loved.

Throughout the show we see that Sayaka slowly loses the plot, falling slowly into madness after her friend Hitomi falls in love with the same boy, who which get together, causing Sayaka to become depressed and change from that happy, friendly and cheery girl she was at the start. All Sayaka wanted to do was help people and save those who needed it, opposite to Kyoko who was only doing her actions for grief seeds.
Sayaka goes from trying to do her best and do what is right:
To completely snapping and going into a state of extreme depression:

Then, when she finally becomes a witch I feel really sorry for her, not only had Kyoko managed to befriend her, but she died knowing the boy she loved didn't even care for her, and she was now nothing but a worthless wandering corpse with no reason to live.

And then after Kyoko, my fave character, sacrifices herself to make sure Sayaka is never alone again, it ends with this song.

Even though Mami's death was a huge impact to set the tone of the show, I think that the depression then death of Sayaka is more heartbreaking. But this is all my opinion. And wow. I wrote a lot. I swear I didn't mean to when I started but wow. Okay bye.
Nearly everyone who died in TWD. Except for Andrea, I was like DIE ALREADY ever since the beginning of that show tbh.
Hershel's death in TWD was one of the worst, but when Beth was killed in TWD that was definitely a close second.
Maybe spoiler since that just happened less than a week ago.

Eh, people should be warned and know there's spoilers here. :p But anyway, I was so sad she died. :(((((((

I mean Daryl even cried. What the heck Robert! :( :( :(
Arthur's death from Merlin.. And Gwaine most especially..
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Oh boy.. this post might be huge.

Jerry Barber - Rookie Blue - had no idea this was going to happen, I knew the episode was going to be intense but not that intense. Its not necessarily the character dying but the aftermath with the people they left behind. Bawled like a baby. I love that show. I love that show so much for this exact reason because the writers know how to write the emotions into the show.

Hotch wife - Episode 100 - Criminal Minds - Had an idea this was going to happen but was not prepared for that scene. It was heart wrenching. Again, you see emotions that death has on family members and close friends. I bawled the whole way through that scene.

British agent - Criminal Minds - Not a series regular by no means but it still played with my mind. Cannot imagine laying in the middle of the street and knowing that nobody is going to come save you while you lay there and bleed to death. This episode is one of my favorites.

How to train your dragon 2 - yeah. that. that made me cry. a lot.

Sweets - Bones - THIS IS WHAT I GET FOR NOT READING SPOILERS. I HAD NO IDEA WHATSOEVER. I was so upset. How? why? why? I loved him. so so so much. and the whole thing was anti climatic. Why not kill him off with a story line related to that one guy from last season.. would have been better.

Cut throat ***** - House - This episode was sad. very, very, very sad. It was heartbreaking to see her laying there and understanding that it was time to go. Shed a few tears for this one, even though I didn't really like her.

Rita Morgan - Dexter - She was the one thing Dexter held onto to keep his life balanced. He kills the trinity killer and comes home to find her in a bath tub. Cherry ontop? the new born son crying, covered in her blood.

Audrey Bauer - 24 live another day - heart wrenching.

Thats all I can think of for now but I am sure there are a few more deep down somewhere.
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