What Should Be Added In The Next Update?

Rex of Elysium

Senior Member
Feb 11, 2020
We all have our things that could make this game even better. But what do you want to see added?

For me, and this is likely going to happen, is the Zelda villagers coming back. I would love to see Ganon, Wolf Link, Epona, and Medli rejoin the series. Why do I think they will be returning? Two reasons, the Sanrio update, showed they were willing to put in the characters that were not brought over from the previous game. Zelda, Splatoon, and Monster Hunter villagers were not brought over, but, and this is the second thing, Zelda's 35th anniversery is this year. I do think for the anniversery they would add Zelda items and villagers

As for Splatoon, I see them coming out around Splatoon 3. Not sure about the Felyne from MH though
i would like to see; and nintendo will never ever do this for animal crossing in a bazillion years but; i want to have specific ponds that you can make and add whatever fish to it that you want, that will actually show as looking like the fish that youve put in there! it would be sooo cool to have a koi pond, or one filled with snapping turtles or piranha!

i also want more decent looking flower type thingies like the sideways barrels that they had
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If we are just talking about the NEXT update (i.e. the one that will likely drop sometime this fall), I think the writing is on the wall that we are getting close to the Brewster drop— the datamining for several updates has shown they’ve been working on this for awhile and his arrival feels imminent.

I think they’ll save the Zelda content for BoTW2 drop, to be honest. I think Nintendo did Zelda dirty this year all around in re 35th anniversary, but I could see them hold out any Zelda stuff in ACNH until the holidays/early winter at the earliest.
I would like the Zelda villagers to come back but it would depend on how they bring them back. It was a mess when they brought back the Sanrio villagers. With so many people not being able to get them.

In the next update I would like them to bring back Brewster. I miss the Cafe and the part time job.It would be nice to have him for fall/winter.
I do miss the Zelda villagers and all the little furniture pieces they brought like the cuccoos. If you are asking what should and not what I want, it would have to be the Halloween event and Brewster/Roost. Yeah that's something I also want, but it's getting way past the time when they should had been bringing this stuff to the game as it is (if they still are) And it's really the perfect time for fall because that's kind of when I associated coffee and all its nutty aromas. Should had been during last year's fall if you ask me.

Realistically I see the Halloween update and some extra seasonal stuff in the phone tab. That way I will be surprised if there is more.
I always say I’d like a lot more decorations/ furniture like pocket camp has but I also wouldn’t mind some more clothes and accessories I feel like I’ve just seen the same stuff over and over again.
Something that I liked about pocket camp was all the cool items that they have and all the clothing accessories. So I would love some more of those in the future.

A lot of the things I want aren't going to happen. But something I'd like is, making more interactive objects. Like being able to go down the elephant slide and going on the teacups. I think that would be a cute feature. Also, I would love the mini games we used to have. That was something I really enjoyed about new leaf. I also enjoyed being able to go to an island and being able to meet new players.
The only thing I think the game is truly lacking in is reasons to play with friends.
I want mini games to come back.

I dont care how they come back.
Be it the torts island like before, or give them to brewster, or anything.

Just give me something to do with my friends other than self made hide and seek.

Give me a reason to go to their island beyond trading items.
Gyroids and dead trees. The next update I expect it around October maybe? Seems like a good time to bring these up. It’s the only thing I ever wanted.
Going by the recent and past datamines, here are the stuff I hope would be included:

- Brewster and his cafe
- Gyroids
- villager part-time jobs
- villager house customization and expanded customization options
- villager house visits
- fence customization
- more crops
- cooking
- Nook's Cranny upgrades
- Isabelle announcing visitors
- Katrina and Shrunk (and DJ KK)

No evidence on the datamine, but I hope get's included:

- Kapp'n
- multiplayer features/mini-games
- the removed furniture and items
- more amiibo villagers
- bulk crafting and shopping cart
a friend of mine on here does fun things with her bug models and she told me one day that she wanted to have the models to be used as chairs, or tables. if youre listening nintendo, this is Such a great idea! the models serve no useful purpose except for decorations here and there, but having to be able to use them would open up a whole new world for some folks.
Kapp’n needs to pull up in his boat and say “Hey, remember that fun island from NL with actual stuff to do? Get in bro, we’re going.”

What’s realistically possible? The cafe…more shops in general. More things to keep me engaged daily.
totally CL4P-L3K. i wish they had the islands that you could visit with random folks on still too. i used to go to those every day!!