What is your favorite/least island theme in animal crossing?


marvel brainrot
Feb 23, 2021
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
This is personal opinion. Don't judge people if you didnt agree with them, because everyone gotta have opinions.

What is your favorite/least favorite island theme in animal crossing? For me, least kidcore. Why? Because kidcore took a lot of design slots. Lol. XD. Thats what bother me/ or i don't really like the theme. My favorite is of course springcore/or European town. I like the cozy/chic vibes from it. What's yours?
I'm not sure what my favourite is.
I tend not to be into themed islands. I do have an autumn themed island though. Not going too heavy with it though.

My least favourite is cottagecore.
Never liked it in the first place but the reason I dislike it so much is that so many people have it, and their islands are all so cookie cutter.
Same path. Same villagers. Same items. Same areas. Same everything.
If it wasn't for the fact that resident services can't be moved, I wouldn't be surprised if they were all made tile by tile to be identical to each other.
You can probably tell I'm sick of cottagecore islands XD
I'm not sure what my favourite is.
I tend not to be into themed islands. I do have an autumn themed island though. Not going too heavy with it though.

My least favourite is cottagecore.
Never liked it in the first place but the reason I dislike it so much is that so many people have it, and their islands are all so cookie cutter.
Same path. Same villagers. Same items. Same areas. Same everything.
If it wasn't for the fact that resident services can't be moved, I wouldn't be surprised if they were all made tile by tile to be identical to each other.
You can probably tell I'm sick of cottagecore islands XD
So true! Im also sick of it! Whenever i search for "cottagecore" Its always the same image like farm farm and farm lmao. I do have a springcore island and combine it with overgrown European island tho. My ideas are mostly from my dreams hahaha or real life.
I don't really have a themed island. I just have different spots on my island that I did up so it looks like a place people would actually live. My shops aren't all together either. I have a small village with 6 of my villagers, and the clothing shop is just up a bit from it, with a little diner looking place on the cliffs above. By my RS I have the Nook's store, and the museum is fairly close by too. Another one of my cliffs has a small stone picnic area where I have all of the different garden rocks by a pond with a picnic layout and a stone table with stone stools.

The big thing with my island is that it's always seasonal. I change the flowers around Nook's and by Abel's and in front of my house every month. Whenever there's a big change in seasonal stuff, my island changes. Right now it's much more summery, with butterfly models, flower DIY furniture, bamboo DIY furniture really decorating the whole island. Come next month I'll be switching it all over FALL!!! Which I'm super excited for because it's my favorite season irl and in Animal Crossing. I'll even start a pumpkin patch and I'll put Spooky DIY stuff out, but facing backwards so you don't see the faces so it all just looks like pumpkins. Then in October, boom. Everything Spooky and facing the right way and oh my gosh I can't tell you how excited I feel!!! Back to regular fall in November and adding Mush DIY stuff. You get the idea. That's what I do with my island and I really love doing it because I feel like there's always something I can be doing on my island.

My least favorite theme would also have to be cottagecore though. Like you said, I see it everywhere and honestly it looks really cramped to me. I really prefer a more natural and seasonal look on my island.
I don't think I have a least favourite theme, I like the variety of themes I come across in the Dream Suite. I guess islands that are new and under-developed are my least favourite as there's not much to really explore

Favourite theme to come across is probably horror, those islands are fun!
I think my least favorite would have to be any theme that’s tropical (I know, go figure for this AC installment 😂.) I’ve never really been a fan of tropical themes or places anyway since I prefer forest, mountain, and little town vibes.

Although, I really have to agree with everyone’s frustration with cottagecore islands. I follow a lot of accounts that at least have ONE of these (or built one in the past) and they all use very similar QR codes and furniture—even down to similar structures and placements of these. It gets a little tiring when I’m browsing DAs, but sometimes I’ll come across a more unique cottagecore island and it’s great. XD

My favorite theme is a mix of things, but most of all I will choose autumncore/mountaincore, especially together. My reasoning is pretty obvious—I like autumn and mountains. LOL
My favourites are not so much a specific theme, but whatever is unique, outside the box & fun to explore.

For example, there was a funny pun island I saw on Reddit last year, I think the creator is one of the mods on r/crappyanimalcrossing and just walking around giggling at all his silly jokes made it one of my top fave dream towns.

Or the gorgeous medieval fortress town in which there was zero palm trees, modern appliances & everything was lit by candlelights, it was just the full commitment to the concept, so that town stuck as one of the most memorable dream town to me.

My least fave is you guessed it, cottagecore. Or anything cluttered.

It was beautiful when the trend first started, I loved checking out those islands. Then I started getting stuck in most of them lol. Which was before we had the button to leave the dream anytime so I started getting anxious at the thought of having to retrace my steps back to the plaza, getting lost & wedged in between so many *bleepin* items for the 2nd time...it was just a nightmare.

Those islands may look amazing on instagram, twitter, etc., but extremely annoying to navigate.

So no matter how pretty they may look, I'm no longer interested in exploring any dream town if I start feeling claustrophobic the moment I leave the plaza lol.
I don’t think I can say I have a least favorite theme, it depends on how it’s executed. As popular as cottage core is and how there are a lot of similarities on islands that share that theme, there are some cottagecore islands that blow me away. If anything, my least favorite thing about themes is sticking the word core at the end of everything, lol.

My favorite type of islands are one’s that are period themes. Like the wild west, victorian, or retro city, or futuristic moon base. Makes me sad that Nintendo axed so many themed furniture like cacti, covered wagons, storefronts, the rococo set, etc.
I personally don't tend to go for themes on my island but that's more due to my lack of being able to be cohesive - i have so much respect for anybody who actually has the energy to maintain a constant theme. contrary to a lot of people on this thread i am a huge fan of 'cottagecore' - yes islands you see online with this vibe are *very* repetitive and samey but the general aesthetic of having a cosy island that comes with the traditional cottagecore is so lovely to me. I also love more urban themed islands, although I'd never do the same myself.
I don't really know what I'd say my least favourite is - probably just anything that involves having a large amount of items cluttered into one area because it drags the frame rate down so hard. which probably partially contradicts part of my first point, but there's casual cosy rural and then there's item overlaod
I don't like those islands where there's just stuff EVERYWHERE and you get stuck. Cluttercore. Other than that I don't mind cottagecore, though it's been done to death now and I rarely see anything that really stands out as a new idea with that theme. It's often very beautiful though, so it doesn't surprise me that it's popular.

I like finding islands with an interesting theme - I really liked Aika back in NL, as the whole island tells a story. For the same reason, I like stumbling upon "abandoned town" themes. Doesn't have to be a bleak story either, but it makes it more fun if there's some sort of story you can discover for me.

Is cottagecore the one where people would put a toilet on a 'tiny island' ?
Lol wtf?
That was my second thought.
My first was "that sums up cottagecore"
But then I felt bad for those who have cottagecore

Cottagecore is really pretty.
And I've nothing against those who take inspiration but use their own imagination to make their islands.

But so many people don't.
Theyre nothing but copy paste.
And I really would not be shocked if they saw that a toilet on an island was cottagecore on some post, and made it themselves
That was my second thought.
My first was "that sums up cottagecore"
But then I felt bad for those who have cottagecore

Cottagecore is really pretty.
And I've nothing against those who take inspiration but use their own imagination to make their islands.

But so many people don't.
Theyre nothing but copy paste.
And I really would not be shocked if they saw that a toilet on an island was cottagecore on some post, and made it themselves
I've tried looking it up and can't find anything. @AccfSally please show some pics, I'm intrigued now haha
I really like Studio Ghibli Islands, or things with a similar theme. Something that brings you back I guess and makes you happy. I think they're immersive when done right. My least favorite would probably be kidcore. Surprisingly I don't mind cottagecore but I do agree it's over done. I'm kinda bad with island themes so sorry if my answer falls short. :p
That was my second thought.
My first was "that sums up cottagecore"
But then I felt bad for those who have cottagecore

Cottagecore is really pretty.
And I've nothing against those who take inspiration but use their own imagination to make their islands.

But so many people don't.
Theyre nothing but copy paste.
And I really would not be shocked if they saw that a toilet on an island was cottagecore on some post, and made it themselves
just checked my twitter and cottagecore is everywhere lol i need other theme inspo pics pls twitter
just checked my twitter and cottagecore is everywhere lol i need other theme inspo pics pls twitter
It really is pretty but the community needed more than just that.
People took not just inspiration but full builds.

I like creativity. And taking inspiration is great as it can lead to super creative stuff.
But God so much copy paste.

Hoping cottagecore redeems itself with some original creators
It really is pretty but the community needed more than just that.
People took not just inspiration but full builds.

I like creativity. And taking inspiration is great as it can lead to super creative stuff.
But God so much copy paste.

Hoping cottagecore redeems itself with some original creators
some cottagecore are beautiful, if theyre original, i do agree with everyone in here
some cottagecore are beautiful, if theyre original, i do agree with everyone in here
I have full respect for those who make it original
They saw something they loved and made it their own.

They took their inspiration and made it their own art.

My own art has been from others works.
But never would it be a copy paste
My favorite is city/town-themed islands! It's really nice because you can build cities differently from one another, and base cities off of different cultures and countries as well. I love Asian-themed cities a lot (my first island was based on the city aesthetics from Japan and anime), but I really enjoy the European-like ones as well! I had an old friend who did a medieval town and they executed it really nicely. I also visited a Greek-themed seaside town and it was super pretty!

My least favorite are probably the cluttered (cottagecore, mostly) islands. As infamous (?) as it is, I love cottagecore a lot because a lot of the islands feel relaxing, but sometimes people think that to make a cottage-like island, it has to be cluttered, which I totally disagree with. Cluttered islands just end up placing items everywhere and it just confuses the heck out of me. I visited an island once with that theme, there were picnic baskets and plushies and random cottage items everywhere, it actually made navigating so difficult. For some reason the creator also thought 1-square paths using cliffs as walls was a good idea. My claustrophobic self couldn’t take it and I left immediately.
I don't really have a favorite, but I love seeing islands that are unique. Ive been to islands that were decorated simply but were great because they did things that rarely showed up anywhere else.

My least fav would definitely have to be cottagecore or cluttered islands. Cottagecore is so overrated and overused, imo. Cluttered islands are just annoying and frustrating to visit. If I land on either one of these themed islands while dreaming I try to give them a chance but its always ruined. I always end up having to press the minus-button to leave.