man you played it a lot >___> I havn't unlocked any new karts yettomNook said:(just have 2 upload) I unlocked all karts, dry Bones, Daisy, Waluigi!
SameZELDAFREAK104 said:man you played it a lot >___> I havn't unlocked any new karts yettomNook said:(just have 2 upload) I unlocked all karts, dry Bones, Daisy, Waluigi!
you could pwn almost anyone online with him... i know its happened to ME!tomNook said:Rob's karts are AWESOME!!!
Wanna lose for the first time?ZELDAFREAK104 said:you could pwn almost anyone online with him... i know its happened to ME!tomNook said:Rob's karts are AWESOME!!!
but i still have never lost a match on sky garden. NEVER.
My first online match was there, I lost because it was only my fourth race.ZELDAFREAK104 said:you could pwn almost anyone online with him... i know its happened to ME!tomNook said:Rob's karts are AWESOME!!!
but i still have never lost a match on sky garden. NEVER.