What are your Disappointments you felt in the 2.0 update?

I’m happy with the 2.0 update overall. The only things I really want now are more mini-games (including the cafe part-time job) and the ability to change the exterior of town buildings.
I still wish we could see voided villagers over at the plaza, walking around, asking if you have been doing well since they moved. That was the one thing I hoped they would add. I’m happy with 2.0 otherwise.
alot of the complaints listed seem to have one major critique–
crafting, airport dialogue, buying at ables, buying nmt, terraforming, they‘re all tedious and take a lot of time.

i don‘t want to say it this way, but alot of the features seem to have been padded out in favor of being timeconsuming instead of idk, being convenient and useful. i was waiting for this update to see if i was wrong and if nintendo would take action but i guess not.

remember meow coupons? in acnl, if you finished one of the initiatives, meow coupons were automatically added to your balance, which you could collect at any time from the cat machine. no time limit or expiration of the coupons, either.

in acnh, nook miles have the same function- except you have to take out your nookphone, open the app, click ‘+’, scroll over to completed quest and then click ‘a’. for every single (daily) quest. and if you forget to collect them, they just disappear the next day.

idk. it all feels very unnecessary. and terraforming is a huge pillar of acnh. so why make it so tedious? i get the whole hard work = rewarding thing, but does time=work? we know that the hardware is not an issue, it could easily run a hhd style island designer for the cliffs and inclines. for a game so centered on decorating and styling your island, you’d think they’d have considered this.

almost feels as if acnh is attempting to make up for lack of content by betting on the fact that we have nothing better to do than to repetitively click the same buttons for hours and consider it gameplay.
but what do i know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

i do like the gyroids tho ( ・∇・)
This is really my bad, but for some reason I thought being able to use the able system designs in different directions meant that we were going to be able to "turn" our patterns, which would have saved a lot of path spaces for me. So color me surprised when no, you cannot do that! cue xtreme sad girl hours
1. No Nook store upgrade. This was in the datamine since the beginning, so it's baffling.
2. Villager interaction remains unimproved. Although I suppose I've gotten used to it by this point, since it has been horrible from City Folk on.
3. No improvement on handling flowers. They're such a pain.
4. I love the partition walls, but they need a lot of improvement. For one, they need to be varied in width, because the current size is so wide and makes it awkward.
5. Missing objects. I have to give them a lot of credit for what was added in the update, I really do. But I'm heartbroken that the harpsichord (my favorite keyboard instrument) did not return.
6. Some NPCs are still missing. Why not have Copper and Booker? Were they scared of having more buildings on the island? I find that baffling. Not all of us have all of our space filled up. I could have used more buildings.
7. HHP did a lot to improve on the HHD framework, but one thing that's disappointing is the decrease in venues.
8. House exteriors. We needed more of them, and more varied. This really feels lacking when you're in HHP.
9. Golden tools should have been made unbreakable. The idea of the early tools breaking in New Horizons makes a lot of sense, with the in the wild on your own theme. But having the Golden tools still break is just ridiculous. I don't know why weapon/tool durability games just can't get this right: It's perfectly fine to have that system when you're starting, as long as you are eventually working toward an unbreakable tool/weapon later on.

I don't want to take away from the fact that 2.0 and HHP are fantastic and they overall did much more in them than I could have ever dreamed. I hope people are not too harsh on NH. Every single Animal Crossing game has flaws. New Horizons improved upon some things that were clunky in NL (outdoor furniture placement was horrible in NL) and is really a fantastic AC game in of itself.
no bulk crafting
no perfect fruit
no multiplayer games like in new leaf.
Brewster being in the museum ?_? (this one i hate the most)
They added alot but didnt really fix any of the other issues whish is a bummer. But it seems like they will stop working on the game since the update was the last content update.
-we still can’t play hide and seek with our villagers. That was one of my favorite things to do in CF.
-can’t move or change the exterior of Resident services
-Brewster talks too quietly
-crops don‘t grow on the beach
-the changes made to villagers wearing custom designs. Before the update they only wore the pro designs that were displayed. Now they wear the regular ones too. I don’t want my villagers wearing any custom designs, but now I can’t stop them
-I don’t like that Isabelle announces the visiting npc. I liked finding that out for myself
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The ordinances. Why is the beautiful ordinance even in the game? Flowers overtake your town within a few days of rain I feel. It's not like growing hybrids takes forever - and just trading them online is the best shortcut anyways. Tree branches aren't stopped from spawning, even weeds can still appear. Early Bird and Night Owl only make a measly hour of a difference. Bell boom is the only one to consider using.

I really feel they could've done better here.
The ordinances. Why is the beautiful ordinance even in the game? Flowers overtake your town within a few days of rain I feel. It's not like growing hybrids takes forever - and just trading them online is the best shortcut anyways. Tree branches aren't stopped from spawning, even weeds can still appear. Early Bird and Night Owl only make a measly hour of a difference. Bell boom is the only one to consider using.

I really feel they could've done better here.
I actually like night owl only because when I do get on to play, everything is always closed. I know I can TT, but I'm just so lazy lol. But yeah beautiful should had stopped weeds, sticks, and rocks. Then it'd be worth it.
I actually like night owl only because when I do get on to play, everything is always closed. I know I can TT, but I'm just so lazy lol. But yeah beautiful should had stopped weeds, sticks, and rocks. Then it'd be worth it.
I really like the night owl ordinance as well. I was always just missing being able to get to Ables before it closed . The shop closing one hour later doesn’t bother me since I won’t be playing later then 11 anyway.I am just glad I don’t have to time travel back just to get to Ables before 9.
They did us dirty by not adding the ability of being able to work for Brewster in his cafe. That was one of my favourite parts about having Brewster in New Leaf. Without it, I'm already bored of the stupid cafe.

I also hate that it takes ages to get anywhere from the airport. You would have thought that with everyone complaining about that, Nintendo would have made some kind of effort.

Villager dialogue is still rough and repetitive. It's like talking to robots everyday.
The ordinances. Why is the beautiful ordinance even in the game? Flowers overtake your town within a few days of rain I feel. It's not like growing hybrids takes forever - and just trading them online is the best shortcut anyways. Tree branches aren't stopped from spawning, even weeds can still appear. Early Bird and Night Owl only make a measly hour of a difference. Bell boom is the only one to consider using.

I really feel they could've done better here.
For real! I find that the weeds still grow faster than they did in NL with the ordinance on. I was butthurt.
I'm still waiting for sugarcane. I guess I have to wait until next Monday, unless Leif decides to stock the same crops AGAIN.

I really wish the people here could be on the ACNH team at Nintendo lol. Maybe the game could have been closer to perfection? Someone said it could have been legendary and maybe it could have haha.

Disclaimer: I'm very happy for the effort they put into the 2.0 update and I like that they listened to a lot of things we suggested. I just need to vent a bit!
Still unable to bulk craft.
Need more fruits.
Change bridges and incline colours or just add a few new design.
Buying all at once from Ables.
More interesting mystery islands.
But still, i really like the update. (Sheds are awesome)
no exotic fruits!!!! we literally live on an island
it wouldve been cool if we had two native fruits (one regular, one exotic/tropical) :(
also no quicker/more convenient way to terraform, no ability to store flowers/trees/bushes, no bulk crafting, no ability to move resident services, no store upgrade
i definitely feel like nintendo could've given us one more "major" update that is mostly for convenient/quality of life stuff
either way im still pretty happy with 2.0