Welcome to Dilly Bar

New Horizons
Island/Town Name
Dilly Bar
Native Fruit


🪂Don't look back🪶
Feb 28, 2020
Playful Scenery
Playful Scenery
Playful Scenery
Playful Scenery
Playful Scenery
Mermaid Scale Halloweaster Egg
Space Whale Plush
Stardust Easter Egg
Clownfish Plush
Dragonscale Easter Egg

Welcome to Dilly Bar!
Native Fruit: Pears 🍐
Goal Flowers: Mums, Hyacinths
Starting Villagers: Flo and Dom

Dilly Bar was a name chosen for three reasons.
1. Dilly Bars are yummy.
2. I feel like it could be a play on words.
Dilly meaning an excellent example of a particular type of person or thing.
Bar as in a sand bar meaning a long, narrow sandbank, especially at the mouth of a river.
3. It sounds silly and fun.

But, what is a Dilly Bar?
Dilly Bar is a fat disc of vanilla soft serve ice cream with a hard coating of, usually chocolate, on a wide stick.
Almost like a Klondike Bar on a stick, but less messy.
They can be found at Dairy Queen in the US.
Other common flavors of coating on the ice cream are butterscotch or cherry.

It's the perfect name for both summer and winter.

After a mishap of shuffling files.. sigh... I decided to go ahead and play in a particular way.
Simple Challenge
* Daily is in game day and not irl daily.
- Unlimited Map Rerolls
- No Terraforming. The exception is to make a SIMPLE path/space to access the secret beach ONCE (if it is blocked by a cliff).
- Water scaping allowed.

- Only 1 Fruit tree of every non native fruit is allowed. (exception: Bamboo and Coconut)
- Coconuts cannot be planted on sand paving.
- Only 2 types of flowers are allowed at one time. (exception: Lily of the Valley)
- You are allowed up to 6 plants of each crop. Pumpkin colors are each their own crop.

Good Friends Help and Don't Hoard
- Blathers is on Vacation. Cannot donate anything to Blathers until 5 Star rating has been reached.
- Bugs must be sold to Flick and not Nook's. <
- Fish must be sold to C.J. and not Nook's. <
- Weeds must be sold only to Leif if they aren't being crafted or used in the environment.
- Fossils and Diving Creatures must be sold to Nook's, until Blathers is ready. <
- Fossils, Bugs, Fish, and Diving Creatures may be displayed if they are part of a particular decor idea.
- You must hit accept to every Villager Request and attempt to complete them. <
- A villager cannot leave until you get their photo.
- No hunting villagers.
- No coaxing villagers to come to your island from others' islands.
- Interact with NPCs when they visit your island. (Yes even Label)

Gotta Survive
- Must gift edible items to all villagers daily.
- Villager may have one edible item in person, or you may mail them 3 edible items.
- When cooking unlocks, villager must be gifted cooked items and not raw ingredients.
- You must eat one meal item daily or 3 raw fruits/veggies.
- Food failure results in penalty 10,000 bells for each villager offense and for each day. For self offense, 10,000 bells goes to your least liked villager. (Wrap bells in paper and send via mail)
- Only use Crafted Tools.

Dress for the Occasion
- Only the clothes on your back, 1 Wand, 1 swimsuit.
- No hoarding clothing. Inactive clothing and accessories must be sold.
- No limit on Custom Clothing Designs.

A Few Other Things...
- No Time Traveling for at least One Year.
- No Amiibos.
- No selling, buying, or gifting from other players or their islands. (exception: fruit)
- All gyroid fragments found must be planted right away.
- DLC: up to 2 (new or old) clients per day.
- Additional Island Reps may be made.
- Additional Island Reps must follow the same rules.

End Goals!
(for the main rep of course)
- A 5 Star Island (before donating to Blathers)
- House Fully Upgraded
- Harvey's Island Fully Open
- All Villager Photos Acquired
- Museum is Complete
- DLC has been finished (30 new clients are done)
- First Place Bug Off
- First Place Fishing Tourney
- All music acquired

- Optional Bonus, all bug and fish models acquired.
- Optional Bonus, all diys and recipes collected and crafted.
- Optional Bonus, obtain whole catalog

Help deciding what flowers or what name to choose for your island?
Use a random name picker. https://namepicker.net/
Put in the options or the alphabet.
To focus more on villagers.
To avoid unlocking rush.
To play in a method I normally don't example, Blathers.
To progress through the game slower.
To have a simpler Island.

We arrived on Dilly Bar and found Pears, a fruit I've never really had spawn. Surprised to have found Dom. Flo was a nice surprise too as I've never really spent much time with penguins.

Well, I hope they like pears. It is what we will be eating for a while unless magic food drops from the sky or something.
We ended our first night on the island eating Pears and drinking a pear smoothie. I guess the Tanukis had a blender and milk in their bags.

Decided to limit photos in the journal due to it being time consuming and it makes the journal feel messy to me.
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First Full Day

Dom decided to gift me and explorer's hat and Flo gifted me a leaf umbrella diy. (Do starters always gift these exact items?)
Tom put me to work crafting tools and such for Island life in no time. For some reason, the Tanukis had an interest in buying multiple campfires.
There is no shortage of artistic drive on this island. I even found a painting set in a tree.
Caught my first bug and fish. A dung beetle and a clown fish. All critters are stored away near the beach for our friends Flick and C.J. after allowing Tom to take a few to coax his friend, Blathers, into coming to Dilly Bar. Just shells and wasps nests for the Tanukis today. However I did take a risk and sold 20 pears. 😬 (Maybe I should have added a penalty if you screw up? Gotta think about how. Can we give Villagers 10,000 bells?)
Bought and planted two white mums. Since roses already exist in the cliffs, and I can't reach them, mums will be my only flower for a while. Maybe I'll get lucky and eventually get the elusive green mum one day.
Paid off my 5,000 nookmile debt just to enter more debt to Tom. At least we will be warm for the chilly Autumn days and nights ahead of us on Dilly Bar.
Blathers' tent lot is set, so we should see him tomorrow. Blathers is looking forward to observing the wildlife at Dilly Bar and having a great vacation.
The lot spot he is planted in I think is unique and will be fun to build around.
oh, and yes, I ate, you guessed it... 3 Pears. Dom and Flo are still full from last night.

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Mom congratulated me on my fresh start to Island life. She sent me 3 cherries. Gonna put them in storage for now. But I did plant two red mums today. Also got a few other things in the mail, like a new shirt. Goodbye button shirt, hello comfy tee!
Blathers made it safely to Dilly Bar last night. He has great taste in music. He gifted me some diy recipes to expand my island reach. Such a wise owl.
Someone who didn't have such an easy trip to Dilly Bar last night was Gullivar who was passed out on the beach north of my home.
Did I mention, I have my house now? It has a green roof, perfect blend into nature.
Anyway, I gotta help find some bits and pieces of his phone that was smashed to pieces from lady sea so he can get back to his crew. He mentioned this happens often and his crew loves it when it happens... does he really want to go back? While looking for his phone bits, I did discover a clam in the sand that would be perfect for fishing bait. C.J. will be proud. Hopefully he will come to Dilly Bar soon and stream all kinds of local fish for his fans. Tom is already talking about moving more residents in. That would help get eyes over here.
The Tanukis put me to work right away late morning collecting building materials for a shop. Dom was happy to donate some iron ore for the dream of buying free weights from the shop after it is built. Flo listened to me play the ocarina. She wasn't too talkative today.
While exploring the island looking for the pile of ore requested for the shop, I found some fossils. Blathers was super happy to see that one of his favorite topics was native to the island. He assessed them for me and hopes to see more in the future.
The Tanukis were happy that I have managed to gather enough wood for the shop project.
Flo decided to gift me a stone axe late this afternoon to help with the shop. After my meal of pears, I took a trip to a nearby island, courtesy of Tom, via helicopter with Dodo Airlines. I figured I'd go check it out and see if I could find more fruit. I found some coconuts to bring to Dilly Bar's beach. I also found Pinky, but because I'm not villager hunting, I didn't invite her to Dilly Bar. She seemed kinda sad, as she expressed her excitement to meet me and how she already heard of Dilly Bar. Well, she is always welcome to Dilly Bar's campground whenever Tom is ready.
I was lucky enough to find a Betta fish on the little island. I brought him back as my pet to Dilly Bar and luckily Dom and Flo didn't notice. I'll have to think of a name for him.
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Gullivar sent me a gift for helping him out yesterday. It was a beautiful candy skull mask. I wonder if real candy skulls taste any good or not.
I also got my nook swimsuit in the mail today, so I should start making real shiny bells for my house debt. I really need the storage.
I mined enough iron ore today to give to the Tanukis. Found a disgusting centipede in the process. Worse bug ever! The Tanukis decided to let me rope off where construction will be at since I collected the materials. I wonder who exactly will build the shop.
Blathers was happy to look at more fossils. Fossils is his obsession. Some of them look pretty neat, not gonna lie. I think we'll place the neat acanthostega near Blathers tent by his pond for now.
Dom and Flo must be doing pretty good finding pears to eat as they don't seem to want any yet.. they seem more interested in gathering sticks and running around with bug nets. Maybe they are eating bugs? Cricket stir fry anyone? I'll stick to my delicious green pears thanks.

A beautiful rainy evening on Dilly Bar. The shop is opened and we saw Able visiting. She says she'll come back with a few clothing items.

Tom got a call today, actually sounds like a few calls. I suppose we are getting 3 new residents soon. He didnt say who at first, but was more concerned about if I'd help him get the houses together for him. He promised fully furnished houses. And naturally he had to allow the other residents to upgrade from their tents at least, so they wouldn't leave. He really wants Dilly Bar to really work out. Everyone seems happy, except Tom who just feels hopeful. I told him I'll help in anyway I can and I am sure Dilly Bar will be the talk of the mainland in no time.

I roped off the plots and over the next few days, residents will move in for wave 2 will be Clyde, Tammi, and Sydney. I've been curious about Tammi since I really like Shari (unexpectedly), but we'll see. I don't care for too many peppies.

He also gave me a recipe to get a bridge built to make navigating the island a little easier for the new residents. Unfortunately in the process of crafting, the recipe card disappeared. Maybe he was serious about only wanting one bridge and snuck by. Granted it did look a little.. er, crafty. But it works.

I visited Flo and Dom in their new houses. They seem ecstatic to get out of those cramped tents. I mean, it is a rainy day today and it would have sucked still being in that tiny tent. According to Dom he had trouble with ripping holes in his tent from doing jumping jacks. They didn't seem to want my house warming gift of pears today. Maybe they will be interested tomorrow.

Flo spoke to me about joy and how it wasn't just important to have joy, but also to spread it to others so you can share joy with them. According to Flo, there is something behind expressing vs just feeling.

Sahara came by today and I bought a few things from them. Gotta support all our visitors even if I'm low on bells. I wonder what it is like where they are from? They should bring some tasty fruits over tbh.

I paid off my house loan just to get into more debt to Tom. But Tom is a good guy... at least now days. I heard he had really mellowed out from his younger days. I'll now have more storage starting tomorrow so I can have less bugs and fish laying around. They magically cause you to move in slow mo now and then if they are condensed together. They must be collectively psychic or something. May be their secret weapon to escape. They won't succeed. Thier fate is to Flick and C.J.


Met a stranger named Harvey wondering around Dilly Bar this morning. Seemed like a pretty chill dude. Really into photography and wants to take pictures of Dilly Bar and it's residents. He invited me over to visit him on his island sometime and check out some photos from today. According to him, it sounds like Dilly Bar is the hot topic right now. For just getting started, I'm seeing new faces frequently.

Tom notified me this morning about how I owe him money but then took me under his wing and showed me a few things about spiffing up boring plain items. I wonder if this is part of his Hussle secret.

Either way, excited to get creative today and make Dilly Bar look even better.

Tom said Clyde arrvied safely last night so I thought I'd stop by and see how he is doing. He seemed busy cleaning up construction dust and unpacking. Didn't even want a snack. I decided to mail him 3 Pears with Thanksgiving dinner stationary incase he is hungry later. If not, maybe the art will make him hungry.

I didn't think about it before, but I suppose I could mail my other villagers some fruit, even if they aren't accepting if it. They could just be hangry and not realize it. (Rules update: Gotta Survive Category)

Dom was crafting stacked bottle crates and talking about how he needs to stay hydrated. Maybe he is into the juicing fad since he accepted my pear. Well, you can mix pear juice with just about anything, so maybe he is onto something. Or, maybe he noticed to two coconut trees on the beach this morning.

Flo was sleeping in this morning, so I'll probably stop by this evening to see her. For the time being I'll mail her and Dom both 10,000 bells each so they can buy themselves some paint kits to spiffy up their homes with. I chose some cute acorn stationary for the delivery. Seemed fitting since some of the acorns are starting to drop.

I thought about having some coconuts for my meal for a change, but decided to stick with my pears and plant my coconuts. Dom may be disappointed that I got to them first today, but with more trees, we have more coconuts and I can send him some another day. Maybe after he acquires some glass bottles for his stacked bottle crates.
Entry 6


Last night I ran into Flo on the beach after finding that she wasn't home. She was excited to see me and insisted on giving me a water fountain to help improve Dilly Bar since Clyde decided to move in. She also enjoyed the pear I gave her and wanted me to catch her a fish from the sea. I found a barred knife jar and she was just thrilled. I stopped by Dom's house since it looked like he was home and awake. He didn't have too much to say as he was busy reading his comic book. Looked like a super hero one.

Dom was crafting this morning and he taught me how to make bamboo stop blocks. Pretty excited to have these as they can be handy for flower containment and makeshift bridges and docks. I wonder where Dom got the bamboo for these. It looks like Dom really took a liking to pears. He thought the one I delivered to him today looked delicious. He plans on eating it when he finishes crafting.

Clyde was up and awake this morning. It looked like Dom loaned him his comic book. I never noticed before, but Clyde kinda looks like a pear next to his pear dresser and pear bed. Clyde wanted to share some chocolate pie with me this morning but he ate all the chocolate pie he had before I got there for breakfast. I don't think he'll want pears for a while, so I'll just send him some through the mail. He decided to go on a walk after I left. He told me he forgets that he can move and watching me reminds him that he can. Kinda odd, but ok Clyde.

Tammi arrived safely over night. She seemed a little busy and confused as she told me that she wasn't use to "randos walking into my(her) house". Well, I'll still send her some pears as a house warming welcome.

Flo is snoozing away as usual but was running around the plaza later this morning. She was telling me about how this island has all kinds of foods she hasn't had before and how she is trying to come up with all kinds of meals. Maybe she really was eating bugs. She seemed to like pears the best though.

I found Gullivar again passed out on the beach and decided to help the poor seagull out. Seemed like he was just here.

Later this morning Clyde insisted that he give me a welcome to the island gift even though I was already here before he came. It was a round log table he made on another island he was on. He hopes we will be best friends. I thought that was sweet. I think I'll use it in my
house for now. It is sycamore material and will match my nook wallpaper and flooring pretty well.

On my way home I checked my mail box and Flo gifted me a gas range (gas stove). Didn't expect that at all. I got a couple of other letters that were sweet. Dom gifted me and green plaid eye mask. Guess I look tired or something.

Oh did I mentioned that I decided to call my Betta Finley? I thought it was a cute name for him. He is doing well. He stays on top of my dresser closet for now. He feels powerful there.

After some stretches and a snack, I decided to go visit Harvey this late morning since I didn't make it there last night. He was happily playing his tambourine. He was happy to tell me all about his photography business and showed me the photos he took yesterday. It looks like he may have dropped by Dilly Bar early this morning because he even had a photo of Tammi already.

Rules and updates will be posted at the bottom of each entry so I won't have to go back and edit if a rule issue occurs that I didn't think of initially causing an addition to be needed.
Simple Challenge
* Daily as in game day and not irl daily.
- Unlimited Map Rerolls
- No Terraforming. The exception is to make a SIMPLE path/space to access the secret beach ONCE (if it is blocked by a cliff).
- Water scaping allowed.

- Only 1 Fruit tree of every non native fruit is allowed. (exception: Bamboo and Coconut)
- Coconuts cannot be planted on sand paving.
- Only 2 types of flowers are allowed at one time. (exception: Lily of the Valley)
- You are allowed up to 6 plants of each crop. Pumpkin colors are each their own crop.

Good Friends Help and Don't Hoard
- Blathers is on Vacation. Cannot donate anything to Blathers until 5 Star rating has been reached.
- Bugs must be sold to Flick and not Nook's. <
- Fish must be sold to C.J. and not Nook's. <
- Weeds must be sold only to Leif if they aren't being crafted or used in the environment.
- Fossils and Diving Creatures must be sold to Nook's, until Blathers is ready. <
- Fossils, Bugs, Fish, Clothing, and Diving Creatures may be displayed if they are part of a particular decor idea.
- You must hit accept to every Villager Request and attempt to complete them. <
- A villager cannot leave until you get their photo.
- No hunting villagers.
- No coaxing villagers to come to your island from others' islands.
- Interact with NPCs when they visit your island. (Yes even Label)

Gotta Survive
- Must gift edible items to all villagers daily.
- Villager may have one edible item in person, or you may mail them 3 edible items.
- When cooking unlocks, villager must be gifted cooked items and not raw ingredients.
- You must eat one meal item daily or 3 raw fruits/veggies.
- Food failure results in penalty 10,000 bells for each villager offense and for each day. For self offense, 10,000 bells goes to your least liked villager. (Wrap bells in paper and send via mail)
- Only use Crafted Tools.

Dress for the Occasion
- Only the clothes on your back, 1 Wand, 1 swimsuit.
- No hoarding clothing. Inactive clothing and accessories must be sold.
- No limit on Custom Clothing Designs.

A Few Other Things...
- No Time Traveling for at least One Year.
- No Amiibos.
- No selling, buying, or gifting from other players or their islands. (exception: fruit)
- All gyroid fragments found must be planted
right away.
- DLC: up to 2 (new or old) clients per day.
- Additional Island Reps may be made.
- Additional Island Reps must follow the same rules.

End Goals!
(for the main rep of course)
- A 5 Star Island (before donating to Blathers)
- House Fully Upgraded
- Harvey's Island Fully Open
- All Villager Photos Acquired
- Museum is Complete
- DLC has been finished (30 new clients are done)
- First Place Bug Off
- First Place Fishing Tourney
- All music acquired
- To have fun!
- Optional Bonus, all bug and fish models acquired.
- Optional Bonus, all diys and recipes collected and crafted.
- Optional Bonus, obtain whole catalog

Help deciding what flowers or what name to choose for your island?
Use a random name picker. https://namepicker.net/
Put in the options or the alphabet.

To focus more on villagers.
To avoid unlocking rush.
To play in a method I normally don't example, the Blathers rule.
To progress through the game slower.
To have a simpler Island.

Entry 7



While diving for some creatures to sell to Nook's Cranny, I met Pascal looking for scallops. I guess he lives near by. I gave him the one I had even though they are super tasty to me too. He gave me a mermaid floor recipe. I also found a pearl while diving around.

Flo gifted me her "spare" lantern and hopes that won't regift it.

Dom gifted me a public bench to improve Dilly Bar and make it more friendly. I decided to place it by the plaza with the drinking fountain for now. It was blue and yellow which wouldn't have been my pick, but it looks colorful with the fading grass due to autumn coming up on us.

Rules and updates will be posted at the bottom of each entry so I won't have to go back and edit if a rule issue occurs that I didn't think of initially causing an addition to be needed.
Simple Challenge
* Daily as in game day and not irl daily.
- Unlimited Map Rerolls
- No Terraforming. The exception is to make a SIMPLE path/space to access the secret beach ONCE (if it is blocked by a cliff).
- Water scaping allowed.

- Only 1 Fruit tree of every non native fruit is allowed. (exception: Bamboo and Coconut)
- Coconuts cannot be planted on sand paving.
- Only 2 types of flowers are allowed at one time. (exception: Lily of the Valley)
- You are allowed up to 6 plants of each crop. Pumpkin colors are each their own crop.

Good Friends Help and Don't Hoard
- Blathers is on Vacation. Cannot donate anything to Blathers until 5 Star rating has been reached.
- Bugs must be sold to Flick and not Nook's. <
- Fish must be sold to C.J. and not Nook's. <
- Weeds must be sold only to Leif if they aren't being crafted or used in the environment.
- Fossils and Diving Creatures must be sold to Nook's, until Blathers is ready. <
- Fossils, Bugs, Fish, Clothing, and Diving Creatures may be displayed if they are part of a particular decor idea.
- You must hit accept to every Villager Request and attempt to complete them. <
- A villager cannot leave until you get their photo.
- No hunting villagers.
- No coaxing villagers to come to your island from others' islands.
- Interact with NPCs when they visit your island. (Yes even Label)

Gotta Survive
- Must gift edible items to all villagers daily.
- Villager may have one edible item in person, or you may mail them 3 edible items.
- When cooking unlocks, villager must be gifted cooked items and not raw ingredients.
- You must eat one meal item daily or 3 raw fruits/veggies.
- Food failure results in penalty 10,000 bells for each villager offense and for each day. For self offense, 10,000 bells goes to your least liked villager. (Wrap bells in paper and send via mail)
- Only use Crafted Tools.

Dress for the Occasion
- Only the clothes on your back, 1 Wand, 1 swimsuit.
- No hoarding clothing. Inactive clothing and accessories must be sold.
- No limit on Custom Clothing Designs.

A Few Other Things...
- No Time Traveling for at least One Year.
- No Amiibos.
- No selling, buying, or gifting from other players or their islands. (exception: fruit)
- All gyroid fragments found must be planted right away.
- DLC: up to 2 (new or old) clients per day.
- Additional Island Reps may be made.
- Additional Island Reps must follow the same rules.

End Goals!
(for the main rep of course)
- A 5 Star Island (before donating to Blathers)
- House Fully Upgraded
- Harvey's Island Fully Open
- All Villager Photos Acquired
- Museum is Complete
- DLC has been finished (30 new clients are done)
- First Place Bug Off
- First Place Fishing Tourney
- All music acquired
- To have fun!
- Optional Bonus, all bug and fish models acquired.
- Optional Bonus, all diys and recipes collected and crafted.
- Optional Bonus, obtain whole catalog

Help deciding what flowers or what name to choose for your island?
Use a random name picker. https://namepicker.net/
Put in the options or the alphabet.

To focus more on villagers.
To avoid unlocking rush.
To play in a method I normally don't example, the Blathers rule.
To progress through the game slower.
To have a simpler Island.
Entry 8


First thing this morning Tammi said hi to me. She was introducing herself to everyone on the island. She gave me an air circulator and wanted me to put it somewhere, but I think Dilly Bar has enough fresh air?
Mabel had a little clothing stand set up today in plaza. I decided to pick up some green steel toed boots. I guess Mabel and the Tanukis go away back.
I had a few packages in the mail today from ordering stuff. Gullivar sent me a hula girl for helping him out yesterday. It will be perfect for a beach drink stand later.
Flo was surprisingly up this morning crafting a wooden waste bin. She must have a few things to really want to toss to be up early crafting it. She was happy to have a pear for breakfast.
Dom was visiting Clyde this morning. I guess they were sharing sports drinks yesterday. They didn't seem to interested in pears for breakfast this morning.
Sydney made it to Dilly Bar safely over night. She is actually pretty cute. She made it clear she was too busy cleaning to socialize today.
I paid off my house to enter more debt. Even though my island is being over ran with caught bugs and fish I am still surprised that I and paying my loans off pretty quick still. I only had 3 diving sessions.
Orville seemed like he is doing good today. He is always so helpful with sending letters to the residents.

Rules and updates will be posted at the bottom of each entry so I won't have to go back and edit if a rule issue occurs that I didn't think of initially causing an addition to be needed.

Simple Challenge
* Daily as in game day and not irl daily.
- Unlimited Map Rerolls
- No Terraforming. The exception is to make a SIMPLE path/space to access the secret beach ONCE (if it is blocked by a cliff).
- Water scaping allowed.

- Only 1 Fruit tree of every non native fruit is allowed. (exception: Bamboo and Coconut)
- Coconuts cannot be planted on sand paving.
- Only 2 types of flowers are allowed at one time. (exception: Lily of the Valley)
- You are allowed up to 6 plants of each crop. Pumpkin colors are each their own crop.

Good Friends Help and Don't Hoard
- Blathers is on Vacation. Cannot donate anything to Blathers until 5 Star rating has been reached.
- Bugs must be sold to Flick and not Nook's. <
- Fish must be sold to C.J. and not Nook's. <
- Weeds must be sold only to Leif if they aren't being crafted or used in the environment.
- Fossils and Diving Creatures must be sold to Nook's, until Blathers is ready. <
- Fossils, Bugs, Fish, Clothing, and Diving Creatures may be displayed if they are part of a particular decor idea.
- You must hit accept to every Villager Request and attempt to complete them. <
- A villager cannot leave until you get their photo.
- No hunting villagers.
- No coaxing villagers to come to your island from others' islands.
- Interact with NPCs when they visit your island. (Yes even Label)

Gotta Survive
- Must gift edible items to all villagers daily.
- Villager may have one edible item in person, or you may mail them 3 edible items.
- When cooking unlocks, villager must be gifted cooked items and not raw ingredients.
- You must eat one meal item daily or 3 raw fruits/veggies.
- Food failure results in penalty 10,000 bells for each villager offense and for each day. For self offense, 10,000 bells goes to your least liked villager. (Wrap bells in paper and send via mail)
- Only use Crafted Tools.

Dress for the Occasion
- Only the clothes on your back, 1 Wand, 1 swimsuit.
- No hoarding clothing. Inactive clothing and accessories must be sold.
- No limit on Custom Clothing Designs.

A Few Other Things...
- No Time Traveling for at least One Year.
- No Amiibos.
- No selling, buying, or gifting from other players or their islands. (exception: fruit)
- All gyroid fragments found must be planted
right away.
- DLC: up to 2 (new or old) clients per day.
- Additional Island Reps may be made.
- Additional Island Reps must follow the same rules.

End Goals!
(for the main rep of course)
- A 5 Star Island (before donating to Blathers)
- House Fully Upgraded
- Harvey's Island Fully Open
- All Villager Photos Acquired
- Museum is Complete
- DLC has been finished (30 new clients are done)
- First Place Bug Off
- First Place Fishing Tourney
- All music acquired
- To have fun!
- Optional Bonus, all bug and fish models acquired.
- Optional Bonus, all diys and recipes collected and crafted.
- Optional Bonus, obtain whole catalog

Help deciding what flowers or what name to choose for your island?
Use a random name picker. https://namepicker.net/
Put in the options or the alphabet.

To focus more on villagers.
To avoid unlocking rush.
To play in a method I normally don't example, the Blathers rule.
To progress through the game slower.
To have a simpler Island.
Entry 9


It is autumn now but it doesn't look like it. Resident services has a brick and mortar building now. Life came by today to kick the season off. I got 24 of pumpkin sprouts from him and 6 tomato plants. Hopefully I get more than just orange pumpkins from him.
Some of the villagers missed my time away. Clyde wanted to know what good snacks I had. I think he was slightly disappointed with the pear I shared with him. As soon as I found some gold coins in a rock he came over and stopped me and made the coins disappear.
Tammi and Sydney didn't seem hungry today. I found multiple diy cards around the island today. Sydney must have found one too since she was crafting this morning and decided to share it with me. She was busy making some spooky trees for the season. Maybe I will too.
Dom was quick to greet me this morning and was just overall happy to see me. Flo was snoozing while trying to eat a donut so she's saving her pear for later.
I shuffled some of my furniture around in my house since I have a backroom in it now. I decided to have my bed in the back and my workbench and stove in the front room. Jack sent me his pic in the mail so I hung my sugar skull mask with his pic. One day, I'll have the whole collection of sugar masks. I also found a skull radio today that kinda looks like those sugar skulls, so I have some Halloween vibes starting in my house.
There was so much to do, I didn't get all my pears picked from my trees and forgot to eat something for myself... at least my villagers didn't starve? Lol.
I guess Clyde will have a ton of snack money mailed to him tomorrow.... even though he already stole my rock moneys....

Rules and updates will be posted at the bottom of each entry so I won't have to go back and edit if a rule issue occurs that I didn't think of initially causing an addition to be needed.

Spoiler: Rules with Updates
Simple Challenge
* Daily as in game day and not irl daily.
- Unlimited Map Rerolls
- No Terraforming. The exception is to make a SIMPLE path/space to access the secret beach ONCE (if it is blocked by a cliff).
- Water scaping allowed.

- Only 1 Fruit tree of every non native fruit is allowed. (exception: Bamboo and Coconut)
- Coconuts cannot be planted on sand paving.
- Only 2 types of flowers are allowed at one time. (exception: Lily of the Valley)
- You are allowed up to 6 plants of each crop. Pumpkin colors are each their own crop.

Good Friends Help and Don't Hoard
- Blathers is on Vacation. Cannot donate anything to Blathers until 5 Star rating has been reached.
- Bugs must be sold to Flick and not Nook's. <
- Fish must be sold to C.J. and not Nook's. <
- Weeds must be sold only to Leif if they aren't being crafted or used in the environment.
- Fossils and Diving Creatures must be sold to Nook's, until Blathers is ready. <
- Fossils, Bugs, Fish, Clothing, and Diving Creatures may be displayed if they are part of a particular decor idea.
- You must hit accept to every Villager Request and attempt to complete them. <
- A villager cannot leave until you get their photo.
- No hunting villagers.
- No coaxing villagers to come to your island from others' islands.
- Interact with NPCs when they visit your island. (Yes even Label)

Gotta Survive
- Must gift edible items to all villagers daily.
- Villager may have one edible item in person, or you may mail them 3 edible items.
- When cooking unlocks, villager must be gifted cooked items and not raw ingredients.
- You must eat one meal item daily or 3 raw fruits/veggies.
- Food failure results in penalty 10,000 bells for each villager offense and for each day. For self offense, 10,000 bells goes to your least liked villager. (Wrap bells in paper and send via mail)
- Only use Crafted Tools.

Dress for the Occasion
- Only the clothes on your back, 1 Wand, 1 swimsuit.
- No hoarding clothing. Inactive clothing and accessories must be sold.
- No limit on Custom Clothing Designs.
- Clothing may be displayed for particular decor purposes.

A Few Other Things...
- No Time Traveling for at least One Year.
- No Amiibos.
- No selling, buying, or gifting from other players or their islands. (exception: fruit)
- All gyroid fragments found must be planted right away.
- DLC: up to 2 (new or old) clients per day.
- Additional Island Reps may be made.
- Additional Island Reps must follow the same rules.

End Goals!
(for the main rep of course)
- A 5 Star Island (before donating to Blathers)
- House Fully Upgraded
- Harvey's Island Fully Open
- All Villager Photos Acquired
- Museum is Complete
- DLC has been finished (30 new clients are done)
- First Place Bug Off
- First Place Fishing Tourney
- All music acquired
- To have fun!
- Optional Bonus, all bug and fish models acquired.
- Optional Bonus, all diys and recipes collected and crafted.
- Optional Bonus, obtain whole catalog

Help deciding what flowers or what name to choose for your island?
Use a random name picker. https://namepicker.net/
Put in the options or the alphabet.

To focus more on villagers.
To avoid unlocking rush.
To play in a method I normally don't example, the Blathers rule.
To progress through the game slower.
To have a simpler Island.


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Entry 10


Clyde wasn't anywhere to be seen this evening. He must have made a run for it with all that coin. His door stated he went on a snack run. He must have gone all the way to the mainland for it. Maybe he will treat me with a fruit I don't have??
Everyone accepted my pears except for Tammi. For whatever reason she won't allow me to gift her anything still.
I posted up a temporary island flag and a blank tune. I am not sure if I will post a tune or not.
Looks like Nook is ready for plopping house plots down, but I'm not yet lol.
I went to my first day of work today and knocked out my limit of two new clients, Eloise and Tybalt.
Dilly Bar feels like there is a ton to do and not enough time in a day. Mabel came to visit today and I bought a couple of pieces of clothing for a couple of villagers.

Rules and updates will be posted at the bottom of each entry so I won't have to go back and edit if a rule issue occurs that I didn't think of initially causing an addition to be needed.

Spoiler: Rules with Updates
Simple Challenge
* Daily as in game day and not irl daily.
- Unlimited Map Rerolls
- No Terraforming. The exception is to make a SIMPLE path/space to access the secret beach ONCE (if it is blocked by a cliff).
- Water scaping allowed.

- Only 1 Fruit tree of every non native fruit is allowed. (exception: Bamboo and Coconut)
- Coconuts cannot be planted on sand paving.
- Only 2 types of flowers are allowed at one time. (exception: Lily of the Valley)
- You are allowed up to 6 plants of each crop. Pumpkin colors are each their own crop.

Good Friends Help and Don't Hoard
- Blathers is on Vacation. Cannot donate anything to Blathers until 5 Star rating has been reached.
- Bugs must be sold to Flick and not Nook's. <
- Fish must be sold to C.J. and not Nook's. <
- Weeds must be sold only to Leif if they aren't being crafted or used in the environment.
- Fossils and Diving Creatures must be sold to Nook's, until Blathers is ready. <
- Fossils, Bugs, Fish, Clothing, and Diving Creatures may be displayed if they are part of a particular decor idea.
- You must hit accept to every Villager Request and attempt to complete them. <
- A villager cannot leave until you get their photo.
- No hunting villagers.
- No coaxing villagers to come to your island from others' islands.
- Interact with NPCs when they visit your island. (Yes even Label)

Gotta Survive
- Must gift edible items to all villagers daily.
- Villager may have one edible item in person, or you may mail them 3 edible items.
- When cooking unlocks, villager must be gifted cooked items and not raw ingredients.
- You must eat one meal item daily or 3 raw fruits/veggies.
- Food failure results in penalty 10,000 bells for each villager offense and for each day. For self offense, 10,000 bells goes to your least liked villager. (Wrap bells in paper and send via mail)
- Only use Crafted Tools.

Dress for the Occasion
- Only the clothes on your back, 1 Wand, 1 swimsuit.
- No hoarding clothing. Inactive clothing and accessories must be sold.
- No limit on Custom Clothing Designs.
- Clothing may be displayed for particular decor purposes.

A Few Other Things...
- No Time Traveling for at least One Year.
- No Amiibos.
- No selling, buying, or gifting from other players or their islands. (exception: fruit)
- All gyroid fragments found must be planted right away.
- DLC: up to 2 (new or old) clients per day.
- Additional Island Reps may be made.
- Additional Island Reps must follow the same rules.

End Goals!
(for the main rep of course)
- A 5 Star Island (before donating to Blathers)
- House Fully Upgraded
- Harvey's Island Fully Open
- All Villager Photos Acquired
- Museum is Complete
- DLC has been finished (30 new clients are done)
- First Place Bug Off
- First Place Fishing Tourney
- All music acquired
- To have fun!
- Optional Bonus, all bug and fish models acquired.
- Optional Bonus, all diys and recipes collected and crafted.
- Optional Bonus, obtain whole catalog

Help deciding what flowers or what name to choose for your island?
Use a random name picker. https://namepicker.net/
Put in the options or the alphabet.

To focus more on villagers.
To avoid unlocking rush.
To play in a method I normally don't example, the Blathers rule.
To progress through the game slower.
To have a simpler Island.
This challenge is closed for now. I fell off, lol. I have been on hiatus from tbt too and soon to go back on break after an event ends (maybe before cuz stuff..). I have a lot going on, a lot on the mind, and I simply just don't have time to pay attention to details and record it right now, and I just want to casually play when I need to relax. I'm debating about playing this game while not keeping the challenge completely, and in the future come back here and update about what Dilly Bar is like (no way I'm deleting this island, I like it waaaay too much), and then try to jump back into the challenge. We will see.
But if not, I'm coming back to update about Dilly Bar every once in a while regardless. I love its layout and the simplicity plan. Besides, it's name is adorable and it's a round of acnh that I'm playing through slowly for once.
So, no terraforming except for maybe to make a path to the secret beach. Blathers will continue to be on vacation until my island reaches 5 stars. No TT (I can't anyway) and I don't have the ability for trades anyway. Those are irreversible and very noticable things that I can't "fix" if I hop back in fully later when things are better.
I think challenges are probably best for people who have two copies/files of the game, that way they still have a casual file to do whatever in whenever. But this challenge was fun while I played and I recommend it for sure!! It slows you down if you have a problem blowing through the game, and it encourages you to focus on villagers more rather than decorating. I think it helped me pick a map I really love too. No regrets!